Ending the fifth week of flower, we are humming right along. Needless to say, weeks 1 to 4 of flower is where the hard work comes into play (pre and post flower top dressings, PPFD light adjustment, defoliation, structure netting, etc.). Now, it's just a matter of ensuring good health until harvest. Towards end of this week five, you can see the canopy of buds gaining in density and weight. I'll continue to gauge whether or not a second netting is needed. The super soil medium was top dressed at the end of week four, so that's it in terms of feeding. The final tea will take place at end of week six. Thereafter, ph'd water until harvest. The estimated harvest window is January 28 (day 56) to February 11 (70 days). Aside from the physical beauty of these girls, the smell is getting stronger by the day. Installing new carbon filter today.
Thanks for stopping by and checking out my journal, it is very much appreciated. I'll provide an update same day same time next week. 😎