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This product contains 12% N (nitrogen) of which 1% is NO3 and 11% NH2. Furthermore, the product contains 8% P2O5 (phosphor); 11% K2O (potassium);
NPK 12-8-11 is very suitable as a basis for the self-assembly of the desired fertilizer. The high concentration makes it possible to combinewith secondary fertilizers MgO and Ca and trace elements. NPK 12-8-11 is an excellent basis for a topfertilizer according to your wishes.
NPK 12-8-11 is very economic. NPK 12-8-11 does not contain any excess ingredients and works very rapidly. A dosage of 1:1000 increases the total amount of N by 9.5 mmol; the amount of P by 1.4 mmol and the amount of K by 3 mmol.