6/7 Watered even though I did last night. Its been in the 90s. Transplanted 3 more into 50, 40 and 15 gallon. Gave two away and need to find space for three more. Will spray tonight. Noticed a few aphids. Should feed soon as well. Upload pics and video later today. Planning to transplant the last three and merge diaries.
6/8 Watered lightly and fed two gallons of feed to the garden leaving out the fresh transplants. Its been four days in the 90s. Today supposably the last. I need to spray lost coast plant therapy to keep up with my IPM. Also need to transplant the 3 remaining. I'll upload the pics tonight. UPDATE: I won't be taking AS many pictures in the future but I wanted to get some on here. The strains of the seedlings that are being transplanted got mixed up. I know the strains but not which is which. Strains are; GMO, Purple Punch, 4 Kings, Wedding Crasher, Dosido, gaslight and Chem Dogg. ALWAYS LABEL THE SEEDLING ITSELF NOT ITS POSITION in the peat moss tray ( or whatever you may use). I know better than that but it started as just an experiment. WENT OVER AROUND 4 AND PLANTS WERE DRY. THEY LOOKED AMAZING BUT SOIL WAS BONE DRY SO I SOAKED 'EM.
6/9 Planned on transplanting the last three plants and it started to downpour. At least I hadn't watered yet. I'll continue to monitor. Went back and plants were drooping so I watered. I transplanted the last three and by the time I was done plants perked right back up. Internet is slow will upload pics later.
6/10 The heat wave has passed. Early this morning soil wasn't dry so I didn't water. I figured they could wait until tonight. I'll see if that was a good decision or not when I go back. I noticed PM on the back of some plants and inside. I did some defoliation but will do more once I go to spray tonight. Internet is still slow so it's hard to upload.UPDATE: Went back over and had to water. Grow bags are drying out quick with this wind. I defoliate a little on the bottom and removed the worst PM. I will be spraying tonight since this heat wave is over. UPDATE: WENT OVER AND SPRAYED EVERYTHING WITH LCPT. I DEFOLIATED INSIDE AND TRIED TO REMOVE WHAT WAS NEEDED TO IMPROVE AIRFLOW.
6/11 Plants don't seem negatively effected by the LCPT. However I noticed some spots of WPM that I must of missed. I pulled those couple leaves and will follow up. The cage is a tight fit and plants are big and bushy. I may look into totally lollipopping one. Much colder today. Plants were watered last night. Didn't need it this morning.
6/12 Temp is in the 70's. Lightly watered before feeding two gallons of solution. Cleaned up around and in the cage. Plants are doing phenomenal. I've continued slight defoliation on some plants due to WPM to increase airflow.
6/13 Didn't water this morning. Soil seems hot (temp wise). I had to leave unexpectedly at 6am for a family emergency. When i got back around 11am almost all my plants were drooping. I soaked everything but the little fresh transplants. I watered them lighter. I will return this afternoon to monitor. UPDATE: Went back over around 7pm. I received a message earlier that my plants had indeed perked right up after getting water. Plants are huge. I'm regretting not having a space bigger space (12x12). Found some more WPM on the interior of some plants as well as a few yellowed dieing leaves on the very inside of the plant. I'll keep an 👁️ out.