The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Results are starting to come in now, going to be Cake all the way to the end. Time to grab your popcorn and stay tuned in 🤡🎪 Short Phenos is Pure Michigan lean, obvious now with the purple starting to form from bud sites. Tall girl is Sugar Cane Pheno what a stake, huh!? GHL out 🚀
Results are starting to come in now, going to be Cake all the way to the end. Time to grab your popcorn and stay tuned in 🤡🎪 Short Phenos is Pure Michigan lean, obvious now with the purple starting to form from bud sites. Tall girl is Sugar Cane Pheno what a stake, huh!? GHL out 🚀
Results are starting to come in now, going to be Cake all the way to the end. Time to grab your popcorn and stay tuned in 🤡🎪 Short Phenos is Pure Michigan lean, obvious now with the purple starting to form from bud sites. Tall girl is Sugar Cane Pheno what a stake, huh!? GHL out 🚀
Results are starting to come in now, going to be Cake all the way to the end. Time to grab your popcorn and stay tuned in 🤡🎪 Short Phenos is Pure Michigan lean, obvious now with the purple starting to form from bud sites. Tall girl is Sugar Cane Pheno what a stake, huh!? GHL out 🚀
Iphone 7 is a piece of garbage nevertheless these buds still make it shine hard. Smell of cheetah piss hoping it will be very unique smoke and effect. Enjoy hope all are having killer success with their grows, ✌️ GHL
Iphone 7 is a piece of garbage nevertheless these buds still make it shine hard. Smell of cheetah piss hoping it will be very unique smoke and effect. Enjoy hope all are having killer success with their grows, ✌️ GHL
Iphone 7 is a piece of garbage nevertheless these buds still make it shine hard. Smell of cheetah piss hoping it will be very unique smoke and effect. Enjoy hope all are having killer success with their grows, ✌️ GHL
05/06/2021 - Day 14 - First day of the 3rd week. MEMO: I'm using the following "names" for differentiating the two both in comments and pics: 🅰️ - "A" for the one transplanted in the garden soil and that will NOT receive any nutrient; 🅱️ - "B" for the one that will grow in the pot and that will receive nutrients. 👉 "A"is struggling a little after the transplant. Probably suffered a little or maybe she is focusing on the roots, idk. She is little if compared to "B" but she looks healthy so lets' go. 👉 "B" is GIANT! compared to "A". Can't say if the reason is the pot, the fertilizer, the luck or just the difference in transplant time, anyway she is flying 😂 Stem a little bended and unstable because he overgrew and had to cover it last week but not a big problem. Summer has come, sun is warm, all perfect. This week I'll probably proceed feeding "B" with "Easy Grow Booster Tablet" by RQS. Wish me good luck and let's hope in sunny hot days 🤞☀️ - DD ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── UPDATE 10/06/2021 - Day 19 👉 After a lot of rain starting right today 7 days of feeding with "Easy Grow Booster Tablets" by RQS for "B" as planned. 👉 Also started some LST for "B", not for "A" because I think she is still to small :(
05/06/2021 - Day 14 - First day of the 3rd week. MEMO: I'm using the following "names" for differentiating the two both in comments and pics: 🅰️ - "A" for the one transplanted in the garden soil and that will NOT receive any nutrient; 🅱️ - "B" for the one that will grow in the pot and that will receive nutrients. 👉 "A"is struggling a little after the transplant. Probably suffered a little or maybe she is focusing on the roots, idk. She is little if compared to "B" but she looks healthy so lets' go. 👉 "B" is GIANT! compared to "A". Can't say if the reason is the pot, the fertilizer, the luck or just the difference in transplant time, anyway she is flying 😂 Stem a little bended and unstable because he overgrew and had to cover it last week but not a big problem. Summer has come, sun is warm, all perfect. This week I'll probably proceed feeding "B" with "Easy Grow Booster Tablet" by RQS. Wish me good luck and let's hope in sunny hot days 🤞☀️ - DD ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── UPDATE 10/06/2021 - Day 19 👉 After a lot of rain starting right today 7 days of feeding with "Easy Grow Booster Tablets" by RQS for "B" as planned. 👉 Also started some LST for "B", not for "A" because I think she is still to small :(
This gorgeous lady is fire, what a beautiful girl she has become after that mainlaining, I'll probably tight those 4 main colas down to start doing LST, let's see how this lady keeps developing, she's getting nothing but water as she has FLO on her soil, I love to see how healthy my ladies are,, specially this mimosa evo pheno #1 has made fall in love 😍, stay tuned to this diary boys and girls!! Let's see what happens
Results are starting to come in now, going to be Cake all the way to the end. Time to grab your popcorn and stay tuned in 🤡🎪 Short Phenos is Pure Michigan lean, obvious now with the purple starting to form from bud sites. Tall girl is Sugar Cane Pheno what a stake, huh!? GHL out 🚀
Monster plant!!!! Now she is eating pure phosphorus to gain the weight@ next week i will flush her and then 3 days of darkness and the harvest day will come ))) happy 420
Monster plant!!!! Now she is eating pure phosphorus to gain the weight@ next week i will flush her and then 3 days of darkness and the harvest day will come ))) happy 420
Welcome to the Dung Heap Ladies been splashing around in RDWC for almost 10 weeks. They are sharing space with the Frisian Ducks, so you may see guest appearances from the m time to time. These ladies are in holding until the train wreck grow in Cab A finishes out. Then I'll rip clones and toss these ladies on the flip.
Welcome to the Dung Heap Ladies been splashing around in RDWC for almost 10 weeks. They are sharing space with the Frisian Ducks, so you may see guest appearances from the m time to time. These ladies are in holding until the train wreck grow in Cab A finishes out. Then I'll rip clones and toss these ladies on the flip.
Esta por empezar el engorde final. Ya las flores estan casi formadas. La altura está al límite total. Uno o dos centímetros más y estaría en problemas de verdad. El engorde de muchas flores ya es notorio, pero creo que el uso de un bioestimulante que no es de primera línea, ha reducido el potencial de las plantas. De todos modos hasta no tener el resultado final no puedo afirmar nada. La solución de esta semana fue cargada con más pk booster para ver cómo funciona la linea de greenhouse en esta etapa. Suelo usar pk 13/15 de canna. Pero esta vez puse el que tenía. Seguiré actualizando. Día 31. Se nota mucho el engorde. Las hojas muestran pequeños signos de sobre fertilización, pero nada grave que no haya visto antes. Me suele pasar en esta semana en todos los cultivos en hidroponia. Pero las veces que ko me pasó, no tuve el engorde deseado. Por eso manejo mediciones de PPM superiores 1000. Se empieza a ver cuáles van a ser los cogollos más grandes, pero sigo con incertidumbre sobre cuanto más van a engordar. Estoy bastante conforme al momento. Hoy tuve contacto con plantas macho, pero me cambié toda la ropa antes de acercarme al indoor y le lavé. Además no sé si sumará, pero me rocío en alcohol cada vez que entro a casa, así que espero no tener problemas. Ya voy a ir preparando los esquejes para la próxima siembra. Quizá no logre sacar 10 de las madres que tengo. Pero quizá ponga menos y los haga crecer más tiempo y con bastante LST. Pero será en otro protecto. Por ahora espero que siga el engorde. Día 33. Ya el engorde es un hecho. Por el momento estoy bastante satisfecho. La solución se concentró demasiado así que tuve que agregar agua. Pero más allá de algunos signos de sobre fertilización mínimos y pasajeros en las hojas, la plantas se muestran saludables y firmes. Todavía sigo buscando la posibilidad de agregar overdrive la semana que viene. Todo está por verse. Ya puedo asegurar que va a haber una séptima semana de floración, sino debería empezar el lavado en 2 días, cosa que a la vista, sería muy apresurado. Así que seguiré esperando a ver las flores con los pistilos más secos. Entre tanto los tricomas ya están formados, pero recién van a empezar la maduración en unos días. No saco foto porque el celular no hace buen foco con la lupa, pero ya intentaré mas adelante. Día 35. Cierra la semana con una buena idea de lo que van a ser los cogollos. Según el calendario de la planta, debería empezar el lavado esta semana, ya que sería la última. Pero por la madurez de los tricomas, todavía le faltan entre 10 días y 2 semanas más. Así que se viene otra semana de sobrecarga de PK y voy a aumentar la dosis para aprovechar a medir el nivel de tolerancia de la planta a altos niveles producto. Al ser hidroponia y trabajar con el ambiente bastante controlado, confío en que voy a poder aplicar correctivos a tiempo, si empiezo a notar defasajes bruscos.
Началось самое интересное, цветочки начали набирать массу и пухнуть, появился слабый запах, мне напоминает зрелую дыню, очень приятный натуральный аромат. Поливаю сейчас каждый день по 2,5 литра воды, до дренажа, чередуя через каждые 2 дня с удобрениями, сейчас думаю поливать 3 дня чистой водой и на 4 день давать удобрение, так как дренаж выходит крепкий коричневый с ppm 700, с PH всё нормально, если залил 6.3 PH то 6.3 и выходит. Есть цветы под кроной, до которых не доходит свет, хотелось сделать дефолиацию, но боюсь что поймает стресс. Если есть рекомендации по растению, напишите, пожалуйста, свой комментарий.