The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Plein de résine sur les Bud se développe bien tu grosse odeurs de bonbon au fruit rouge.🎄🌅🌡️
12/09 Ca y est, elle montre les premiers , vrai, signes de senescence. Impec , comme je part 18 jours, elle sera prête a couper à mon retour. 😁👍
la semana empiezan mostrando un estado muy bonito y gozan de humidificador nuevo. Primeras comprobaciones de temperatura y humedad con el humidificador al mínimo, como puede verse en la foto del dia antes, dia 15, apenas no ha cosumido nada de agua por lo que aumentaremos el caudal y tiempo en el temporizador analógico. Así aumentaremos también un poco más la humedad sin tantos altos y bajos Pasados unos 5 dias volví a podar dejando únicamente un nudo por planta y un doblado de ramitas. A los 21 dias volví a podar del primer nudo de cada rama, hojas y yemas.
These all so fine this one I would say is but more Indica 2 was a bit more Sativa and 1 was about right down the middle Oh man she beautiful all 3 about same small diffrence but all had good indoor struckture and so far high flavor all remind me of Skunk#1 Easy to trim big dence buds
# Tangerine Snow F1 Fast Grow Report (Outdoor) 2024-09-12 ## Overview Tangerine Snow F1 Fast proved to be an exceptional strain from start to finish. This report focuses on the outdoor grow experience, as the indoor plant was harvested earlier and has its own separate harvest report. ## Strain Characteristics - **Ease of Growth:** Very easy to grow - **Structure:** Excellent, with a super structure - **Appearance:** Nice, glittery colas - **Bud Structure:** Open, very sativa-like - **Aroma:** Delicious scents ## Growth Performance - **Adaptability:** Mastered various obstacles throughout the growing season - **Weather Resilience:** - Thrived during a cold and wet early season - Adapted well to extreme heat and sun in early August - **Pest Resistance:** Easily withstood dogs, cats, birds, and insects ## Challenges The only significant drawback was its susceptibility to mold, which necessitated an earlier harvest of the outdoor plant. ## Growing Conditions - **Location:** Outdoor (with comparison to indoor grow) - **Season:** Experienced variable weather conditions ## Future Plans - Definite plans to grow again, both indoors and outdoors - Considered a "keeper" strain ## Additional Notes - The indoor plant's harvest report is available separately and recommended for review - The current plant is being revegetated: 1. Initially grown indoors 2. Harvested 3. Revegetated outdoors 4. Recently moved back indoors 5. Already showing promising bud development in its new indoor environment ## Conclusion Despite the mold issue, Tangerine Snow F1 Fast is highly recommended for its ease of growth, attractive structure, and overall performance in various conditions.
# Tangerine Snow F1 Fast Grow Report (Outdoor) 2024-09-12 ## Overview Tangerine Snow F1 Fast proved to be an exceptional strain from start to finish. This report focuses on the outdoor grow experience, as the indoor plant was harvested earlier and has its own separate harvest report. ## Strain Characteristics - **Ease of Growth:** Very easy to grow - **Structure:** Excellent, with a super structure - **Appearance:** Nice, glittery colas - **Bud Structure:** Open, very sativa-like - **Aroma:** Delicious scents ## Growth Performance - **Adaptability:** Mastered various obstacles throughout the growing season - **Weather Resilience:** - Thrived during a cold and wet early season - Adapted well to extreme heat and sun in early August - **Pest Resistance:** Easily withstood dogs, cats, birds, and insects ## Challenges The only significant drawback was its susceptibility to mold, which necessitated an earlier harvest of the outdoor plant. ## Growing Conditions - **Location:** Outdoor (with comparison to indoor grow) - **Season:** Experienced variable weather conditions ## Future Plans - Definite plans to grow again, both indoors and outdoors - Considered a "keeper" strain ## Additional Notes - The indoor plant's harvest report is available separately and recommended for review - The current plant is being revegetated: 1. Initially grown indoors 2. Harvested 3. Revegetated outdoors 4. Recently moved back indoors 5. Already showing promising bud development in its new indoor environment ## Conclusion Despite the mold issue, Tangerine Snow F1 Fast is highly recommended for its ease of growth, attractive structure, and overall performance in various conditions.
Note : + jegliches Zubehör wird in der GermniationsWoche aufgelistet . Zeitraffer Videos folgen immer nachträglich. + videos werden so geschnitten das nur ein geschlossenes Zelt erscheint , ergo Fehlen paar reale Minuten (ca 1 Std) . Day 57: + 2.0 Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna PH+ + + PH 5.91 Da es heute heiss ist , wird wie Gestern laufen . Bis 19:00 Uhr wird das Licht reduziert und dann DLI nachgeholt. Day 58: Da es immer noch heiss ist , wird wie Gestern laufen . Bis 19:00 Uhr wird das Licht reduziert und dann DLI nachgeholt. Day 59: + 2.0 Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + + + Canna PH+ + + PH 5.91 16h jetzt mit 1000 PPFD und jeweils 1 Stunde Sonnenaufgang und Sonnenuntergang. Day 60: Mal ein bissel Größenvergleiche gemacht .Das Clipper Feuerzeug ist 7.5 cm hoch . Day 61: + 1.75 Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + + + Canna PH+ + + PH 6.01 Day 62: Das Wetter bleibt stabil, damit bleiben die Growwerte auch stabil. Bisher Läuft das 1000 PPFD Spitze und 750 PPFD Sekundätriebe ganz gut . Ihre Freundin die leider ein Wasserschaden erlitten hat (tja da war wohl irgendwas im Wasser was ein Regenbogenfilm erzeugt hat , im schlimmsten Fall Waschmittel) nimmt der einen Seite zwar licht, aber geht halt nicht anderes bei nur einer Lichtquelle . Ich fahr halt gleich ein doppel Experiement mit dem Licht. Bisher aber holt sie ganz gut nach mit 900-1000 PPFD auf die ziemlich gleich hohe Krone . Day 63: + 1.75 Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + + + Greenhouse Feeding BioEnhancer + + + Canna PH+ + + PH 6.01
9/10 Went and shook the plants off. I don't think it rained. I think it's just dew. Plants with ailments seem to be progressing well and it looks like they'll outrun the pathogens. It may not be a banner year yield wise but the quality will be great it looks like. GMO is stacking up real nice. The ones in further flower are swelling more and more everyday. Earwigs MAY be back because I noticed a couple of plants where I left a tiny little branch on the bottom have been lollipopped on tje sherb pie and rather quickly too. I suppose it could be leaves dieing and rotting bit I doubt it. If they are here there aren't many and most plants are too far in flower for them to bother. They eat the lower newly developing shoots. Not big dense buds. Luckily. I noticed some pm on the gmo with pm. Looks like it's time for another treatment of k bicarb. I'll probably do that tonight. I'll keep this updated. WENT BACK OVER AND DEFOLIATED A BUNCH OF STUFF. ITS TIME FOR ANOTHER APP OF K BICARB. I CHECKED THE SHERB PIE AND IT DOESNT NEED TO BE WATERED. IT WAS STILL VERY HEAVY. IM THINKING I MAY HAVE EARWIGS THAT ARE FEASTUNG ON LOWER BRANCHES THAT SHOULDVE BEEN PRUNED. I NOTICED SOME LARFY SHIT THAT KOOKS LIKE NEW SHOOTS WERE CHEWED. LUCKILY THEY DONT SEEM TO BOTHER DEVELOPED BUDS. ESPECIALLY ROCK HARD BUDS. I'LL DO SOME RESEARCH AND DO SOME FORM OF APPLICATION FOR THE PM SPOTS I SAW AND THE SEPTORIA I KNOW IS THERE. IM SUPER GRATEFUL THOUGH. THESE ARE VERY HARD TO GROW STRAINS AND I THINK ILL KNOCK IT OUT OF THE PARK. Also thinking of switching to cha ching shortly on the toasted toffy and the event horizon that's furthest along. 9/11 I Didn't water anything today because things still seemed heavy. I'm noticing the same thing that happened a few years back. Lower secondary or tertiary branches are getting stripped on a couple plants. They never touch the developed buds they want the new shoots. If IT IS ear wigs they are impossible to fight. I put poison down and d.e. around those plantscand we'll see. It could also be rot from dying leaves. I need to treatcsome of the plants with a longer flowering time with plant doctor. I'm going over today to spend a few hours working in the garden. I'll apply something I just don't know WHAT yet. One event horizon looks like it tried to reveg AGAIN which is super weird . I just see a lot of one and 3 finger leaves. It will probably turn out to be great. The other event horizon looks like its going to be incredible. The toasted toffy is getting close too. Temps only reached 62° yesterday. It took FOREVER to shake these plants off. Time to get the leaf blower out. I'm going to bring my trich scope when I go over today. I wanna look at tgat event horizon. Pistols are retracting on the top flowers. This may be a multiple stage harvest. I'll keep this updated. UPDATE: WENT OVER AT FOUR AND WATERED. I MIGHTVE BEEN ABLE TO HOLD OFF UNTIL TOMORROW MORNING BUT I HAVE PLANS EARLY MORNING. I ALSO DEFOLIATED QUITE A BIT. BUDS ARE SWELLING CONSIDERABLY. THE SHERB PIE HAS TURNED COMPLETELY PURPLE. IT HASNT HAD ANY FLOWERS ON IT BUT NOW IT HAS FLOWERS BIGGER THAN A QUARTER! THESE PLANTS ARE VIGEROUSLY FLOWERING. I NEED TO CHECK THE TRICHS ON A COUPLE PLANTS AS THEY DONT HAVE MUCH TIME LEFT. AS I WAS DEFOLIATED I NOTICED THAT SOMWTHING HAD STRIPPED FRESH BUDSITES ON SOME LOWER BRANCHES. IN YEARS PAST THATS ALWAYS BEEN EAR WIGS WHICH ARE IMPISSIBLE TO DEAL WITH. THEY USUALLY DONT TOUCH THE BIG BUDS THOUGH. TJEY LIKE THE FRESY SHOOTS. ILL GO OUT AT NIGHT AND SEE IF THIS IS THE CASE. ITS ONLYVHAPPENING ON A COUPLE PLANTS BUT STILL. THE EVENT HORIZON IN THE MIDDLE IS GROWING DIFFERENT THAN ITS SISTER. YOU CAN TELL THE STRAIN IS THE SAME BUT THIS SEEMED TO REVEG (AGAIN) BECAUSE IM SEEING SMALL FULLY DEVELOPED BUDS THAT I DONT REALLY SEE CONNECTING. CRAZY TRICHS THOUGH. IT WILL BE INTERESTING TO SEE HOW IT COMES OUT. I TREATED THE GMO WITH WPM WITH A QTR GALLON OF K BICARBONATE FOLIAR SPRAY WITH A DROP OF DAWN FOR A SURFICANT. 9/12 Shook everything off and then used the leaf blower to try to better dry them. Weather is lookingvyo be good for the next couple weeks. Perfect finishing weather for my two that are furthest in flower. I may have to do a staged harvest. Some BOTTOM branches on e.h. are FAT and have trichs on trichs. I'll have to use my scope. I'm switching to cha ching next feed for the three furyhest in flower. Maybe four. The sherb pie had NO flowers last week but it's exploding with really compact buds. The whole plant turned purple. I need to be careful of botrytis with this weather. I've been pretty good about leaving and removing any dead or dying leaves. Even the plant in the ten is filling out nice. I have SOMETHING (behaving like earwigs) and eating "fresh" shoots. It's like lollipopping the new growth on a couple plants. I'll becstaying at the grow from now forward so I'll go out tonight and see what I found. The poison I put down seems to be gone. Anyway I'm very grateful for what I've got. I'm update as I go. 9/13 It's sprinkling a half hour trom my grow. I think it's supposed to be nice though. I found some botrytis on two plants. Two are so close to finishing that I need to closely watch them. I don't want botrytis. I applied k bicarb to the middle gmo as I saw a spot of pm. I spent a ton of time defoliating. This cold weather has brought the fade much faster. Trichs are looking good. WENT THROUGH THE PLANTS AND DEFOLIATED A SHIT TON. APPARENTLY THIS EARLY FADE IS NORMAL THIS YEAR. AT LEAST IN ALL MY CANNABIS GROUPS. WENT THROUGH EVERYTJING! STILL HAVE THE MIDDLE EVENT HORIZON I WANT TOO TIE DOWN BUT I DID A LOT OF DEFOLIATION. THIS ALLOWED ME TO FIND A FEW PIECES OF BOTRYTIS. ON MY PLANTS THAT ARE ALMOST DONE. WE HAVE GOOD WEATHER FOR A LITTLE BIT BUT I MAY HAVE REACHED DIMINISHING RETURNS ON A COUPLE. THAT E.V. AND THE TOASTED TOFFY I DONT WANT GETTING WET. THEY ARE TOO DENSE. TRICHS ARE ALL MILKY AND THEYRE SWELLING. IM SLEEPING ON IT BUT IM ALMOST POSITIVE IM GOING TO DO A SELECTIVE HARVEST ON THOSE TWO. IM NOT LETTI G SHIT ROT AND AGTER LOOKING AT THESE UNDER A SCOPE I WOULDS TAKEN THEM YEARS AGO. GMO IS FROSTY AS HELL. EXTREMELY ARONATIC GARDEN. ILL KEEP THIS UPDATED. Decided to hold off feeding and watering. Defoliated a shit ton throughout the day. Around five I noticed that my shittiest GMO with the yellow leaves had a couple dead interior branches. Upon closer inspection it looked like grey mold. A few tiny buds were destroyed but the branch needed to be removed. Jot any big loss but if it's in the shit that doesn't matter than it's around the shit that does. Found info on event horizon flowering time. Middle of September until middle of October. That could be why I'm seeing coke cans on the bottom branches of that phenome. I've got some decisions to make. I mixed up enough water to water in the morning. I'll mix up feed in the morning. Tje garden has gotten a lot of attention lately. I hope it pays off. I'm leaning on a multi staged harvest of the event horizon amd toasted toffy but we'll 9/14 Hurries morning. Mixed water for this morning last night. WATERED AND FED EVERYTHING (BUT TOASTED TOFFY AND EVENT HORIZON #2 DUE TO THEM BEING CHOPPED SOON.) Everything got a gallon of water and a qtr of food. I had to cut a couple small interior secondary branches on my shottiest GMO due to the appearance of grey mold. I also found some botrytis in both the event horizon and toasted toffy that I plan to take the tops of today. I scoped them and I'm planning to do a staged harvest. Trichs are milky with some amber. Everything is blowing up! I'm not sure what's happening but like it previous years there's a couple plants with leaves dieing near bud sites and an overall yellow appearance. Maybe it's late stage septoria. I cant isolate it due to local laws but if I have to I'll deal with it. Nothing else had anything like that. I hace noticed SOMETHING nocturnal that can eat a small branch and leave it bare. Also eat the small newly forming shoots at the bottom of plants. I shouldve taken off ALL the larfy stuff as it draws bugs but I did things a like different with each plant this year. I'm going to go through the plants again today and I'll update what I decide. Chances are the top half of those two plants are coming down. I'll do a video. 9/15 I'll have to add pics and videos tomorrow. Last night I did a final check of the trichs on event horizon #2 and toasted toffy. Everything looked great so I proceeded to do a "wet trim" outside (ill use the leaf blower to clean up) and cut the tops off the plant. I know this injures tje plant but it also makes them go crazy thinking they are dying and the buds and trichs swell. I had one plant last year I got two harvests off and a bunch of fresh frozen for concentrates. I looked this morning and I madecthe right decision. These plants are DONE. I've got another event horizon but it's not quite there yet. I'm going to leave it as long as I can. If the injured plants pick up pm or something (already had septoria) then the flower will be used for extracts or I'll do a Cervantes wash. I imagine concentrates though. One GMO isn't doing as good as the rest. Yesterday I had to cut three branches off due to grey mold on the stalk. If laws allowed it I'd isolate that plant. Luckily since I spend so much time going through the garden I'm able to find this kind of stuff. The GMO'S look wonderful (even the one with some yellow leaves that I cut the branches off) . K bicarb has kept pm at bay so far. This strain has TONS of trichs. It's like trich on trich on trich. I can't wait to try it. It smells amazing. Sherb pie is completely purple with rock hard buds that smell amazing. It's quality over quantity this year. The big one in the 50 (I think red runtz) is swelling more everyday. I'm going to switch to ch ching soon. The plant in the 10 had TOTALLY SUPRISED ME. I've never grown a plant lime this. It started out with dark purple in the middle now buds are swelling and calyxes are EVERYWHERE! This plant is growing extremely fast! You'll see what I mean when I put the pics and the videos up. I'm not going to do the event horizon harvest until I get both plants and all of both plants. It will be a while before I finish the toasted toffy one as well. 9/16 I'm glad I took those plants. Weather is good but plants were soaked thos morning. I need to go out at night and see what is eating new shoots. Flowers are looking great. I need to do another app of k bocarb sometime. I'm suprised the pm has pretty much stayed with that one plant. That two other GMO's flanking it are doing awesome! Purple, sticky stinky. It's got the whole package. The one in the 50 has some huge flowers that won't require much longer. The one invthe 10 has some time left. This is clearly a sativa dominant hybrid. The buds are swelling like crazy. It went from NO buds to having little purple calyxes to flowers that look like cat-tails! I can't wait to see what rhis year brings. Once I get things dry and manicured I'll give you guys a look at how the first stage of the first harvest went. I'm super happy. Spent a large part of this morning shaking plants by handcand removing any dead leaves or anything that could cause rot then I went over them with a leaf blower. I'll need to water tonight I imagine. WATERED AROUND 3:00 PM. MY FAVORITE GMO STARTED DROPPING. WATERED EVERYTHING A GALLON EXCEPT I SPLIT ONE GALLON ON THE PLANTS THAT HAD BEEN CUT. IM EXTREMELY TIRED BUT I NEED TO GO OUT AT NIGHT AND SEE IF I CAN FIND EARWIGS CRAWLING UP THE STALKS. WEATHER STILL LOOKS GOOD. BUDS SWELLING PISTOLS RETRACTING AND MORE AND MORE LEAVES DYING. I CANT BELIEVE THE SIZE OF THAT SATIVA LEANING HYBRID IN THE TEN!
Salut les Growmies Nouvelle semaine de croissance , nouvelle coupe d'apex. Les filles vont bien et sont en pleine forme. le rempotage a accéléré leur croissance.Au regard de l evolution je pense les passer en floraison d ici deux semaines
The ORP probe is not calibrated and values are to be taken with a grain of salt. Values are average of the day. DATE - °C - RH% (Tent Temp/RH) 20240905 24.3 70.9 20240906 24.7 65.5 20240907 23.9 69.5 20240908 23.2 62.9 20240909 22.4 62.3 20240910 22.5 61.4 20240911 23.0 55.4 DATE - PH 20240905 5.91 20240906 5.85 20240907 6.04 20240908 5.75 20240909 5.85 20240910 5.88 20240911 5.79 DATE - ORP (mV) 20240905 61 20240906 41 20240907 66 20240908 82 20240909 30 20240910 18 20240911 18 DATE - EC(us/cm) 20240905 2209 20240906 2260 20240907 2218 20240908 2297 20240909 2200 20240910 2165 20240911 2202 DATE - CF 20240905 22.09 20240906 22.60 20240907 22.17 20240908 22.97 20240909 22.00 20240910 21.65 20240911 22.02 DATE - °C (Reservoir) 20240905 21.5 20240906 22.0 20240907 21.7 20240908 21.7 20240909 20.6 20240910 20.4 20240911 20.6
The ORP probe is not calibrated and values are to be taken with a grain of salt. Values are average of the day. DATE - °C - RH% (Tent Temp/RH) 20240905 24.3 70.9 20240906 24.7 65.5 20240907 23.9 69.5 20240908 23.2 62.9 20240909 22.4 62.3 20240910 22.5 61.4 20240911 23.0 55.4 DATE - PH 20240905 5.91 20240906 5.85 20240907 6.04 20240908 5.75 20240909 5.85 20240910 5.88 20240911 5.79 DATE - ORP (mV) 20240905 61 20240906 41 20240907 66 20240908 82 20240909 30 20240910 18 20240911 18 DATE - EC(us/cm) 20240905 2209 20240906 2260 20240907 2218 20240908 2297 20240909 2200 20240910 2165 20240911 2202 DATE - CF 20240905 22.09 20240906 22.60 20240907 22.17 20240908 22.97 20240909 22.00 20240910 21.65 20240911 22.02 DATE - °C (Reservoir) 20240905 21.5 20240906 22.0 20240907 21.7 20240908 21.7 20240909 20.6 20240910 20.4 20240911 20.6
la semana empiezan mostrando un estado muy bonito y gozan de humidificador nuevo. Primeras comprobaciones de temperatura y humedad con el humidificador al mínimo, como puede verse en la foto del dia antes, dia 15, apenas no ha cosumido nada de agua por lo que aumentaremos el caudal y tiempo en el temporizador analógico. Así aumentaremos también un poco más la humedad sin tantos altos y bajos Pasados unos 5 dias volví a podar dejando únicamente un nudo por planta y un doblado de ramitas. A los 21 dias volví a podar del primer nudo de cada rama, hojas y yemas.
6 ta semana de crecimiento del 9 septiembre al 15 de septiembre 2024, nutrimos con Floralicius Plus, hidrol-pez, bases PH Perfecto y CaliMagic, se nota un crecimiento más rápido y vigoroso.
Note : + jegliches Zubehör wird in der GermniationsWoche aufgelistet . Zeitraffer Videos folgen immer nachträglich. + videos werden so geschnitten das nur ein geschlossenes Zelt erscheint , ergo Fehlen paar reale Minuten (ca 1 Std) . Day 57: + 2.0 Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna PH+ + + PH 5.91 Da es heute heiss ist , wird wie Gestern laufen . Bis 19:00 Uhr wird das Licht reduziert und dann DLI nachgeholt. Day 58: Da es immer noch heiss ist , wird wie Gestern laufen . Bis 19:00 Uhr wird das Licht reduziert und dann DLI nachgeholt. Day 59: + 2.0 Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + + + Canna PH+ + + PH 5.91 16h jetzt mit 1000 PPFD und jeweils 1 Stunde Sonnenaufgang und Sonnenuntergang. Day 60: Mal ein bissel Größenvergleiche gemacht .Das Clipper Feuerzeug ist 7.5 cm hoch . Day 61: + 1.75 Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + + + Canna PH+ + + PH 6.01 Day 62: Das Wetter bleibt stabil, damit bleiben die Growwerte auch stabil. Bisher Läuft das 1000 PPFD Spitze und 750 PPFD Sekundätriebe ganz gut . Ihre Freundin die leider ein Wasserschaden erlitten hat (tja da war wohl irgendwas im Wasser was ein Regenbogenfilm erzeugt hat , im schlimmsten Fall Waschmittel) nimmt der einen Seite zwar licht, aber geht halt nicht anderes bei nur einer Lichtquelle . Ich fahr halt gleich ein doppel Experiement mit dem Licht. Bisher aber holt sie ganz gut nach mit 900-1000 PPFD auf die ziemlich gleich hohe Krone . Day 63: + 1.75 Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + + + Greenhouse Feeding BioEnhancer + + + Canna PH+ + + PH 6.01
Die letzte Woche ist angebrochen und sie bekommen ab jetzt nur noch reines Leitungswasser ohne Nährstoffe und das auch nur abends. Morgens lasse ich das Wasser ab und lasse sie mit der Pfütze zurecht kommen, die noch drin bleibt, um etwas Trockenstress zu erzeugen. Die Wasserpumpen mit den Aeroponik-Düsen sind bereits aus, aber die Airpumps laufen noch. Ich warte noch ein wenig auf die Trichome, aber es wird vermutlich nicht mehr all zu lange dauern, bis ich sie ernte 😁👍 An Tag 78 habe ich angefangen zu ernten, wird wohl etwas dauern 😇 ... Tag 82... selbst die Schere hat zwischendurch versagt, aber davon lässt man sich ja nicht aufhalten. Es wird wohl noch ein paar Tage dauert, bis ich fertig bin.
9/11/24 sadly the sun isnt hitting these girls as much as i wish. theyve got a decent smell and some decent trichome coverage for only being the begining of week 4. hopefully they chunk up and arent too far behind because of the lack of sun/ light penetration. ive had half a mind to move them indoors to finish