Oct 26, 2019
Orange Juice (1) – Day 29 Veg/Day 0 Flower
(30% Indica/70% Sativa)
(63-70 days)
Blueberry Headband (2) – Day 29 Veg/Day 0 Flower
(70% Indica/30% Sativa)
(65-70 days)
Cheese (1) – Day 29 Veg/Day 0 Flower
(60% Indica/40% Sativa)
(50-60 days)
Several issues have been corrected in the last 48 hours. Also, a new LST technique I’m trying.
First, am PHing everything. The RO water that I use is 7 or above. Not ideal and has caused some nutrient lockout.
Second, lowered the light Much closer. At 100% power, my light is best for veg at 24” and for flower at 18”. The light was at around 36” or more from the canopy.
Third, I put a weakass fan drawing air down a 2 1/2“ pipe from the top of the grow closet to about 6-8” above the floor. Meant to recycle some of the warm air.
Have seen instant results. It is actually easier keeping the environment consistent. My overnight temp is now 20-22C and daytime is 27-25C. Only a 5 degree difference.
Have started making tea from Gaia fertilizer, seaweed extract, Epsom salts and Molasses. PH 6.2-6.8. Feeding every second watering.