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Week 15. Had a look at the trichomes on the a few sites. 50%cloudy some embers rest are clear. And getting very long in comparison with her sister zkittlez organic. This bud seems to be hitting that 21% THC better, yet, lots of things are still an unknown. For example the exact THC/YIELD /QUALITY. Finished with the grow nute, to see can I bring more resin/trichomes. Seems to have been ok. Won't know it's true effects if any for a wk or so. Moved back on to bloom and bloom nutes, root stims, enzymes. Gave a hard flush to get rid of any old grow left and clear the weeks salts. 31/3/22 Led grow bars arrived. They sent me the wrong1s. So contacted them and they said instead of sending the 4 bars I ordered they sent this set that is better than the 4 and also gave me back my all the money for that part of the order and gave me 40e light bars for free. 31/3/22 Installed both 48x2 led chip bars 10 both bars are 5 watts each. Should help increase bottom-mid growth as it lags behind. The SF-1000 Light is great this is just for the rest of the huge zkittlez to catch up. RH is in a good range today 54%RH for the whole day since I woke up. Slowing down on fluid uptake. Use to be over 2l before she'd throw anything back. 1.8l is her limit now. I know I'm abit all over the place. But after looking through my nutes. I missed out on giving Nirvana, yeah the soil grows got it once a week but in coco meant to be from wk3-6 of bloom currently we are in week 6, just started so gonna squeeze in a weeks worth of Nirvana and its increased the PPM by 250 aswel as the. 5 increase in some PK focused nutes and some extra silica for the plant as she is weak and has HST'ed 3 colas and 2 stems. So, gonna try put her back on it. I really have been all over the place with giving nutes, more of a case of tweaking things to figure out what's right. After my beginners buys I can now say I can find the same if not better nutes that do the very same thing in the AN line or the GH tripack. They also have kleen roots that's like voodoo juice. Must cheaper, and then we have senzyme and ancient organic earth tea for piranha and tarantula which cost 70e a L as opposed to 12e a L for senzyme and ancient tea. It's just a case of shopping round and not getting sucked in my big words. Check out diaries that these fungi/enzymes are used and they work just as good as the expensive stuff. Also the jungle juice micro is a great trace element nute. 2/4/22 Stacking on lots of nice looking terps colors of purple in the bud. With lots of sugar balls. Hopefully buds will get bigger by about 10-20% hard to see but still about 15-20 white hairs. Much more lower down the bud it's it's like 50/50 stigmaVSambers Decided for the plants benefit I'm doing a 30min hard flush and restarting the whole nute programme again. Just got a little run-off back from a 1.8l feed and was 2200ppm 800 nearly more than the feed. 2/4/22 Did a hard flush today. Took 3 mins to get it down from 2200 to tap water level then threw 500ml of filtered water with cal mag extra 1ml/l. She was so sticky just now after lifting moving her colas with my arm to the side to take the TDA pic. Fuck she is so sticky. I took the HST-ed bud today. Weighted in at 1.9 wet after trim. Needed a sample anyways. It's looking like I'm going to have to do a 2 fucking part harvest. As there is just waaaayyyy too much undeveloped bud sites to harvest the plant I'd be losing over 1/2 of my harvest. So I've decided when the top 5 nodes are done. I'm gonna take them and and set the plant up evenly and give her another 2-3 wks to finish and I should get way more if I bring her to harvest in total in 2-3wks. I'd be losing soooo much. It's hard to show you guys what I mean. All you can see is the top bud sites. But that's only 30% of the plant. At least 70% is behind 50 of that is so far behind it will not catch up in time as long as these top 5 colas are taking all the energy and nutes, it's the only thing that makes sense at this stage. With the added lights I know there only 10 watts but I'm hoping that will increase my mid sites. I'm gonna just try take as little off as I can but max on what I do take off should hopefully bring her about and I'll be for sure giving the rest of her a 3 day rest period in the dark. Oh btw. If anyone has any idea as how to go about this message me. I've read up all I can. I NEED PPL WHO HAVE DONE THIS BEFORE. So heres my plan. I'm gonna lower down the wk before I take the colas back down to a 16-8 then I'm gonna let her rest for 24hrs with full light water and so on, (she'll be on flawless finish for the week), hoping that'll keep what I need alive to finish her off, cause if she dies on me, I'm fucked. I know 24hrs without light is not good. But 50/50 she'll pull through and go right back to work after I take her colas off I'll hard flush her and back on nutes for 2-3weeks. What u guys think? 4/4/22 GREAT UPDATE...I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY 😁😁😁😁 Finally, some bud anyone would be proud to have produced. It wasn't even fully done, the bud I dried in a box took 4 days. Got .45 back from 2.1 it was fucking AMAZING!! The bud isn't even done, wasn't rested. Cured and the taste/stone is top class. That alone I had a joint and a bong. And I'm BAKED. Defo more leaning on the indica side 75/25 Sativa. But left decent amount of trichs in the 3tier grinder. Defo needs a flush and to be finished she's going to be pushing near 20%THC. She already nearly there tbh but that bud alone had about 40% clear trichomes. And she's still more indica than sativa. The organic bud is 12-15% the 100 sativa. This bud, bloodshot eyes, heavy head stone. Munchies galore. I'm stuck to the couch. I WANT MORE. Roll on baby roll on, I'm so tempted to chop her. Not gonna happen though. I'm over the moon though. TBH i was worried that this bud would be 12-15%. Thank God it's not the case. It's powerful. Doesn't take much to get high. Idk about you but if I don't get that from bud within am hour I'd go through 1.5-2gs by myself to get what. 5 gets you in 10mins. I've slowly started to feel the Sativa high, uplifted, really happy after about 5mins of smoking my joint/Bong. Then 10-15 mins later bye bye sativa and HELLO indica. Heavy head high the last 2 hours 30-40mins in I got the munchies heavy. KFC sorted that, I dunno about you, but a weed is like a nice glass of wine and the weed made my meal go down a treat. Will be running it off for the next week but it was worth it. Think I'll have myself q little sleep now, in a little goof 2 hours in. 100% NOT A DAY TIME SMOKE. I can hardly operate this phone and I'm having trouble remembering what I'm writing, oh and am I raml8ng. 🤣🤣 night night at 6pm. I also took a 2.5 gram tester, it was a bud that I k8nds broke off when checking for stigma' (white pistils underneath the bud at the top part of the top cola broke off and this bud has purple notes in it, it's the very same looking bud that is in yday picks, That's when I broke a 2.4 wet purple resin/trich balls bud. It glitters in the light looks fill of trich balls. She's 75 cloudy. Some milky turning cloudy and about 10% long clear tops with milky bottoms, but the bud was taken by mistake just as the light turned off so it had no rest period at all. Hopefully if I can keep the RH low I'll be able to sort out my plants and even make them stronger over the next few weeks. BTW, For coco, taratula&piranha are very expensive, yea they have some benefit in coco of course. But there is much cheaper alternatives in the AN line. Senzyme will help break down old roots like tarantula, help nute uptake and also has piranha properties. Also mixed with ancient earth organic tea and that is more than enough fungi/enzymes for coco. But if you don't mind spending the money, you can use them but they are best in soil. Even do a 50/50 soil light mix/coco that alone is the best recommend substrate for doing autos/fems, especially if you are wanting to make the most out of these expensive nutes. Voodoo ((Tarantula)) ((Piranha ))) Use these cheaper subs for coco with the voodoo juice. SENZYME+ACIENT EARTH ORGANIC TEA. 6/4/22 Okay, so things, not so well. She's stopped taking nutes. And cut drinking by a 1/10. No nute change from the feed. She's in nute lock. It's cause the top parts are done. And they are the main colas but everything else coming from them is miles behind. So, my minds made up. I'm going to top harvest this week. I've no choice. She isn't taking nutes. If I don't do it now the bud/larf below will mature into light airy bud....larf. gotta get her back taking nutes. 6/4/22 YAY, Finally a dehumidifier that works. This thing literally has been running 1 hr. With the grow room door being closed the RH can drop to 45% but with the HEPA filter the smell is gone out the house and it has heated the whole house, it's crazy what this 20l dehuimifier does. Bonkers. Finally I am hitting peak conditions for growing, when my door is closed I can get the RH in the tent to hit 70%+ and now with this machine I can get it as low as 45%, it's only been on 1hr. In my tent this is how much electric it uses. Look at the pic above 218watts in 20c temp 60% RH that's our house when the heating is off by turning it on it drops in the range of 50% after a couple of hours. temp is 23% so I'd say it uses in the mid range so maybe 230watts. Yes, the electricity bill will go up but bye bye gas, as this thing heats out whole house much better. Worth the money, if you have high RH in your tent don't put a dehuimifier in your tent get a good 20l at least or 12l if you keep your grow room door closed. This one is 259£ 330euro. It A energy rated. Won tons of awards and with not having to use the central heating anymore it'll actually even itself out. Great buy, it's really going to transform what I can get out of the bud as for quality and with my tent getting to 70%+ with the grow room door closed and then when in flower I can get it down to 45% and maybe that'll get even better. SAME DAY: So with my RH under perfect cond I think waiting any longer would be madness as I will risk losing a massive bloom in the mid-lower section that's full of stigma that If I don't act fast will end up turning into lots of amber pistils like little balls of stigma. I was preparing for this: I've been giving her water the last 3 days, today is the third. Overfed her to get run-off and was 1650, (meaning the top colas have stopped feeding). Hard flushed got ppm down to 210 and then after 2 hours through 500ml of flawless finish 2ml/l dose. This is meant to be given for a week, but here's the thing, I'm only harvesting 30% of the plant. Maybe will push it to 40% I'm taking the top colas any any well formed enough bud with no more than 30% of stigma. So 70% amber pistil buds will be taken. The 30% is just white pistils that could do with another week. But I'd rather take 10% and help the plant max out and hopefully she'll finish up. Cause if she stalls I'm gonna be left with a lot of poxy larf. So, sadly the flush will be halted t9morrow come 12pm I'm putting her into 12hrs of dark and taking what I need to. Hard flushing the flawless finish, let her drink up plain for till the next day and then back on a 800-1200 ppm depending how the plant reacts. I really don't know what's gonna happen. I know the top colas will be harsh but I've had a tester and to be honest I'm more than happy with it, I won't be curing the colas it will only being out the chemicals in her. 30-40% of petty dark good bud, little harsh but more than good enough, she'll been in nute lock the last week anyways so. She barley taking 3-400ppm out of her feeds and that's just a guess. Let's see what happens. And there wasn't any way I could of kept the top colas going as the plant is confused. I know that might not make sense. But the plant feeds from the top down, if the top isn't drawing up feed it's not drawing it full stop. Hence why the lower-mid growth has stalled. This is more of a see what can I save now. I could either just let her finish for the next 2 weeks. Takes what's on top and be happy with 50-60% larf. So, 40% of good bud and hopefully beem able to briny the other 60% to full harvest makes more sense to me. If it fails it fails the bud will finish off the way it would of, or worse it'll just finish. Let's see what happens over the next 48hrs. BTW dehuimifier works 1hr on 1 off goes between 45RH to 53 over the hours it's not on. Thanks for reading gottagrowsometime
Zweite Blütewoche. Diese Woche gibt es das erste mal Blütedünger. Bio PK 5-8 von Biotabs. Ich habe mich mit 8ml leicht unterhalb der Angabe des Herstellers (10ml) orientiert. Außerdem habe ich einige Blätter entfernt um Platz für verdeckte Triebe zu schaffen. Die Blüten fangen an sich zu bilden. Ich hoffe das Höhenwachstum ist zuende.
Die dritte Blütewoche startet für die Ladies und sie bekommen noch etwas Proviant mit auf den Weg. Sie bekommen jeweils 20ml Orgatrex und 1g Bactrex, gelöst in einem Liter Osmose Wasser. Ich habe den Autopots einige Tage vorher die Wasserzufuhr abgedreht, um sie nicht zu fluten.
Week 2: Both plants are currently in a 4-litre pot. The substrate consists of 40 % coconut fibres and 60 % BioBizz All Mix. I have also added 3 g/L Greenhouse BioGrow and 0.5 g/L BioEnhancer to optimise the nutrient supply. Both plants appear vital and healthy overall. However, plant #2 continues to show deformed leaves. I assume that this is due to a genetic defect that unfortunately cannot be corrected. Light Power 40% (76W)
Hola a todos, esta semana hicimos una buena deformación, en las partes bajas de la planta. Regamos con oro negro de namaste 2ml x litro, en total regamos con 5 litros de fertilizantes y el resto de la semana, solo agua. No se midió ph ni ec .La planta soporto bastante bien el stress por la defoliacion, esperemos siga así. Hasta la próxima amigos!.
Beginning of flowering phase and they already stretched 7 cm in 3 days only. The topped one reached 38 cm and the LST only is 42 cm . The smell is strating to come out , smell quite nice. Not intense yet. Fertilizers Top Vulcan 1 table spoon each. No more repetition Plagron alga bloom 4 ml & power bud 1 ml. Will repeat the same every 4 days.
Willkommen zur dritten Woche der Wachstumsphase.💚🌱 Hallo zusammen! Es ist großartig zu sehen, wie sich die Dinge entwickeln, und ich freue mich, euch auch diese Woche wieder ein Update geben zu können. Heute, an Tag 22, haben meine beiden Runtz-Ladies die Marke von 17–18 cm erreicht und sehen wirklich prächtig aus! Beide entwickeln sich nahezu gleichmäßig und wirken gesund und vital – genau das, was man sich in dieser Phase wünscht. Um den Fokus auf das obere Wachstum und die kräftigeren Triebe zu legen, habe ich die untersten beiden Nodiensätze entfernt, da ich die Erfahrung gemacht habe, dass diese ohnehin keine nennenswerten Ergebnisse liefern. In der letzten Woche habe ich beide Pflanzen zweimal mit jeweils ca. einem Liter destilliertem Wasser gegossen. Mit dem Düngen warte ich noch – damit werde ich erst beginnen, wenn die Damen in die Blütephase übergehen. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem bisherigen Fortschritt und gespannt darauf, wie sich die nächste Woche entwickelt. Ich wünsche allen Teilnehmern weiterhin viel Erfolg und Freude bei diesem großartigen Wettbewerb! Bis bald 🌱👋💚
Thriving in flowering tent 120x120cm [4x4 ft] 12/12 since yesterday (since it was almost full week still on veg I count it as last 8th week of vegetative phase) PPFD set around 600 µmol/s/m² - I want them to stretch somewhat in next few days so I can easily ScrOG them. Nets are already waiting on the side. You can clearly see difference between cultivars. Jelly Breath (left) are short and bushy and Sugar Canes are tall and lanky. Both strong and doing great 💪🌱
Featuring from InHouse Genetics stables: 2x Sugar Cane - [Platinum x Slurricane] Origins: Purple Punch, Do-Si-Dos and Platinum Cookies. Indica-dominant hybrid. ➕ 2x Jelly Breath S1 - [Jelly Breath x Jelly Breath] Her grandparents are the Mendo Breath and Do-Si-Dos strains. Genetically, a hybrid around 50/50. Strains are characterized by above-average trichome production and not very dense inflorescences - they are supposedly ideal for extraction. We will find out, because of course I will be processing them into bubble hash and live rosin. Both cultivars declare 65-75 days and have a common ancestor, so I hope they will end up together without unnecessary delay. Germinated in water for 48h and moved into Root Riot rooting cubes.
Happy Xmas 😊 No better day to lay them down! "We're Off to the races" 🏁 Greyhound's at the ready! "I feel like; we're in for a speed run Martina" •HydroSol Grow + H202• #Peanut Butter OGKB - Sensible Seeds #Peyote Wi-Fi CBD - Seedsman. #Monkey SlapZ - PreyBird Farms. #The Future - DC Seeds "Sprayed SEEDS with weak 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide foodgrade. Placed on mineral wool inside of a glass food container in a propagandist! 😉 on a heat mat at 24c. 26/12/2024 Peanut Butter OGKB has sprouted her tap! 27/12/2024 Peyote Wi-Fi CBD (PW) is ready for the light as well with The Future (TF) 28/11/2024 All have germinated! Peeled back the shell 🐚 on peanut butter OGKB (PB) being a good Santa's little helper. Will introduce HydroSol water soluble feed in the morning. They should have enough in there tap root until morning. "Its only been 3days since I laid them down 👀 and it's been 1 day from seed sprouting tap root" mathematical genius i am. Midday: Apllied a very weak feed of HydroSol at ratio of 1ml/L. DLI: 20 (c) Little above average! Lights Off! Sprayed propagator with HP 6% all round avoiding direct touch! About week 3 will up the dose spray to 12% "avoiding direct touch" this is bleach strength. But hopefully being introduced early will stop the micro-organisms "ever" building up in the plants cells ever. May have to do a laboratory grow next to get the results i want that are projected in my minds eye! If the hydrogen keeps reacting with micro organisms; it could by the very definition rip atoms and form mutations of its own kind! Hence these are "Experiments" Because i think every grow is an experiment (leave it to the professionals: I hear you! Would; could; should but the world is full of lies and deceptions; from knowledge; technology; history and Morden-day! Well Morden day academics 'to me. Personally is all bs! Take it as it is, just my opinions and a cloud of thought sprawling and spiraling out over these digital diaries. I hwar ya too. A huge still box would be needed or properly designing a room for a labradory grow. I don't know! I would need zero interferences from "out of space" where the nasties come from in our world. The space between me and you; consists of everything we know in that "gap" for we are forever shinning from our own island! Hard to explain. Lights Off: 147watts wall draw with DLI at 20! Light Shedule: 3-9pm Monkey SlapZ (MS) hasnt cracked her shell yet. I may have to do it tomorrow morning (may die otherwise) 29/11/2024 Lights On! (MS removed shell and accidently snapped its tap toot) PW tap as got snap accidentally as well as I re perisione it. This happened before and MS recovered from the snapped tap root. I made the MS joke 😃 Anyways...let it be! 30/12/2024 I'll update agai😗n next week: i think this talk for the first few days has set the pace for myself! Enter.the.Void.2009.DC.1080p.BluRay.DDP5.1.x265.10bit-GalaxyRG265 Just finshed watching it! for real i thought it was me! mint film to watch stoned 31/11/2024 Increased light: 293watts DLi 35 ***Happy New Years 2025*** How did you smoke yaself in? Me; diy chemistry kit lol "All the best brothers" ❤️ 💪 Keep it strong! I can only hope this diary can bring HydroSol some limes 🍋 🙏 in the sunshine 🌞 water soluble feed. Zero residues "allegedly". All I have heard is positive things about HydroSol water soluble feed. I had a thot, " The HP 12% i am using for cosmetic reasons is basically "water" with an extra molecule. H202 is basically water and is can be soluble with HydroSol feed. I'll explain more on from my pervious grow diary by Segwaying in and out of this diary with quotations from It and continuing on. 02/01/2025 Dimmed light: 188 25DLi Will update next week, these puppies need to stretch their roots. Nothing much happening! Loads happening really. You know what i mean lol " My little rusties i call them" Free radicals have caused the leafs to have a faint ginger tint when it stole the Oxygen Atom, which released free radicals. Not to worry this will boost growth in the next two week. 04/01/2025 All seems okay. Monkey SlapZ lost a leaf 🍃 😳 but looks like shes recovering fine. I introduced HydroSol way too early. Never mind you live and learn. They are all back in the propagator and I put some fresh seeds down to germinate/same strains. 11/01/2024 All fresh new seeds have sprouted. MS is showing new baby leafs 🍃 recovering from losing a leaf and top. Fresh baby growth is now showing! 13/01/2024 MS n TF has sprouted! Old MS recovered God burnt down Mel Gibsons house for making passion of the christ lol 18/01/2025 Its felt like a long start; experimenting with H202. The 2nd load of seeds i introduced h202 2days after tap root sprouted and HydroSol on day 3. This seems to of worked 20/01/2024 21/01/2024 TF and MS repotted into 5L jerry starter cans with 1.25ml/l 22/01/2024 All looks okay, will slowly 🐌 increase lights over the next week as they creep out of germination. PW hasn't germinated yet, ive placed another PW seed down! Midday Check ✔️ DLI: 28 Watts: 270 Canopy distance est: 35-40inches MS is 3days old after sprouting! Maybe it's just me but she looks older and her colours and texture looks different! Could it be the #HydroSol #H202? Who knows? Will have to replicate the protocols to verify these results on indeed because of HydroSol + H202 (1.5ml/l) 23/07/2025 I put down to germinate Freaky Pablo TerpYz and Magic MarkerxZZTOP 26/07/2025 Lights Rapid Growth has slowed 🐌 down. #The HydroSol feed 6.5ml/5litre of water for germinating....1ml of 12% HP. I think this is the ratio I am after. Being water soluble feed it looks like just water ; well it is 98% water i suppose. 26/07/2025 Midday It seems the HydroSol is working perfectly. It's been a rough sturdy journey to start off with but I've found a steady road to the right ratios. 1ml 12%HP to 5L 6.5ml HydroSol Feed for germinating. Vegging I will slowly increase to double the amount as she 👀 sees fit. It seems the HydroSol is working perfectly. It's been a rough sturdy journey to start off with but I've found a steady road to the right ratios. 1ml 12%HP to 5L 6.5ml HydroSol Feed for germinating. Vegging I will slowly increase to double the amount as she 👀 sees fit. Vegging begins tomorrow. It's been 2wks since TF & MS sprouted from seed. Others are still germinating in the propagator. 2 in this tent. 1 in loft tent 1 in Sativa tent (loft) thats the plan. Midday: light increased to 310watts DLi (c): 32
Our Zamnesia Jet Fuel has reached 16 buds. I'm growing them a little more to make sure they don't go into flowering with small brunches but now we're there, a few days and they go into flowering. The Topping worked well the plant went a bit into over fertilization because during repeated topping the plant has much less need of nitrogen and it's magic to get there by fading the fertilizers especially with many plants. The ideal when doing topping is probably to start with a slow-release fertilized soil or just start preparing the soil for a period that is at least enough for the vegetative phase at most by adding a bit of alga grow which alone I must admit gives me some problems at least in this case if the plant grows straight much less indeed nothing. We are always using soil, feeding and all the recommended additives from Plagron 100% organic we have only lowered the amount of grow in this topping phase for the reasons given above. ---- Decide on the right soil and calculate your fertilizer card based on the soil on the official website. -- Try a seed of this strain that drives us crazy... ---- Zamnesia Description // Jet Fuel (also known as G6, Jet Fuel OG, and G6 Kush) is a modern hybrid rich in THC and terpenes with a diesel aroma. Originally created in Colorado by crossing Diesel with Aspen OG, this 60% sativa-dominant hybrid is a must-have for any smoker who enjoys an uplifting and energizing high. Now, thanks to the hard work of our breeders, the original Jet Fuel is even easier to grow at home. Order your seeds, plant them in soil, and enjoy their rapid growth. After just 9–10 weeks of flowering, you can expect a generous harvest of premium sativa buds! All the best that mother nature can offer is on ——