April 24, day 35, the plant continues to widen with the LST I am performing, and has nice healthy growth. Lots of branching, but the early stages of the flowering stretch is opening the plant up a little.
I switched from a transition nutrient profile to an early blooming profile, as there are a few pistils popping out here and there on the plant. My guess is that there will be another week or so of growth/stretch so I am hoping to get the plant significantly larger.
April 25, day 36, I raised the light by 5 inches. I should have realized earlier but I was chronically running the light a little too close this run which likely contributed to the stocky tight growth. I figured that if my brightness was not exceeding sunlight and I was not noticing leaf issues it would be fine. However, measuring the ppfd at a 15 inch hang height showed readings of 750+ at the edges and 1000 at the center. This amount is just not helpful for the plants structure even if it is growing vigorously. I raised the lighting to 20 inches which brought the ppfd to 650 at the edges and 850 at the center which is right where I want it. I am not otherwise touching the plant today, but will prune and perform some LST tomorrow.
April 26 Day 37, just letting it grow.
April 27 Day 38, did some training and pruning of the growth. The Euforia's transition to flowering has been slow, but the growth and vigour of the plant has stayed strong so at least it's giving me the time to fill up the tent. It's taking up just shy of 4sqft of growing space, so by the time time the flowering stretch finishes I am hoping to have growth close to all corners of the tent. So far I have been successful keeping the growth low, as this tent is very tight in its height.
April 29, day 40, just letting it grow.
April 30, day 41, switched watering to 3x daily 20 second intervals. The leaf tips are not showing any signs of burn, so so far so good. Took a few leaves off to expose the preflowers as needed.