* harvest: day 131 total. Day 62 of flower. 19 weeks total
* dry bud yield: 92gram
* Appearance: not the most beautifull buds but pretty frosty
* Bud density: 7/10
* Aroma : a woody smell with musk and some kind off fermented fruit smell its really hard to describe this one
* Taste : it tastes exactly how it smells
* Potency : 7/10
* Kind of high: not too strong but also not really a sativa kinda high
* Colour of thrichs at time of harvest: 30% amber 70% milky
* Drying time: 10 days in the dry tent, 12 days in the jar
* Length of buzz: 2 -3 hours
* Good comments: easy to grow. I dont really like anything about this plant.
* bad comments: i dont like the taste at all, plant was very leafy. Took me a half day longer to trim this plant. Lowest yield off all the plants
4 years ago