Hello Growers!
We have great updates for you today that will enhance your Grow Diaries experience as never before!
Finally our interactive search is here. From now on, you can search in the Diaries section for almost anything we have on Grow Diaries. From type of genetics to growing techniques; you name it! Select the pre-setup filters, as you can see in the picture below, and the search results will not be late a second!
You can type in even a grower's name, strains, nicknames, almost everything! Starting today, searching for an interesting diary or grow, will be a piece of cake for you. Also, we rolled out some new notifications that will tell you how many updates were on the diaries you follow, marked in red and the numbers in grey are number of updates for the diaries you are not following, but you could!
Stay tuned for other news to come soon especially about our Diary of the Month December that is about to end and we will announce the winners here as usual!
Keep up the good grows and let's talk soon!