🏆 Last chance to vote!
Alright boy-o!!! let's flip the script and do some growing, put what I can out here and see what we get. One thing is for sure... Screw 12/12 from seed its not useful for me and I'm tired of the waste. Oh, and ApPAreNtLy if you don't prove grow skills as a new grower, people get butt hurt and it only goes downhill from there... so here we go this tents about to get full. Cheers! Thank you @marshydroeleen for the light and let's see what this light can do. That said, Let's talk set up. My 3x3 is powered by the MarsHydro TS1000 and is being cooled via air recirculation. This is achieved with my 4" ipower inline fan. Humidity isn't an issue for me by nature of climate. My tent temperatures are easily controlled simply by stopping air recirculation. It is dried out simply by restarting the fan. This is in pat due to running the driver external of the tent to provide a few degrees less in the tent. Humidity is increased by stoppage and this also increases the Temps very slightly until at about 78f. Now all of this would normally be a chore to keep track of, however my yardsale score ($80) included a Titan Controls Saturn 6 with the photocell addition makes this as easy as plugging it in. Now, if that score wasn't sweet enough it also included the co2 tank and valve to boot. This is currently set up and plumbed in the top of the tent. This won't be plugged in and operating until the first week of flower. Until then it's ready to go. I filled my sub irrigated 3.5gal planters with SUNSHINE company mix#4 with mycorrhizae and watered with 1/3gal of water from the tap. The transplant went smoothly and we will start watching this lady turn things back around. This will be a good show of what the strain has to offer. After a good thorough cleaning the tent is set and the ladies are in. There will be new ladies joining the tent in a few weeks but for now these ladies return to veg in peace. I hope to turn this nightmare of a run into a sponsorship worthy run. So cheers to the new challenge and let's get growing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsors @marshydroeleen and the MarsHydro company for the TS1000. @expertseeds thank you for the new genetics can't wait to smoke!
_____ Week 11 | Day 78 - 85 | 4th week of Flower ______ Day 78 & 79🌞 - What should I write... Not much has happened, I leave the plants alone. - I put my dehumidifier in the tent this week, it starts as soon as the LF rises above 60%. At the moment it is winter with me and the humidity is very low anyway, saves energy Day 80 🌞💧 - each plant 3 liter Day 83 🌞💧 - at the end of week 4 I provided them with nutrients again. They have become thirstier and now drink 3 liters every 3 days ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Light - 12/12 h - 560 Watt - 2x 200 Watt Toplight - 4 x 40 Watt Lightbars PPFD - 900 - 1000 µmol Temp. avg. - 24,4° Hum. avg. - 58 % RLH
Lampe bei 75% Links musste ich wieder Teil ernteten, Mitte der Woche kommt die raus. Die vordere Ende der Woche Für die vordere auch jetzt kein gießen mehr.
_____ Week 11 | Day 78 - 85 | 4th week of Flower ______ Day 78 & 79🌞 - What should I write... Not much has happened, I leave the plants alone. - I put my dehumidifier in the tent this week, it starts as soon as the LF rises above 60%. At the moment it is winter with me and the humidity is very low anyway, saves energy Day 80 🌞💧 - each plant 3 liter Day 83 🌞💧 - at the end of week 4 I provided them with nutrients again. They have become thirstier and now drink 3 liters every 3 days ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Light - 12/12 h - 560 Watt - 2x 200 Watt Toplight - 4 x 40 Watt Lightbars PPFD - 900 - 1000 µmol Temp. avg. - 24,4° Hum. avg. - 58 % RLH
_____ Week 11 | Day 78 - 84 | 4th week of Flower ______ Day 78 & 79🌞 - What should I write... Not much has happened, I leave the plants alone. - I put my dehumidifier in the tent this week, it starts as soon as the LF rises above 60%. At the moment it is winter with me and the humidity is very low anyway, saves energy Day 80 🌞💧 - each plant 3 liter Day 83 🌞💧 - at the end of week 4 I provided them with nutrients again. They have become thirstier and now drink 3 liters every 3 days ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Light - 12/12 h - 560 Watt - 2x 200 Watt Toplight - 4 x 40 Watt Lightbars PPFD - 900 - 1000 µmol Temp. avg. - 24,4° Hum. avg. - 58 % RLH
_____ Week 11 | Day 78 - 84 | 4th week of Flower ______ Day 78 & 79🌞 - What should I write... Not much has happened, I leave the plants alone. - I put my dehumidifier in the tent this week, it starts as soon as the LF rises above 60%. At the moment it is winter with me and the humidity is very low anyway, saves energy Day 80 🌞💧 - each plant 3 liter Day 83 🌞💧 - at the end of week 4 I provided them with nutrients again. They have become thirstier and now drink 3 liters every 3 days ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Light - 12/12 h - 560 Watt - 2x 200 Watt Toplight - 4 x 40 Watt Lightbars PPFD - 900 - 1000 µmol Temp. avg. - 24,4° Hum. avg. - 58 % RLH
Woche 5 - Vorletzte Woche der Vegetation und beeindruckende Entwicklung Die fünfte Woche markierte die vorletzte Vegetationswoche, und die Pflanzen zeigten weiterhin bemerkenswertes Wachstum und Gesundheit. Die Nährstoffe und das Gießschema blieben unverändert, wobei der EC- und pH-Wert sowohl im Drain als auch in der Nährlösung stabil auf optimalem Niveau waren. Die Luftfeuchtigkeit wurde leicht auf 60 % gesenkt, während die Temperatur weiterhin im Bereich von etwa 22 bis 26 Grad blieb. Die Pflanzen setzten ihr Wachstum in beeindruckendem Tempo fort und entwickelten enorme Seitentriebe. SPOILER !!!: Ohne jegliches zusätzliches Training bildeten sich am Ende der Woche 16 bis 18 Hauptnebenbuds sowie jeweils ein zentraler, kräftiger Headbud. Die Genetik dieser Pflanzen erwies sich als absolut außergewöhnlich. ENGLISH Week 5 - Final Week of Vegetation and Remarkable Development The fifth week marked the penultimate week of vegetation, and the plants continued to show remarkable growth and health. The nutrient and watering schedules remained unchanged, with EC and pH levels stable at optimal values, both in the nutrient solution and the drain. Humidity was slightly reduced to 60%, while temperatures stayed in the range of 22 to 26 degrees Celsius. The plants kept growing at an impressive rate and developed enormous side branches. Without any additional training, by the end of the week, they formed 16 to 18 main side buds along with a strong central head bud. The genetics of these plants proved to be absolutely outstanding.
Woche 5 - Vorletzte Woche der Vegetation und beeindruckende Entwicklung Die fünfte Woche markierte die vorletzte Vegetationswoche, und die Pflanzen zeigten weiterhin bemerkenswertes Wachstum und Gesundheit. Die Nährstoffe und das Gießschema blieben unverändert, wobei der EC- und pH-Wert sowohl im Drain als auch in der Nährlösung stabil auf optimalem Niveau waren. Die Luftfeuchtigkeit wurde leicht auf 60 % gesenkt, während die Temperatur weiterhin im Bereich von etwa 22 bis 26 Grad blieb. Die Pflanzen setzten ihr Wachstum in beeindruckendem Tempo fort und entwickelten enorme Seitentriebe. SPOILER !!!: Ohne jegliches zusätzliches Training bildeten sich am Ende der Woche 16 bis 18 Hauptnebenbuds sowie jeweils ein zentraler, kräftiger Headbud. Die Genetik dieser Pflanzen erwies sich als absolut außergewöhnlich. ENGLISH Week 5 - Final Week of Vegetation and Remarkable Development The fifth week marked the penultimate week of vegetation, and the plants continued to show remarkable growth and health. The nutrient and watering schedules remained unchanged, with EC and pH levels stable at optimal values, both in the nutrient solution and the drain. Humidity was slightly reduced to 60%, while temperatures stayed in the range of 22 to 26 degrees Celsius. The plants kept growing at an impressive rate and developed enormous side branches. Without any additional training, by the end of the week, they formed 16 to 18 main side buds along with a strong central head bud. The genetics of these plants proved to be absolutely outstanding.
Woche 5 - Vorletzte Woche der Vegetation und beeindruckende Entwicklung Die fünfte Woche markierte die vorletzte Vegetationswoche, und die Pflanzen zeigten weiterhin bemerkenswertes Wachstum und Gesundheit. Die Nährstoffe und das Gießschema blieben unverändert, wobei der EC- und pH-Wert sowohl im Drain als auch in der Nährlösung stabil auf optimalem Niveau waren. Die Luftfeuchtigkeit wurde leicht auf 60 % gesenkt, während die Temperatur weiterhin im Bereich von etwa 22 bis 26 Grad blieb. Die Pflanzen setzten ihr Wachstum in beeindruckendem Tempo fort und entwickelten enorme Seitentriebe. SPOILER !!!: Ohne jegliches zusätzliches Training bildeten sich am Ende der Woche 16 bis 18 Hauptnebenbuds sowie jeweils ein zentraler, kräftiger Headbud. Die Genetik dieser Pflanzen erwies sich als absolut außergewöhnlich. ENGLISH Week 5 - Final Week of Vegetation and Remarkable Development The fifth week marked the penultimate week of vegetation, and the plants continued to show remarkable growth and health. The nutrient and watering schedules remained unchanged, with EC and pH levels stable at optimal values, both in the nutrient solution and the drain. Humidity was slightly reduced to 60%, while temperatures stayed in the range of 22 to 26 degrees Celsius. The plants kept growing at an impressive rate and developed enormous side branches. Without any additional training, by the end of the week, they formed 16 to 18 main side buds along with a strong central head bud. The genetics of these plants proved to be absolutely outstanding.
Hey guys ! finaly half/one more week to go, i'll push them into 61 days of flowering The Zake#1 is already done (30% amber), but i have to cut the whole squad since im drying inside the growbox. See you in 1 week for the last half flowering week ✌️ Happy Christmas to everyone
_____ Week 11 | Day 78 - 84 | 4th week of Flower | Day 21-28 ______ Day 78 & 79 🌞 - What should I write... Not much has happened, I leave the plants alone. - I put my dehumidifier in the tent this week, it starts as soon as the LF rises above 60%. At the moment it is winter with me and the humidity is very low anyway, saves energy 👌 Day 80 🌞💧 - each plant 3 liter Day 83 🌞💧 - at the end of week 4 I provided them with nutrients again. They have become thirstier and now drink 3 liters every 3 days ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Light - 12/12 h - 560 Watt - 2x 200 Watt Toplight - 4 x 40 Watt Lightbars PPFD - 900 - 1000 µmol Temp. avg. - 24,4° Hum. avg. - 58 % RLH
_____ Week 11 | Day 78 - 84 | 4th week of Flower | Day 21-28 ______ Day 78 & 79 🌞 - What should I write... Not much has happened, I leave the plants alone. - I put my dehumidifier in the tent this week, it starts as soon as the LF rises above 60%. At the moment it is winter with me and the humidity is very low anyway, saves energy 👌 Day 80 🌞💧 - each plant 3 liter Day 83 🌞💧 - at the end of week 4 I provided them with nutrients again. They have become thirstier and now drink 3 liters every 3 days ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Light - 12/12 h - 560 Watt - 2x 200 Watt Toplight - 4 x 40 Watt Lightbars PPFD - 900 - 1000 µmol Temp. avg. - 24,4° Hum. avg. - 58 % RLH
Woche 6 - Übergang zur Blütephase und erste Herausforderungen Die sechste Woche markierte den Übergang von der Vegetations- in die Blütephase. Bis zum Wochenende wurde weiterhin der Terra Vega Dünger verwendet, mit einem Verhältnis von 30 ml pro 10 Liter Wasser. Am Samstag, dem ersten Tag der Blütephase, wurde jedoch deutlich, dass ein Wechsel auf den Blütedünger nötig war. Leider führte die verspätete Umstellung auf die Canna Terra Bloom Linie zu einem leichten Nährstoffmangel, der sich in den ersten Tagen der Blüte zeigte. Anfang der ersten vollen Blütewoche wurde dies korrigiert, indem vollständig auf Canna Bloom umgestellt wurde. Die pH- und EC-Werte blieben stabil und optimal eingestellt. Die Temperaturen stiegen minimal an, blieben jedoch bei angenehmen 26 Grad. Mit Beginn der Blütephase startete der sogenannte Stretch, und die Pflanzen legten beeindruckende 2,5 cm pro Tag zu. Während dieser Woche wurden die ersten unteren Blätter entfernt – ein leichtes Lollipopping, um die Energie auf die oberen Bereiche zu konzentrieren. Die entfernten Blätter wurden getrocknet und sogar laminiert, um den Fortschritt dieses besonderen Grows festzuhalten. Es wurden ebenfalls einige kleinere Zweige und Blätter im unteren Bereich entfernt, um die Belüftung zu verbessern. Das eigentliche, umfassendere Lollipopping wird jedoch erst in zwei bis drei Wochen erfolgen. Trotz des anfänglichen Mangels aufgrund der zu späten Umstellung des Düngers blieben die Pflanzen insgesamt kräftig, gesund und wuchsen konstant weiter. Der Übergang in die Blütephase verlief somit erfolgreich, und die Pflanzen zeigten weiterhin ihr beeindruckendes Potenzial. ENGLISH Week 6 - Transition to Flowering and Initial Challenges The sixth week marked the transition from the vegetative to the flowering phase. Until the weekend, the Terra Vega fertilizer was still used at a ratio of 30 ml per 10 liters of water. On Saturday, the first day of flowering, it became clear that switching to the flowering fertilizer was necessary. Unfortunately, the late transition to the Canna Terra Bloom line caused a slight nutrient deficiency that appeared in the first few days of flowering. This was corrected at the beginning of the first full flowering week by fully switching to Canna Bloom. The pH and EC levels remained stable and optimally adjusted. Temperatures increased slightly but stayed at a comfortable 26 degrees. With the start of the flowering phase, the stretch began, with the plants growing an impressive 2.5 cm per day. During this week, the first lower leaves were removed—a light lollipopping to focus the energy on the upper parts. The removed leaves were dried and even laminated to document the progress of this unique grow. Some smaller branches and leaves were also removed from the lower areas to improve ventilation. However, the main lollipopping will take place in about two to three weeks. Despite the initial deficiency due to the late fertilizer switch, the plants remained overall strong, healthy, and continued to grow beautifully. The transition to the flowering phase was successful, and the plants continued to showcase their impressive potential.
Woche 6 - Übergang zur Blütephase und erste Herausforderungen Die sechste Woche markierte den Übergang von der Vegetations- in die Blütephase. Bis zum Wochenende wurde weiterhin der Terra Vega Dünger verwendet, mit einem Verhältnis von 30 ml pro 10 Liter Wasser. Am Samstag, dem ersten Tag der Blütephase, wurde jedoch deutlich, dass ein Wechsel auf den Blütedünger nötig war. Leider führte die verspätete Umstellung auf die Canna Terra Bloom Linie zu einem leichten Nährstoffmangel, der sich in den ersten Tagen der Blüte zeigte. Anfang der ersten vollen Blütewoche wurde dies korrigiert, indem vollständig auf Canna Bloom umgestellt wurde. Die pH- und EC-Werte blieben stabil und optimal eingestellt. Die Temperaturen stiegen minimal an, blieben jedoch bei angenehmen 26 Grad. Mit Beginn der Blütephase startete der sogenannte Stretch, und die Pflanzen legten beeindruckende 2,5 cm pro Tag zu. Während dieser Woche wurden die ersten unteren Blätter entfernt – ein leichtes Lollipopping, um die Energie auf die oberen Bereiche zu konzentrieren. Die entfernten Blätter wurden getrocknet und sogar laminiert, um den Fortschritt dieses besonderen Grows festzuhalten. Es wurden ebenfalls einige kleinere Zweige und Blätter im unteren Bereich entfernt, um die Belüftung zu verbessern. Das eigentliche, umfassendere Lollipopping wird jedoch erst in zwei bis drei Wochen erfolgen. Trotz des anfänglichen Mangels aufgrund der zu späten Umstellung des Düngers blieben die Pflanzen insgesamt kräftig, gesund und wuchsen konstant weiter. Der Übergang in die Blütephase verlief somit erfolgreich, und die Pflanzen zeigten weiterhin ihr beeindruckendes Potenzial. ENGLISH Week 6 - Transition to Flowering and Initial Challenges The sixth week marked the transition from the vegetative to the flowering phase. Until the weekend, the Terra Vega fertilizer was still used at a ratio of 30 ml per 10 liters of water. On Saturday, the first day of flowering, it became clear that switching to the flowering fertilizer was necessary. Unfortunately, the late transition to the Canna Terra Bloom line caused a slight nutrient deficiency that appeared in the first few days of flowering. This was corrected at the beginning of the first full flowering week by fully switching to Canna Bloom. The pH and EC levels remained stable and optimally adjusted. Temperatures increased slightly but stayed at a comfortable 26 degrees. With the start of the flowering phase, the stretch began, with the plants growing an impressive 2.5 cm per day. During this week, the first lower leaves were removed—a light lollipopping to focus the energy on the upper parts. The removed leaves were dried and even laminated to document the progress of this unique grow. Some smaller branches and leaves were also removed from the lower areas to improve ventilation. However, the main lollipopping will take place in about two to three weeks. Despite the initial deficiency due to the late fertilizer switch, the plants remained overall strong, healthy, and continued to grow beautifully. The transition to the flowering phase was successful, and the plants continued to showcase their impressive potential.