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What Makes Cannabis Buds “Harsh” To Smoke?

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Added 19 February 2024

Cannabis has been used for both medicinal and recreational purposes throughout human culture. Today, the way we consume it has also evolved, resulting in a wide range of products and methods to enjoy it. But, one thing that hasn’t changed much is smoking dried buds.

However, not all cannabis buds provide a pleasurable smoking experience. Some can be harsh on the throat and lungs, making it less enjoyable for users. As a cultivator, it can help to understand what contributes to this harshness, so you can prevent it. 

If you don’t like or can’t grow cannabis, you’re going to have to buy from dispensaries. Imagine you’ve just purchased a bag of weed but you quickly find out they are harsh to smoke. That’s a buzzkill, literally and figuratively. Why would that happen? Should you take the buds back to the dispensary and upload a negative review on them?

Wait. Before you do that, it is wise to understand why your cannabis buds may be so harsh to smoke. Sometimes, it may be the growers’ fault, and other times, it may be your fault. So, it’s time to figure out who messed up. 

In this article, we go over what makes cannabis buds harsh to smoke. Read on to know more. 

Why are Your Cannabis Buds Harsh to Smoke?

Joint Vs Pipe Vs Vaporizer — Three Ways To Light Up Cannabis

1. Too Many Fertilizers, Sprays, or Pesticides

One of the most common reasons why cannabis buds are harsh to smoke is if the grower has used too many products on the plant, such as growth regulators, foliar sprays, and pesticides. 

Such products must be used correctly and conservatively; if they are misused, they can taint the buds’ flavor profile, leading to a harsher smoking experience. 

Some users believe that it’s better to choose organic buds compared to those grown using chemical fertilizers. However, it won’t make much of a difference. For instance, neem oil is considered organic, but if the buds are sprayed with it, you will not be able to tolerate the flavor unless the buds are repeatedly washed to remove the off-putting taste. 

You can check with the dispensary on how the buds are grown or which products are used. Ultimately, you will have to rely on experience and user reviews to find out what works. You should also pick buds that come with third-party test results to ensure high quality. 

As a grower, if you want to avoid this, you should reduce using too many products. For what it’s worth, avoid spraying them on the leaves. And, as mentioned earlier, be particularly careful with neem oil as it can leave a disgusting taste. 

Remember not to use nutrients during the last few weeks of harvest. The plant will use any leftover nutrients in the medium and you’ll be able to harvest the buds without issues. Just water as usual but make sure you use pH-balanced water so the plants don’t face new issues during the last phase of their lives. 

2. Incorrect Trimming, Drying, and Curing Process

One of the reasons why cannabis buds may feel harsh to smoke is if they haven’t been dried and cured properly. Cannabis buds develop an enhanced flavor during the curing process, so you can’t skip this at any cost. The process of trimming also determines how the buds taste when you smoke them. Trimming simply involves removing the leaves and stems. Some growers leave the buds on the stems while drying them but they will be discarded later. 

You must trim the stems along with the buds as much as possible to ensure that only the buds are kept for consumption. Yes, there will be some sugar leaves, but you should limit that as too many sugar leaves can also make the buds harsh. 

After trimming and drying, you will then cure the buds to enhance their quality. At this point, you should ensure that the temperature and humidity are appropriate as the buds can’t be dried too fast or slow. During curing, the moisture content reduces gradually to just 6-9%, resulting in a more flavorful smoke. Cured buds develop various aromas and flavors as their terpenes mature, enhancing the overall sensory experience.

However, if you don’t trim and cure the buds properly, it can lead to harshness when smoking cannabis buds. Insufficient trimming may result in extra plant material in the buds, causing a harsher taste and texture.

Likewise, if buds are dried rapidly or at extreme temperatures, the essential oils and terpenes may evaporate, leading to a loss of their fragrance and taste. This is why you should pay more attention during the trimming, drying, and curing as these phases determine how the buds taste and smell. Yes, the growing process also matters, but if you skip the important phase of drying and curing or do it haphazardly, the taste will not be good. 

During these processes, you should pay attention to the moisture content in the buds. The presence of moisture will determine how well it lights up when you smoke it. First off, the buds won’t light properly if there’s too much moisture. On the other hand, it shouldn’t be overtly dry or it will be too harsh and bother your throat and lungs.

You can use a few techniques to check the moisture content in the buds. First, bend the bud carefully. If it breaks away clean without crumbling, the bud is perfect with just enough moisture. If it crumbles quickly, it’s perhaps too dry. You can also use hygrometers that indicate humidity readings in storage containers so you can always maintain optimal levels. 

If the buds are too moist, try introducing some airflow to reduce moisture. If you find that the buds are extremely dry, you can reintroduce some moisture by placing them in a container along with a humidity control pack or even a small piece of citrus peel for a short period.

If you dry and cure your buds properly, they will typically contain about 6-9% moisture. This range is good enough to maintain the quality of the cannabinoids and terpenes in the plant and also allows it to burn without hassle. When you harvest the buds initially, there’s a lot of moisture present. Even after you dry them, the buds will contain almost 70-80% moisture. However, once you cure them, excess moisture is gradually released, resulting in a well-balanced and flavorsome final product.

If your buds are too wet, it simply means that they weren’t dried and cured adequately. On the other hand, if you don’t store the buds properly or don’t pay attention during the curing process, they can become overly dry by being exposed to a lot of air and sunlight. Yes, drying takes some time, but if you skip this step, the buds will retain some patches that are either too moist or dry. 

When curing and drying, pay close attention to the humidity and temperature. Buds that are exposed to direct wind, or completely lack air will have issues. For starters, you need to dry the buds between 45-55% RH and 55-65°F (13-18°C) with gentle airflow that’s not directly facing the buds. Then, you need to let the buds dry in mason jars for a couple of weeks; remember to burp the jars once a day. You should also maintain the RH at 55% to 62% during the curing process for the best results. Make sure the environmental conditions are consistent without too many fluctuations in between.

During the curing process, chlorophyll and other plant matter that can make the buds harsh are broken down slowly while maintaining their cannabinoids and terpenes. 

So, if you are purchasing cannabis buds from a dispensary, ensure you pick a reputable grower and products with good ratings. But if you are growing your own buds, you need to make sure you are curing and drying your cannabis buds properly. 

3. Too Much Plant Material

Plant material refers to any plant components found in cannabis buds, including the stems, leaves, or seeds. This plant material also contains small amounts of cannabinoids and terpenes, but the maximum concentration is typically found only in buds. However, this plant matter usually doesn't have the aroma and flavor the buds possess, which can make smoking a bit harsher.

Buds with too much plant material in them could burn irregularly and unevenly, which not only makes your product go to waste but also makes it less efficient overall. It can affect both the effectiveness and potency of THC and other important cannabinoids and terpenes present inside these buds.

If you’re a regular user who purchases buds from dispensaries as you cannot grow them, check to see that the buds are well-trimmed and clean. They should also be compact, with no stems or other rubbish. Better yet, it is a good idea to choose products from sources that have a reputation for high quality and are transparent about how their production and processing practices work. This way of doing things ensures that you will gain a more enjoyable smoking experience and a feeling of satisfaction.

4. Mold in the Buds 

Most issues listed in this article will only make the buds harsh to smoke but won’t affect your health drastically, except for this problem: mold. Smoking buds with mold or mildew is potentially dangerous.

Cannabis likes warm weather and mold likes warm and humid weather — when the overlap occurs, mold can start growing on any part of the plant. Sometimes, mold can even grow on buds after the harvest if they are not stored properly. Remember, buds contain a lot of water, so it’s the perfect breeding ground for mold if the humidity gets a little too high. 

If your cannabis buds are moldy, they will not only be harsh to smoke but exude a sweet aroma and contain white spots all around, which isn’t resin. So, if you spot any fuzzy spots or funny smells on your cannabis buds, toss them. 

Smoking moldy cannabis is never worth it as it can cause various health problems, including nausea, coughing, vomiting, lung inflammation, sinus issues, and even severe lung complications. 

Yes, buds are expensive but don’t try to save them. You may hear people claim that you can clean the buds, but don’t do that. Even the best growers don’t try to save moldy buds. And if you want to avoid this problem, store your buds properly. Ideally, store them in glass jars with a sealable lid and keep them away from direct light and humidity. 

5. Improper Storage

Speaking of storage, the buds can taste harsh sometimes if you don't store them properly. Here’s the thing — unlike food, cannabis buds don’t expire so easily, but they do go bad over time. Generally, cannabis buds can last for half a year under ideal conditions, but if you don’t store them well, they can go bad within weeks. 

Smoking old buds isn’t necessarily unhealthy unless they are moldy; old buds are simply harsh, unpleasant, and not so potent. This is because improper storage practices can degrade the compounds within the buds, like cannabinoids and trichomes, leading to a harsher flavor and lack of potency. 

So, learn how to store your cannabis buds. Ideally, a sealable glass mason jar will work well — avoid plastic as it has static that can destroy trichomes. And keep the humidity levels in check; you can even store your buds in cigar boxes. Lastly, keep your stash in a cool, dry, and dark place away from direct light. 

6. Did You Roll the Joint Properly?

Sometimes, your buds may be perfectly fine but your rolling and smoking techniques may not be so. So, make sure you are rolling your cannabis joints properly. If you don’t do it right, don’t be surprised if even the best smokes turn out to be harsher to smoke. 

Make sure you are grinding and packing the buds in the joint properly. Leaving too many gaps or smoking leaves or seeds can lead to a harsh smoking experience. Next, take smaller puffs — no need to rush the process — only take smaller puffs. Also, use the right kind of rolling paper; some low-quality paper is inherently nasty to smoke. And make sure your joints aren’t too thick. 

One important thing you must keep an eye on is the presence of leaves or seeds in your buds. If your cannabis buds have leaves, trim them out so you don’t end up smoking the leaves; leaves can lead to harsh smoke of cannabis, as mentioned already.

And if your buds have seeds — why did you even purchase them? Remove the seeds and grind away. 

7. Could Just Be the Genetics 

Everything was perfect but your buds still feel harsh to smoke? Check which strain you are smoking. Some strains are known to produce a harsher flavor due to genetics; they may be the highest of quality buds and yet feel harsh to smoke. 

Some cannabis users like such flavors — similar to how some people like bitter black coffee. But if you don’t like such flavors, avoid strains that are known for such flavors. Instead, pick cannabis strains that are smoother strains, including Girl Scout Cookies, Purple Punch, Brooklyn Sunrise, Bruce Banner, and Six Shooter. 

Always check the packaging of the buds you purchase. High-quality buds always come with the flavor and aroma profile listed right on the package. 

Joint Vs Pipe Vs Vaporizer — Three Ways To Light Up Cannabis

Joint Vs Pipe Vs Vaporizer — Three Ways To Light Up Cannabis

The way you consume your cannabis can make a difference to the results you get, including taste, the effects you experience, and, of course, your health. People use many methods to consume marijuana, but since we are talking about the harshness here, we will stick to smoking, vaping, and dabbing. 

Let’s take a look at how these methods differ from each other:

1. Joint

Using a joint is perhaps the oldest and most popular way to smoke cannabis. Also known as a marijuana cigarette, people have used joints for a long time, making it the most common way to enjoy cannabis. To make a joint, you need just a few ingredients, including paper, buds, and a lighter. You just grind the buds and roll them in a thin paper that’s usually made of rice, hemp, or wood pulp. 

People prefer joints because they are portable and you can make them anywhere. Although it doesn't offer an extremely discreet method of consuming cannabis like edibles, you can roll as many as you want in social gatherings with like-minded folks, provided you have the expertise to do so. Beginners might find it a tad difficult but it gets easier with time. 

One con of smoking joints is that there’s no way to escape the harshness of buds if you haven’t dried or cured them properly. Smoking a joint filled with uncured buds can do a number on your throat. In addition, since there’s paper involved, it can be even harsher if it contains unnecessary additives or if you haven’t rolled it properly. And, since you’ll be inhaling combusted paper directly, it can be tougher for those who have issues with their respiratory systems. 

Another con — and this has to do with the users, not the joint itself — is that it can be slightly challenging to learn how to roll at first. If you don’t roll it properly, it can burn unevenly and produce inconsistent effects, not to mention that you’ll be wasting the material too. If you’re a beginner, you can be put off by a joint at first, but you will love it if you keep at it. 

In short, joints provide a great way to consume cannabis, but they can taste harsh and be inconsistent if you don’t roll them properly. Also, make sure you choose a good rolling paper so your joints are top-class every single time. 

2. Pipe

A pipe, better known as a bowl or hand pipe, is a compact device for smoking cannabis. Each type of pipe has its own unique aesthetic and functional characteristics, including the materials used to make them. While some pipes are made of metal, others are made of wood, glass, and even silicone. 

Compared with a joint, pipes offer more control while smoking cannabis, so you’ll have a better experience. You can regulate airflow and temperature by altering your inhalation technique, so it’s more personalized and uniform.

One advantage of using pipes is that they are more efficient in general. You can easily stuff a pipe full of cannabis and then smoke it two or three times. If you don’t want to smoke an entire joint at once, pipes offer a better way of using cannabis without abusing it. For example, if you light a joint, you’ll have to stub it after a few puffs and store it for later use if you can’t finish it in one go. Not only will it smell bad, but it’s one way to announce that you’re smoking cannabis to everyone. However, with a pipe, you can enjoy a few puffs and put it down for later use without having anything left for the next time you want to smoke. It won’t smell bad either. Just wipe it every time you use it, and you’re good to go. 

In addition, you’ll experience a rapid onset of effects with a pipe, just like a joint as the terpenes and cannabinoids enter your lungs directly. Then, the cannabinoids are released into the bloodstream immediately, so the effects are pretty much instantaneous. 

Talking about the cons, they are similar to joints. As with any combustible material burned in a device, the smoke from pipes can contain harmful compounds such as tar, carbon monoxide, and carcinogens. This is one reason why many people prefer vaping. 

Some smokers will find that pipes, while portable and compact, are less discreet than joints. This is especially true if you’re flying somewhere as they won’t pass carry-on inspection easily. If you’re into joints, on the other hand, you simply have to carry some rolling paper. With pipes, you may need to carry cleaning tools wire brushes, or metal wool scrubbers which means that they will draw attention to you. 

Coming to the harshness, pipes provide cleaner smoke if you clean them well. If not, their performance will deteriorate. Over time, resin deposits in the stem of a pipe accumulate and this restricts airflow while changing its taste, leaving you disappointed. 

In a nutshell, pipes are similar to joints and while they have some advantages where you can control the inhalation, they aren’t as discreet. The harshness will depend on the material you’re using but the smoke will be smooth if you clean them frequently.

3. Vaporizer

A vaporizer is a device that heats your cannabis buds up to a temperature that releases cannabinoids and terpenes without burning them. The result is vapor, not smoke. Vaporizers come in all forms such as desktop units, pen-style vapes, and other portable devices. 

Vaporizers provide a smoother and potentially healthier way to smoke cannabis. This doesn’t mean that vaping is healthy. If you’re into edibles, you’re already avoiding all types of combusted material, so you don’t need to switch to vaping; however, vaping is better than smoking. By heating cannabis at lower temperatures, vaporizers create vapor rather than smoke, so you avoid inhaling harmful by-products such as tar. This means that you’ll have to worry about fewer respiratory issues compared to smoking. 

The biggest advantage of vaping is that it produces incredibly flavorful vapor. This is because the terpenes aren’t burnt like they are when you light up a joint or a pipe. In addition, you have the option to adjust its temperature precisely while ensuring that the cannabinoids are intact. 

Most importantly, vaporizers are discreet, especially if you choose the pen-style or portable ones. The vapor doesn’t smell like smoke and most people won’t be able to tell that you’re smoking cannabis as nicotine vaporizers are pretty common these days. This way, you avoid unwanted attention and can use cannabis as you wish. 

Talking about cons, the initial purchasing cost of a vaporizer may be higher than what you’d spend for pipes and rolling papers. High-end vaporizers are particularly expensive as they come with a lot of additional features. It may be a turn-off for people who don’t use cannabis regularly.  However, remember that you also get to experience more benefits as you inhale more cannabinoids in their active form without burning them. If you’re particular about the flavor and want to make the most of cannabis without compromising too much on your health, go for vaporizers as they are better than joints and pipes. 

Like pipes and bongs, you must clean vaporizers regularly to maintain them. If not, their performance will decline over time and affect the quality and flavor of the vapor produced. 

Finally, those who love joints, pipes, and bongs will take a while to adjust to using a vaporizer. The way you hold and smoke a joint is much different than using a vaporizer. Plus, the vapor smells different. But, if you keep using it, you will get to enjoy buds full of flavor. 

Summary: What Makes Cannabis Buds “Harsh” To Smoke?

The excitement of smoking fresh buds is unparalleled, and we’d be pissed if they turned out to be too harsh to smoke. We’re sure you’d have a similar reaction, too. So, what could be causing your cannabis buds to smoke so harshly? 

The common reasons why your buds may be harsh to smoke are improper growing and curing techniques, shoddy storage practices, and incorrect smoking techniques. 

This is why it is crucial that you only purchase cannabis buds from reputable dispensaries and growers. Yes, you sometimes have to pay a premium for high-quality buds. It is almost always worth it. Cheaping out, when it comes to smoking cannabis, is not worth it. 

In the best-case scenario, you will be left with a bunch of weed you don’t like smoking, but in the worst-case scenario, you can be left with a lung infection due to moldy buds. So, don’t risk it. 



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