Day 15: Do-Si-Dos Auto is looking strong. First big feed: 4ml FloraMicro, 6ml FloraGro, 3ml FloraBloom, 2ml CALiMAgic, 1ml RapidStart, 1ml Floralicious Plus and 2.5ml Armor Si. RO water PH 6.0
Temp: 75º RH: 63% PPFD: 450 VPD: .53 kPa
Day 16: Do-Si-Dos Auto ahead of the pack. She looks the healthiest in the tent so far. Time to LST that little girl, hopefully she will respond nicely. No water no feed. Temp: 76º RH: 61% PPFD: 475 AVG VPD: .46 kPa
Day 17: She looks real good. Taking the LST well. Keep growing. Will feed tomorrow. Temp 77º RH: 55 % PPFD: 500 AVG VPD: .6kPa
Day 18: Moved up and turned up the lights. Fed 250ml of 4ml FloraMicro, 6ml FloraGro, 3ml FloraBloom, 1ml RapidStart, 2.5ml ArmorSi, 2ml CALiMAGic and 1ml Floralicious in RO water PH 6.2 PPM: 750 Solution Temp: 69º. Tent Temp: 77º RH: 60% PPFD: 575 VPD: .44 kPa
Day 19: Looking good. Tent Temp: 77º RH: 60% PPFD: 550 VPD: .44 kPa
Day 20: Still looking good. New growth. Fed another 250ml RO water with 1ml RapidStart PH: 5.7 Tent Temp: 77º RH: 60% PPFD: 550 VPD: .44 kPa
Day 21: End of Veg Week 3! Looking strong and healthy so far. Almost feeding/watering daily at this point, will up the solution volume and see if it will last a day or two longer. Fed 350ml-400ml of 4ml FloraMicro, 6ml FloraGro, 3ml FloraBloom, 1ml RapidStart, 2.5ml ArmorSi, 2ml CALiMAGic and 1ml Floralicious in RO water PH 6.2 PPM: 750 Solution Temp: 69º. Tent Temp: 77º RH: 60% PPFD: 500-550 AVG VPD: .44 kPa
@MMSC16, thank you! The timestamp makes it easy for me to go back quickly for reference if I need to. Really helpful if growing the same strains again. Cheers and Happy Growing! 👊