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This is the moment all LST fans around the world been waiting for… lol so week 3 is behind, seems I have some mess-ups with the watering, because I’m really confused about the amount and frequency of watering. the info i get from the internet is contradictory “dont overwater” vs “pour till it runs out”. Yesterday (day21) finally bought a fan to make them dance a bit, and overnight I noticed a visible reduction in stem movement, meaning they reacted with stronger rooting (I want to beleive 🤓). and today 25.09 (day22) I’ve performed LST. first thoughts were “not as easy as it seemed on youtube” but then got the hang of it. the biggest challenge is the soft pot having so much give and its hard to fix the wire in place. btw, used 2,5mm electrical wire, because couldn't find a thick gardening wire. No issues in the process. setting up a timelapse to see how the lst works out and a little “side project”. Always wanted to buy a plant of rosmary and grow it. I found an old aluminum milk(?) pot in the garbage the other day, so decided to make a pot out of it. turned out pretty nice, I think
90x60x140 (Mars Hydro) FC-E4800 (Mars Hydro) Easy2go Aquavalve5 (Autopot) Living Soil (Demetearth) Bruce Banner (PEV Seed) Gorilla GG4 (Ganja Farmer) Cream Caramel (Sweet Seed) Gorilla Gelato (Ganja Farmer) Blueberry (00 Seed) Kalini Asia (Zamnezia) Biscotti Mintz (Barney's Farm) Blackberry Cake (Sensi Seed) Amsterdam Amnesia (Dutch Passion) Gelato Cookie (Ganja Farmer) Purple OG Punch (Ganja Farmer) Sweet ZZ (RQS) Rainbow Road (Paradise Seed) Substrat ~50L: 30L Super Light Mix Biotechnologie 18L coco 2L perlite 1,7kg lombricompost 350g guano de chauve-souris 350g Zéolithe 350g Basalte 170g guano vers de farine 170g biochar 0,7g Endomychorise glomus intraradices 0,7g Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens Paillage de luzerne alfalfa Arrosage avec 2ml/L de mélasse de canne 1x par semaine Pulvérisation avec 1% d’huile de neem jusqu'à la 2eme semaine de floraison
Я из России, хороших новостей нет. Закончу ли я репорт - не знаю. Всем мир.
Blue Berry pollenated with FruitWalker pollen!! And Black Jack CBD with seeds
I poured a whole bucket of 1000ppm trough the coco yesterday as long she goes under 800ppm runoff from her normal feeding. Shes massive under these bars, thats a spiderfarmer SE5000 (480watt)
Powder: GREENHOUSE BIO FEEDING Line which are organic! For LIQUIDS ******GREEN BUZZ LIQUIDS***** also organic. Also i’m using their LIVING SOIL CULTURE in powder form! MARSHYDRO ⛺️ has large openings on the sides which is useful for mid section groom room work. 🤩 ☀️ MARSHYDRO FC 3000 LED 300W ☀️Also special thanks to VIPERSPECTRA P2000 (200W) & XS2000(240w) LED growlights
Powder: GREENHOUSE BIO FEEDING Line which are organic! For LIQUIDS ******GREEN BUZZ LIQUIDS***** also organic. Also i’m using their LIVING SOIL CULTURE in powder form! MARSHYDRO ⛺️ has large openings on the sides which is useful for mid section groom room work. 🤩 ☀️ MARSHYDRO FC 3000 LED 300W ☀️Also special thanks to VIPERSPECTRA P2000 (200W) & XS2000(240w) LED growlights
Both seeds came out quick and vigorous, I hade to leave for three days and left the tent closed and the humidity went through the roof, I think this caused the leaves to twist up a little but at this moment I am not very concerned about that, Based on the other strains I did from the Sherbinskis Humboldt line, I am expecting a bit longer vegitation period, so a minimum of 6 weeks, depending on how they develop, The Bilberry Lamp is making a great impression I must say, the special grow spectrum in full effect. Hope they go good, fingers crossed 👍
Bonjour à tous nous sommes à la semaine 7 de végétation, elle se développe bien.
Bonjour à tous nous sommes à la semaine 7 de végétation, elle se développe bien.
Et voici le reste du jardin (sans la cherry cola qui sèche deja;) Rien à signaler à part les 2 monstre dans la tante qui n arrêtent pas de grandir ;) j ai fais une defoliation aux 2 ainsi qu aux dos i dos (qui produisent pas mal de feuilles à enlever;) Mais autrement elle aussi évolue bien . Demain la 2eme cherry cola va être recolter ainsi que la gorrilla x purple punch , et le reste du jardin ça continuer sont chemin encore une semaine avec nutriment puis on passera au flusch voilà voilà on y arrive tous doucement à cette douce et tendre recolte;) En espérant que se que vous voyez vous plaît ;) Bon dimanche à toute et tous je profite de vous postez quelque photo du jardin presque au complet (vue que j vais couper la cherry cola 2 la gorrilla x purple punch Mention spécial à la dos i dos de barney qui m étonne de jour en jour plus une odeur folle de kusch ,des têtes dur comme la pierre, et pour une plante de 40cm elle va faire une bonne recolte !! (A voir d ici une semaine voir 2 ) et j ai dans les dos i dos comme pour les strawberry x gorrilla 2 pheno différent Un des pheno de strawberry prend 2 voir 3 semaine de plus à finir (j avais se pheno à mon premier journal de strawberry x gg4.. Dommage car l autre pheno est juste magnifique avec des têtes énormes (c celle de droite ) et elle fini bien plus tôt que l autre.. bon c été à peut près tout j voulais juste mettre quelque souvenirs en plus de ces magnifiques ladys 😀
The Apple Betty babies had some good growth this week. Days 14-21. The girls have been dialed in at about 63-65% RH and 76-79 degrees F. On day 18 I dialed up my BP2500 to about 165 watts at the wall, and kept my small tent heater in place for the time being, nights have gotten cooler. The girls seem to be ❤️ the extra light, without causing any harm. Switched from distilled water to tap water that has been dechlorinated for 24 hours mid way through the week, no issues shown. Added 1 ml of Micro, and 1 ml of Cal/Mag to 1/2 gallon of water, PH’d to 6.2 and watered approx. 1/2cup of water per x2 throughout the week, and about 1 cup once transplanted. On day 19 they were all looking so healthy, with some roots coming from the bottom of my starter pots, I decided to transplant into 2 gallon nursery pots. My final pot will be a mix of 5 and 7 gallon fabric pots. Next week the LST begins! Happy Gardening 🇨🇦❤️🌱😎💨