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2 days after germination I put her in a cocoplug and my Liberty Haze was among the first to show.
Pretty quiet week. Seeing some yellowing leaves which is a big indicator of a nitrogen issue but I’m hoping that it’s just because I’m in mid flower and not a bigger problem. Mantis Nutrients walked me through my issues and I have flushed the plant. Will now start giving lower doses of nutrients and will slowly increase the amount. The buds themselves are getting really sticky and stinky. Love watching them grow!
Late adding this week. Pics from D36. All looking pretty good at this stage. Top dressed them all last week. Planned 1st compost tea this week. All seem to be stretching but worried they’ve stopped. We’ll see. Thanks for reading have a great week 😊
I just completed my 8th week since the flip, so I flushed each of these girls by running about 2 gal of water through each. I got the PPM down into the 200s, which is about normal for my hard water. They are all displaying some nice big buds, which smell of sweet coffee.
I made so many mistakes during this run I can't even believe we made it to this point. The flowers aren't great but they're aight considering. I tested some run off and ppm was 3000+. I was consistently hearing the condensate pumps go off which made me think I was getting run off not realizing it was from the dehumidifier. The pics were taken on Thursday and after 2 days of flushing they look better and have swelled up a little bit. I sprayed dr zymes for the thrips 3 days in a row to try and knock them out. I know spraying in flower is never great but the zymes evaporates and really had no noticeable negative effects on the buds (pistil burning or residue) and I havnt seen a thrip or any damage in a few days. I also got the full line of Marrone bio grandevo, venerate and regalia which ill incorporate into a weekly ipm starting next run. I'm gunna wash the buds at the end. Hopefully all the dumb shit I do this run I can learn from and improve. Day 49 I've dropped the base nutrients and have them on 8 grams per gal of full tilt with some aptus additives and enzymes. The multi strain makes it tricky as a few really need 70-80 days but at this point I just want to wrap it up asap. I'll hand feed the 3 or 4 plants that still need the base probly.
I made so many mistakes during this run I can't even believe we made it to this point. The flowers aren't great but they're aight considering. I tested some run off and ppm was 3000+. I was consistently hearing the condensate pumps go off which made me think I was getting run off not realizing it was from the dehumidifier. The pics were taken on Thursday and after 2 days of flushing they look better and have swelled up a little bit. I sprayed dr zymes for the thrips 3 days in a row to try and knock them out. I know spraying in flower is never great but the zymes evaporates and really had no noticeable negative effects on the buds (pistil burning or residue) and I havnt seen a thrip or any damage in a few days. I also got the full line of Marrone bio grandevo, venerate and regalia which ill incorporate into a weekly ipm starting next run. I'm gunna wash the buds at the end. Hopefully all the dumb shit I do this run I can learn from and improve. Day 49 I've dropped the base nutrients and have them on 8 grams per gal of full tilt with some aptus additives and enzymes. The multi strain makes it tricky as a few really need 70-80 days but at this point I just want to wrap it up asap. I'll hand feed the 3 or 4 plants that still need the base probly.
Day 66 : The lady seems to be stabilized with the burns , so i started some juices to her water in order to help her with fattening. Hope to wake her a bit and produce some terpenes. Edit Day 70 : I increased again juices to 3ml / L. Also added 1ml / L CalMag. She started to turn purple.
Day 66 : The lady seems to be stabilized with the burns , so i started some juices to her water in order to help her with fattening. Hope to wake her a bit and produce some terpenes. Edit Day 70 : I increased again juices to 3ml / L. Also added 1ml / L CalMag. She started to turn purple.
Day 66 : These lady is exploding day each day. From each cola started new growth. And all this pistils are still white, any brown pistils. So imagine the crystals, all cloudy.!!! She likes food and its obvious. I found a spider in the room but let her become part of the ecosystem. These spiders eats all king of predators like white flies, tetranychus, thripe etc. If you are in flower stage and you have bugs , you cant spray nothing, because of moisture. You can add ladybugs (Coccinella) and they will destroy all the insects. Edit (Day 70) : Small buds explode from buds. I watered with juice on this lady because her trichomes are still developing. If you notice some stems inflect , because of the weight of buds. Gains are noticeable when i lift the pot. 2 weeks for sure for BC.
Day 66 : These lady is exploding day each day. From each cola started new growth. And all this pistils are still white, any brown pistils. So imagine the crystals, all cloudy.!!! She likes food and its obvious. I found a spider in the room but let her become part of the ecosystem. These spiders eats all king of predators like white flies, tetranychus, thripe etc. If you are in flower stage and you have bugs , you cant spray nothing, because of moisture. You can add ladybugs (Coccinella) and they will destroy all the insects. Edit (Day 70) : Small buds explode from buds. I watered with juice on this lady because her trichomes are still developing. If you notice some stems inflect , because of the weight of buds. Gains are noticeable when i lift the pot. 2 weeks for sure for BC.
Day 66 : Lady is fattening. I increased nitrogen (bio-grow) in order to fix some deficiencies. Also i removed Calcium this week. She is a bit behind, maybe 4 weeks, i don't know. Trichomes production just started. Edit Day 70 : She takes weight but not so fast, trichomes develop is slow, and i assume that she is stressed because of air flow on her for much time. I hope she pass this situation. I increased Biogrow to 5.4 ml / L. The other doses remain the same.
Day 66 : Lady is fattening. I increased nitrogen (bio-grow) in order to fix some deficiencies. Also i removed Calcium this week. She is a bit behind, maybe 4 weeks, i don't know. Trichomes production just started. Edit Day 70 : She takes weight but not so fast, trichomes develop is slow, and i assume that she is stressed because of air flow on her for much time. I hope she pass this situation. I increased Biogrow to 5.4 ml / L. The other doses remain the same.
De Daily High Club is niet voor niks even weg geweest, achter de schermen zijn we ontzettend druk bezig om de content van onze members te verzamelen, te bewerken en al het materiaal tot zijn recht te laten komen. Als team zijn we hier ontzettend druk mee bezig maar als club houden we hiervan, we zijn dankbaar dat we samen met jullie de community een stukje leuker en beter te maken. We krijgen alleen maar Love van onze members en we zijn jullie ontzettend dankbaar. Welkom bij de Club! Deze grow is een van de test grows van Yaramang, hij zal onze voornaamste grower zijn. Hij is net als velen van jullie verliefd geraakt op de hobby en we vinden het leuk deze samenwerking te mogen aankondigen met hem. Voor deze Grow hebben we Mephisto Genetics zaadjes besteld (zij zijn 1 van de eerste seedbanks die Autoflower zaden produceerde met ontzettend hoge THC-gehaltes van boven de 20%, wij wilden onze Nederlandse Growers hier wel eens van laten genieten. Autoflowers blijven ontzettend makkelijk en uit ervaring horen we dat wanneer je AF op de juiste manier kweekt je er genoeg groen plezier van zult hebben! Heel veel plezier van de eerste test-grow van Yaramang. Powered by Daily High Club Zoals iedere kweek begin ik met de koffie filter techniek. Ik pak een simpele koffiefilter van de Aldi, (ander merk werkt waarschijnlijk ook) maak deze volledig nat door hem 1 keer heen en weer te halen onder de kaart en doe het zaadje met de punt naar beneden (of iets wat zo veel mogelijk op een punt lijkt, ervaring blijkt dat 25% alsnog verkeer omzit en het zonder problemen overleefd) en vouw de koffiefilter dicht maar niet dat de vouwrand tegen het zaadje aankomt. De filter stop ik in een huishoudzakje die je kunt sluiten en sluit deze voor ongeveer 75% met de koffiefilter erin. Dit zakje leg ik in een donkere doos (zo'n "luxe" schuifdoos van Apple want die is helemaal donker) met de deksel erop en die doe ik in een donkere nachtkastje. Om de temperatuur te meten heb ik een temperatuur meter in hetzelfde doosje gelegd. Om de perfecte geadviseerde temperatuur tussen de 23-26 graden te hebben leg ik mijn Deco (modem) onder de doos zodat het doosje eigenlijk constant de perfecte temperatuur van 25 graden heeft. Na de eerste dag zag ik al een paar witte puntjes verschijnen door eventjes met een lamp door de filter en het zakje heen te kijken en binnen 48 uur zie je al dat de wortel zo'n 1 tot soms wel 3cm al is. Wanneer het witte worteltje ongeveer zo groot is als een vingertop is het tijd om te zaaien.
Day 66 : This lady continues fattening, faster now. Also crystal production increased. The breeder suggests 70-75 days. For now all crystals are almost milky with some cloudy. So she need 1 week for sure, maybe a bit more. That gum smell is so attractive, you want to eat it. Reduced bio grow and removed Calcium. Edit 70 : I saw the first ambers, very little. So i watered for last time with juices Next watering will be flush to reduce the juices in the soil. So if initially has 1200-1300ppm i want to reduce it to 350-500ppm. After flush continue pure water until chop chop. This is my approach for all ladies always.