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Week 4: Girls have responded well to nutes. Defoliation started this week. White spots started showing, After research we believe this to be because of our hard water and getting water on the leaves. We also started LST using fishing line, however this did not work so we removed it.
After topping her I gave her dose nitrogen help her recover topping she got wat she needed any comments quistion s feel free any time my pleasure..
La pequeña gorila sigue fabricando pistilos y sus tricomas siguen transparentes, con lo cual la dejaremos alguna semanas mas para ir viendo el proceso. Los cogollos están realmente prensados y tiene un fuerte olor a cítricos 🔥 muy muy pegajosos Con ganas de terminar esta maravilla para poder fumarla 👌
Started Some LST by pulling down the main stem on day 15 coz they were doing nice and good and took well to their feed without any issue. Come day 16 and *!SNAP!* It's Like Hearing one of your own limbs breaking and number lll lost her top from coming on 5 nodes right down to the first node, It was a sad day in the box , hearing a branch crack is the loudest sound in the grow esp if they are so young. I tried some surgery with some duct tape and left it for a couple of hours hoping it would recover but nothing and I decided to let go and clean up the top nicely, Basically grew out 5 nodes to be topped at the first by mistake and I was considering topping the Autos just for a test but it seems like my hand was forced, Be very gentle with the LST is what I've learnt from this but atleast I still have something to work with and might even consider mainlining depending on the growth. Day 17 And They Are All Recovered nicely after thier feed and the bud sites are now pushing from number l and ll (I've Marked the bags l,ll,lll)
Smoke smell in curing jars. All have a peculiar smell. Sweet but not strong. When buds taken out no smell on collectively that they have a smell. Smoke it self is very very smooth the flushing must of done it good that's an assumption but the smoke it's grey/white a tinge of black The affects are very heavy no paranoia or anything just a good strong indica smoke RQS have done it again excellent smoke and happy growing I would recommend to anyone. Only thing is I would recommend to anyone is ALWAYS PH YOUR FEED. Everything must be ph'ed it saves you alot of time and makes sure your girls are catered for. Perhaps another time I would use rooting enhancement as there wasn't a lot of roots like I was expecting Happy smoking all PS. The light was 240w So that's 0.44 gram per watt. Probably could of done bette had the small potted one been in a 40L as well.
20/05/2021 Las plantas comienzan a superar el estrés causado por el trasplante! Espero tener una semana mas de vegetativo de cara a que mejore el estado de estrés y luego se van a florar! 23/05/2021 Viene todo muy bien, sigo acomodando ramas en el scrog! esperamos terminar los Citizen para pasar a florar lo antes posible.
20/05/2021 (Day 65) Se realizo un nuevo cambio de solución. Las plantas se encuentran espléndidas y listas para comenzar un proceso de engorde y resinado. Esta semana se incorpora una barra de 1m de osram con Deep Blue, Far red e hiper red como complemento de rojos y azules. 23/05/2021 (Day 68) Hoy se colocó la segunda malla scrog y podemos observar que las plantas van desde 90cm de altura al suelo en su expresión mas indica y 110cm de distancia al suelo en la expresión mas sativa.
20/05/2021 (Day 65) Se realizo un nuevo cambio de solución. Las plantas se encuentran espléndidas y listas para comenzar un proceso de engorde y resinado. Esta semana se incorpora una barra de 1m de osram con Deep Blue, Far red e hiper red como complemento de rojos y azules. 23/05/2021 (Day 68) Hoy se colocó la segunda malla scrog y podemos observar que las plantas van desde 90cm de altura al suelo en su expresión mas indica y 110cm de distancia al suelo en la expresión mas sativa.
Hey here we go again.. in the pics I explained how to clean the lava rocks but to make it easier I will put them here. LAVA ROCK CLEANING. 1... fill sink with hot water and about a half bottle of hydrogen peroxide . 2 ...dump rocks into sink 3....shake out rocks from roots...I suggest you do this in another sink then add lava rock to other sink..it keeps from adding to many roots to water sink. 4....skim off all roots from top of water...now while the lava rocks sit in the water..clean the buckets. 5...take fitting from buckets and add to a cup filled with hydrogen peroxide let sit 6...clean buckets with hot water and hydrogen peroxide....dry bucket 7...take fittings out of cup clean off and clean inside fittings..then wash off and put back into buckets. 8... use a colander and add lava rock to it and run hot water over the lava rock as you move them around...then add warm..then cold water this will help make the roots brittle and easy to remove...shake off all water. 9...put rocks back into buckets 10 ...set room back up with all new lines... Enjoy your grow, good luck, have fun Smoke a fatty..see you next week Help out a fellow grower.
Dans l'ordre: 1) Afghan Peach x Blue Monkey 2) Gelato Cake 3) Fast Critical Poison 4) Tropical Fuel 5) Hindu Kush 6) (Blueberry x Black Domina) X (Kosher Kush x Mk-Ultra) 7) Blueberry 8) Herz OG 9) (Blueberry x Black Domina) X (Kosher Kush x Mk-Ultra)
Nothing to report. Seedling. I use chop sticks to hold up the plants until they are strong. Prevents them from blowing over.
All the plants are doing well. Banana #1 is definitely ahead of the others in her flower but the other two are coming along these are all taken on day 48. They are averaging a growth of 2 cm a day in growth. We have changed them the last two weeks to 18/6 lighting and it seems to be helping them in general. The last two watering they received no food as we felt we had been giving them too much nutrients and wanted to give them a wee break. They will be fed tomorrow. Still not sure what the yellow spots on the leaves are but I think it’s something to do with the nutrients they received, I had thought it was lack of Cal/Mag but no one else thought so. They have never been given Cal/Mag before.
Nothing to report. Seedling. I use chop sticks to hold up the plants until they are strong. Prevents them from blowing over.
No more base nutrients. Just feeding with extra Boost and a small bit of PK. I will reduce this further nearer to chop. I think this is the last week now. 2 girls have maybe another 2 weeks to go. But the other 26 are almost done. 2 different phenos. 1 is shorter and compact. Finishing quicker. The other wants to stretch and finish a week or so after.. Both smell like grapes, black current, lemon and a touch of deisal. Very beautiful! Reduced the light today. 11hrs light. 13hrs dark Much love Peace 💚
End of 10 weeks of flowering (recommended flowering time for this strain). Buds have ripened but are not quite finished yet... Will give them a few more days to finish off. Getting very close!
She smells and tastes great 🔥🔥🔥🔥she also looks good with her purple buds.