Another update for you, Growers. And a pretty awesome one, to be honest!
As always, we do not stop GROWING as a site, as a community, as a family. We keep on updating our web for you to be so comfortable here, to want to come back, to keep on sharing your projects, and knowledge. Did you ever want to contact a Breeder to, for example, ask for seeds to test, or ask some questions about genetics, or leave a feedback? Well, now, my Growers, you have such an opportunity with our new innovation OFFICIAL ACCOUNT. It looks like this:
More and more breeders and nutrients representatives officially join our web to stay in contact with you, to help you with your grows, and to resolve any issue you might have with their products. Now you can DIRECTLY contact different brands through our instant messenger. This new feature will also allow breeders to officially approve your diaries, and they will look that cool:
You will also be able to see how often Breeders and Nutrients officials log in to the GrowDiaries to take care of the business and to talk to you :) Some are more dedicated than others, we hope that soon the time between their sessions on the web will be shorter, and some would come visit us in a time period shorter than 7 months :) You can know when was the last time an official visited by doing this:
Basically, to chat with a representative you can also click the arrow, sometimes it's green, sometimes it's grey, sometimes it's a paper airplane, all up to you Growers, just CLICK it and CHAT with those representatives, ask them questions, tell them stuff, exchange ideas, test their seeds, use this new feature to grow more, better, bigger and greener!
And surely, there are some advantages reserved for the Breeders and Nutrients. They will be notified every time a new Diary, that includes their brand, is created! That way they will know when to intrude into your life and start suggesting stuff :)
OK, everybody gets their piece of the cannabutter pie here with these new updates rolling, but what is GrowDiaries getting out of it? We will obligate each company to roll a joint for our team every time a new diary with their brand is started :)
JK! We just want your LOVE, Growers, show us what you got! Let us know what you think about all this enterprise in the comments section below. Read our Journal, follow us on our social media, subscribe everywhere you can, hit likes, ALL of that helps us tremendously. LET´S GROW TOGETHER !
Peace Fam!