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March 3: Added a few pics. All is growing right on target! Buds are starting to stack and I absolutely love the smell coming out of the flower room. These next 3-4 weeks are my favorite 😊 March 1: Four weeks since light switchover to 12/12. Technically I call this end of week 2 of flowering since I don't count pre-flower. Managed to get a video although the quality isn't what I would like. Grow is going very well. I kept 4 plants that I didn't top as an experiment this grow since I always top and have never let them go au natural :-) Last time I do that though. Feeding big bloom at a rate of 3 tsp per gallon every other watering. Going to add some bloom boost this upcoming week. I'm quite happy all in all with how this particular grow is going. Humidity got a bit high this week 60 and I immediately took steps to remedy this. Now humidity is around 50. Don't want dreaded bud rot! I'll add some additional pictures this week in the meantime enjoy the video and beware of dog near the end :-D
Last week flew by beautifully, and everything is looking great! 🌿✨ To test their stress response, I slightly reduced the ladies' nutrient supply. Now, everything is back on track with normal parameters, and they’re thriving again 💪. The excess potassium from earlier has had an interesting effect – the buds have become so heavy that some of the branches can no longer support their weight! 😅 I’ve already had to set up some supports, as you’ll see in the first video from day one of the new week 🎥🌱. Stay tuned for more updates, and don’t forget to follow along as we watch these beauties continue to develop into something amazing! 🌺📸 --- Die letzte Woche ist wunderschön vorbeigegangen, und alles läuft super! 🌿✨ Um zu testen, wie die Ladies auf Stress reagieren, habe ich die Nährstoffversorgung etwas reduziert. Jetzt läuft wieder alles mit den normalen Parametern, und sie gedeihen wie gewohnt 💪. Die übermäßige Kaliumzufuhr hat eine spannende Auswirkung gehabt – die Buds sind jetzt schon so schwer, dass einige Triebe das Gewicht nicht mehr halten konnten! 😅 Ich musste direkt mit Stützen nachhelfen, wie ihr im ersten Video vom ersten Tag der neuen Woche sehen könnt 🎥🌱. Bleibt dran für weitere Updates, und vergesst nicht, mir zu folgen, um den weiteren Fortschritt mitzuerleben! 🌺📸
Hello everyone 👋 Week 7 has passed🧀 She’s doing very well growing at fast pace with a beautiful green color on the leaves🔥 For my first time in coco I don’t have any issue for the moment!👌 I don’t know if it’s the chance of the beginner but this is the wildest autoflower I have ever grow!😳😳 They are now under the Mars Hydro FCE-6500 + the Adlite⚡️ The biggest one have reach the limit of the tent and I’m going to move her under the Spider Farmer SE-7000 where I have more vetical space🔭 Hand watering 1-2 times a day Want to get the same pheno?? USE MY CODE : DR.OETKER😂😂 Note to myself:next time topping😬
She is beautiful and I know her bud is going to be fire!!! But good goodness she stinks!! Kind of like fruity garbage, rotting fruit. Her buds are huge and already pretty heavy ❤️❤️
Overall extremely happy, best yield in this tent and also best average plant yield. Girl crush forever.
I removed the large leaves and hung them up to dry , on day 64.
I absolutely am in love with the rainbow melon has truly been one of my favorite fast bud growth this year took me two times to get it right but the second run is really flourishing fast buds for life🔥
Eccoci ragazzi! Non vedevo l ora di mandare in fioritura questo mio esperimento idroponico! Le piante sembrano stare bene, ho avuto problemi con un po di radici che stavano marcendo, ma sembra che la situazione si stia risolvendo grazie al acido ipocloroso, sta disinfettando e sbiancando per bene le radici, e quelle nuove che si formano hanno un bel colore bianco sintomo di benessere! Ho provveduto a defogliare un po entrambe le piante per fare spazio a tutti i getti laterali che si stanno diramando dal tronco principale, spero proprio che ci siano un bel po' di cime, questa è la prima settimana e ancora nn ho visto nessun fiore o pre fiore, speriamo che si facciano vedere al più presto, non sto nella pelle per vedere come si svilupperanno i fiori di queste genetiche che sembrano promettere davvero bene! Purtroppo io nn sono molto esperto ancora su come defogliare e potare nel modo giusto, sto facendo del mio meglio e sto imparando piano piano per capire quale sia il modo migliore di farlo senza stressare troppo la pianta, a mio parere probabilmente ho dato troppa vegetativa e queste due piante se tutto va come dovrebbe diventeranno enormi e sono preoccupato che durante queste due settimane di pre fioritura che lo stretching verso l alto diventi un problema serio e che vadano troppo vicino alla luce, ho paura di bruciare tutte le cime principali, spero proprio che questo nn avvenga xke purtroppo già ora sono alte 60 cm e posso arrivare al massimo ad un metro di altezza altrimenti la lampada sarà troppo vicina, xke purtroppo nel posto dove si trovano, dispongo solamente di un altezza totale del box di 180 cm e la lampada può arrivare al massimo ad un altezza di 160 cm prima che tocchi il filtro a carboni sopra di essa.. Spero con tutto me stesso di non commettere il solito errore.. Per ora apparte qualche squilibrio del ph, mi ha provocato una carenza di rame e di calcio /magnesio, ora ho provveduto a tarare il mio misuratore di ph /ec, xke ho notato che usandolo spesso è non pulendo adeguatamente il sensore con acqua distillata, è necessario ricalibrarlo circa ogni 2/3 settimane, altrimenti tende a sballare di 4 o anche 5 punti il ph della soluzione.. Ora il prossimo cambio Dell acqua sarà verso il 20 dicembre contando che l. Ho cambiata il 5 dicembre ogni 15 giorni la cambierò, grazie alla nuova pompa di sentina che ho comprato è un gioco da ragazzi svuotare i secchi in pochi minuti! In ogni caso se volete comprare queste fantastiche genetiche potete utilizzare il mio codice sconto dato i da 2fastbuds e in questo modo aiutate me e voi stessi spendendo meno per l ordine dei loro semi vi lascio qua sotto i miei 2 codici sconto! Un buon 420 a tutti alla prossima settimana!💪😸🌱🌿🧑‍🌾😽💨🔥💥💣
She is beautiful and I know her bud is going to be fire!!! But good goodness she stinks!! Kind of like fruity garbage, rotting fruit. Her buds are huge and already pretty heavy ❤️❤️
Plants came down at day 53. Nice weight and drying commenced. More purple coloring and smell is amazingly fruity
Look at those roots! I also believe I under fed mycorrhiza... because the roots on some of my other plants went insane... go check 😉 Flowers came out super nice too! Very lemony Will definetely grow again.
Todo sigue en orden, en algunas flores ya se ve como se formas los tricomas, muy rápido todo, calculo que estarán listas al completar la 9na semana de floración. Estoy usando provisoriamente pk13/14 de canna porque no he conseguido booster de green house feeding. Ajuste el agua de riego, baje la cantidad de hybrids y agregue pk 13/14, llegando a 2.5 de EC, subí a 5.9-6.0 de pH. He sacado hojas de la parte inferior de las plantas y algunas ramas débiles que no mostraron flor. Esperaré hasta la 5ta semana para eliminar todas aquellas ramas que no han formado una flor consistente para dejar fuerza a las ramas principales Sin duda cultivar con fibra de coco e iluminación LED de alta potencia es una carrera de aceleración, con un medidor de pH y EC se torna muy manejable. Lo recomiendo.
Vegetation Phase - Week 4 The Donutz ladies are cruising through Week 4 in style, with no major changes to their routine. Simplicity is the key: just consistent care, reverse osmosis water, and keeping the vibes steady in the tent. Growth is strong and steady, with no signs of stress or issues. Updates & Maintenance: Watering: Still exclusively using RO water. No overwatering, just light and consistent hydration as needed. Lollipopping: The plants got a little cleanup this week. Lower growth was trimmed back again, keeping the stems neat and focusing energy on the upper canopy. This helps maintain that signature Sea of Green look and primes the plants for fat main colas later. Observations: The plants are uniform, healthy, and stacking nicely. Each one is starting to show its individual character, but they’re all working toward that tight SOG canopy. Marienkäfer buddy is still around, keeping the ecosystem in balance. No pest issues, no drama. Next Steps: It’s all about staying steady and letting the Donutz do their thing. The lollipopping ensures the plants are focused on upward growth, and the stable environment in the tent is creating the perfect conditions for success. Week 5 is around the corner, and everything’s looking set for these plants to keep stacking up!
Last week happened a lot. I Was looking forward for day 49, because it marked the last foliation day. I put away the scrog net ä, because i think i just let those girl the freedom they need. The sidebranches got thicker, and I think i just let them go from now on. This is the first time im really giving nutritions, and the difference is huge. These nugs are crazy. They are 3 weeks before harvest much bigger than These from my first grow. I also have some cal/mag issues on my strawberry Gorilla and my Red mimosa. Lets see if I can handle it. Day 53: i think the plants are struggeling with the high variation in temperature. its between 10 degrees and 28. but i cant move them into a heated building. at least i hope that the yield will be ok, and next grow will be under other circumstances.