The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Hello Diary. Sherbet Queen has entered the first week of flowering. It has grown over 70 cm and is very branched and full of leaves. So on the 28th day I cleaned it up a bit. I removed the leaves and branches at the bottom of the stem, now the air flow through the plant itself will be much better. The plant is very nicely shaped with a solid stalk, the flowers began to form at the ends of the branches. Watering has become more frequent, every two days I water with about 2 liters of water. This week I added only one Easy Bloom Booster tablet to stimulate flowering and I adjusted the p.H to a value around 6.3 and at one watering I added CalMg preventively. The conditions on the Farm are in line with the summer months. The temperature is slightly higher, 28 degrees and the humidity is around 50%. It is expected that the temperature will increase in the coming time, considering the temperatures during the summer. I also changed the light mode, I put 4 hours of darkness and 20 hours of light. For now, Sherbet Queen looks beautiful, happy and proud. Here’s what it looked like last week. 08/06/2021 - Day 24. Watering. I put one Easy Bloom Booster tablet in 6 liters of water and lowered the pH to 6.5. With that, I evenly watered all three plants that are on the “Farm”. Since the last watering was three days ago, the branches and leaves were very droopy which is an indication that they were very very thirsty. Temp / Humidity on the farm - 27.5 degrees and 45% humidity. 10/06/2021 - Day 26. Watering. I prepared 7 lit, lowered the p.H to 6.2 and did not add any other nutrients. 12/06/2021 - Day 28. End of the fourth week. I did defoliation on all three plants on the “Farm,” so did Sherbet Queen. I think a new look will suit her. I photographed the plants, measured the height and then watered them. This time I added 1.5ml / lit of CalMg preventively. That’s it for this week, see you soon.
Good week everyone. I started off with another top dress with 0-10-0 fruit bat guano. Yummy!! I saw lots of growth outward not upward because the stretch has almost stopped. This is a very fast growing strain with a strong smell. The smell is amazing. It's swell yet musky. I guess it's like a banana, hope the buds are like bananas also😀
Hello Diary. In the end, I have my own praise for this strain. Although they did not both emerge at the same time, they eventually had a harvest together. The outcome is in the end almost 140 g which is a great average. The dried flowers are hard and compact, reminiscent of velvet to the touch, really beautiful. They dried in a growbox for a total of 14 days along with their roommate Watermelon. My wife, although not a consumer, enjoys trimming which suits me great because I can take photos during that time. After trimming, we put the dry tops in jars where they matured for another 20 days. And now as I write this report, I’m enjoying the smoke of Purple Punch, drinking coffee, and trying to remember if I left something out in the report. If so, feel free to write and ask. I apologize for the delay with the reports, but a lot of photos and videos and other commitments have slowed me down in that. And hope those who visited the diary got useful information, thank you to everyone who supported this trip, thank you for all the compliments and comments. See you soon with new diaries.
Good start, one of girls is bit smaller, but it's not big problem now. Started adding nutrients. Be optimistic!
Realized when I setup the soil that I forgot to give it a good soak and allow to sit for 24 hours. It's just straight out of the bag and I feel like I'm not watering them enough.
Day 15 - wow, this plant is growing better than ever! a. this plant is growing at the rate of my last Pineapple Express Auto by Fastbuds b. the indica traits though, are really nice with the wide leaves c. humidity has been a little lower than I want, but we have had some impressive rain to compensate Day 16 - more growth, many many roots in the pool a. there are about 3 good root clusters into the pool, they are making nice ladder roots b. the DWC is running well, with temps almost 30 outside, the DWC is staying 22, ph 5.8, 440 ppm. c. installed the CO2 generator, a Banana Bomber, 1KG sugar, 3 tsp yeast, 2 mashed up bananas, 5L warm water. Day 17 - she is growing a. the CO2 generator is generating CO2 already, this time I ground up the bananas like baby food. b. adjusted the ventilation a little to maintain 27-28 degrees in the tent Day 18 - growing well a. i have to keep reminding myself that just 18 days ago this was a dry seed in a packet. b. many roots in the pool, there are a few very large roots about to bust through the netpot Day 19 - growing well a. smooth and steady growth, temperatures in tent are 28 in the day, and around 23 in its 4hrs of darkness, humidity is always 60+, and we are getting alot of rain to help with that. b. noticing growth all over, this plant is growing a bit different than my others, it seems that in the past ive had mostly sativa leaning auto hybrids. Day 20 - many BIG roots hitting the pool a. there are about 25 huge root tips hitting the pool right now, there are already about 10 root clusters in there, but these roots are much thicker b. like the breeder says, week 3 this will take off, totally accurate Day 21 - growth everywhere a. the stem is becoming much thicker, the symmetry of the plant is beautiful, really liking the wide leaves b. next week she will take off like a rocket c. the CO2 bomber, as usual, is generating CO2 very well
Learning a ton as I go. Started low stress training using rubberized wire poked down into the soil. Spent a lot of time just tucking the fan leaves down. I'm an idiot when it comes to watering. I dont think I'm getting enough down to the bottom of the pot, but dont want to over water. I'll just continue with what I'm doing.
Learning a ton as I go. Started low stress training using rubberized wire poked down into the soil. Spent a lot of time just tucking the fan leaves down. I'm an idiot when it comes to watering. I dont think I'm getting enough down to the bottom of the pot, but dont want to over water. I'll just continue with what I'm doing.
Evening all...back on it AGAIN!!!! Worst is, in the middle of a heat wave (Hottest day every recorded in this part of the world a couple of days in a row!!!)...still need to finish trimming my last crop!!! 😰 Will get that done over the next couple of days as these girls need rehoused!!! So, got a cloner at the start of the year...was planning on clone a spare wedding cake I had but that sort of went to pot and life got in the way and that didn't happen. As I also got a hold of an Ultrasonic Mist Generator, I thought I'd give this "Fogponics" Germination thing a go!!! Seeing as @Sweet_Seeds donated a few Magical Beans to my cause, I thought I'd give their genetics a whirl. The Red Hot cookies looked too cool to pass up on!!! So, got the beans popped on the 12th of July and by the Thursday, they were showing their wee heads. These are strong wee plants!!! Vigorous as you like!!! Got them into the 'fogponics' machine and let them rip (Under 2x11W T5 Sunblaster 6400K's and a Amazon Special LED light for extra Spectrum) and they seem to be coming on grand. Noticed some yellow spots on the leaves and in 2 minds if it was: A. calcium (As starter plugs are Coir and I didn't put calmag in the plug hydration mix - Jiffy Original plugs are supposed to be buffered for this!!!); B. if I should have broken and washed them out of the Coir and put them into straight Hydroton (The fog could have been saturating the Coir and choking the internal roots a bit) or C. if its just the abusive heat we've been having here (In a country where A/C is basically unheard off as heat doesn't exist outside!!! 😋). Roots are ripping out of the net pots now so they're about as ready for transplant as can be...just wanna give a day or 2 more to see if the heat here settles as I can't adequately cool the area they're going too - but then again, under LED so heat may be good as it doesn't heat the leaf surface up as much! Plus I have a couple of plants to trim...still hanging in their humidor tent when is needed again for growing! Think this will also be the retirement party for the Wilma. Going to build an Undercurrent Fallponics system when this run is done (Wont have time to get it setup before these girls need forever homes!!!). Have the crates bought and a bit of research done on how to DIY a build so hopefully this turns out to be a decent run. Also have a few people with building experience on hand to give advice. Since last grow: Lights have been upgraded to a Geekbeast 630W Pro LED (3500K Spectrum - UV 385nm and Far Red 730nm built in [won't use the 730's as they can't be run independent of the Main wary of this if you buy one off Alibaba for the 730's built in!!!] - Will run the 385UV's though throughout the grow for more blue...will run then 3 hours after lights on to until 3hours before lights off). Also procured an InvisibleSun LED 730nm Flower Initiator (Will use this for EOD Far Red treatment to try a 13/11 flower cycle) and a Migro UVB310 fixture - For the Trikes!!! 😝. Have a Haliea 300A winging its way to me as we speak. Have some Non-Stick Micro-tips flying in from the Grand old US of A a will to get a better, more consistent yield. Think that's about all I have for now...Happy Growing all!!! 💪