So whats new?, well recently, as of 08/23/23 got my water chiller, which is A BLESSING, honestly the constant bottle changing was driving me NUTS, not only that, i had to use my roomates fridge (in secret) and mine to keep enough water bottles to last for a day, and most of the time it was just not enough so water temps were gettin all the way up to 90, a pain in my assholes that seems to be over. great success.
have seen some strange thigns going on with the water, such as EC level that keeps going up, which i think it was realetd to the plants drinking more water than nutrients and don't know if it was becasue of the temps as I'm very new to the hydro space, but will soon be paying 12 buckaroos to the youtuber that got me started in hydro, shotout to "How Weed Grow at Home - Indoor Cannabis Tutorials", So far i've been folowing his Hydro guide to the theet, so thats why I'll be subbing to his personalized patreon.
Here's a small log of how water's been in the last 6 days.
- Ph, 5.85
- 29.2 C
- 49ppm (new water, i used purified)
- Ph 7.10
- 30.01 C
- 70 PPM (water bottles in place)
- Ph 6.69
- 26.9 C
- 96 PPM (14 hrs after first feed)
- Ph 5.89(been lowering it)
- 25.8 C
- 125 PPM
- Ph 6.31
- 28 C
- 127 PPM (here i noticed EC going up so started taking notes)
- Ph 6.36
- 28.3 C
- 137 PPM
- EC 274 (added more water to the reservoir)
-Ph 5.9 (ph down 1 ml)
- 141 PPM
- 28.3 C
- EC 282
AnnnnnnnnnNDDDD today is the 23 of august and levels after chiller are as follows:
- Ph 6.31
- 145 PPM
- 23.2 C
- EC 290 +
So some things that will come, the viparspectra lights and will soon lst them, also i might change the reservoir as EC seems to keep rising.