04/09 - Started minor defoliation. Shes getting too bushy and blocking bud sites and causing moisture spots. Will remove a couple of leaves every other day for the next week.
05/09 - Full res change. Realised I mucked up the ratio. Went 35ml Micro, 25ml grow, (Shouldve been the other way around, so added an extra 10ml grow), 15ml Bloom and 15ml Silica. EC 1.4, PH 5.7. Will keep an eye on her and add some additional grow if she does alright.
06/09 - Minor defoliation. Removed about 12 leaves total so far. LST to spread the canopy a little more. PH stable at 5.8, EC at 1.4, Water level dropping. Seems to be stretching and pistils have begun to form! Responding well to the uptick in nutes from the res change.
07/09 - Leaf tucking, LST and took a leaf or two. Shes getting her stretch on for sure. PH stable at 5.8, EC stable at 1.4. Water level still dropping.
09/09 - After much deliberation, I ended up going for a fairly heavy defoliation session and am now going to leave her the hell alone until at least mid flower. I removed a large chunk of shaded leaves and bud sites and effectively ended up lollipopping her. I also removed all the old LST, and added a couple to pull leaves out of the way. The canopy remains largely unchanged, but shes much more airy now, and Im seeing far fewer damp spots where leaf perspiration has occured. Now to see if I can keep my hands off for a few weeks!