9 months ago
GO GREEN – Prevents and Restores Common Deficiencies
Are plant deficiencies destroying your crop?
Whatever your growing medium, plants require a mix of nutrients to remain healthy. Deficiencies arise when there is an inadequate supply of nutritional elements. Plants can suffer various
deficiencies, both indoor and outdoor. Most of the classic deficiency symptoms you may encounter often manifest as foliage discoloration or leaf stains and deformity.
So, what are the most common deficiencies?
Nitrogen – Is directly responsible for producing chlorophyll and amino acids, and is also vital to the process of photosynthesis. Plant tissue is also made up largely of nitrogen, meaning that growth would halt fast in the event of a deficiency.
Calcium – Is vital for your plants growth. It aids in the absorption of other nutrients, preserves cell structure, and facilitates photosynthesis.
Magnesium – Activates enzymes, is an essential building block of chlorophyll and is essential to the absorption of light energy. It helps enzymes make carbohydrates and sugars that are later transformed into flowers.
Iron – Is essential for electron transport and chlorophyll biosynthesis, which is required for photosynthesis and respiration.
Prevention is key
The Professor’s Go Green is used to PREVENT and RESTORE common deficiencies in plants.
It is a scientifically formulated liquid fertilizer, with added Calcium, Magnesium, Nitrogen and Iron which help reduce plant discolouring, rust spots and tip burn.
Go Green provides protection for your plants against excessive nutrient salt build up,
environmental stress and lack of chlorophyll, ensuring lush, dark vigorous growth.
4 in 1 deficiency correction
Contains Fulvic Acid and chelated minerals for enhanced nutrient mobility
Also usable as a Foliar Spray
Fast deficiency correction and plant recovery
Nutrient Tank : Add 2ml of Go Green per 1L of Nutrient Solution
Foliar Spray : Add 1ml of Go Green per 1L of water.
Available in 1L, 2.5L, 5L and 10L.