Day 45 in flower... Trichomes are about 80% milk and no amber... The paint and big Z are 7-9 weekers and orange cake is 9-10... Def few weeks on the orange cake... But getting close to how I like it on the other two... The smells are outta this world... Orange cake smells like orange cake... Very orange like it's nuts... Never smelt anything like it tbh... The paint is a different pheno than previous ones because there's usually a chemical skunk smell but this is a fruity pebble smell with layers of earth smell and a sticky presence that doesn't go away for a long time lol... The big Z is another sweet smelling but more along the smell of a mouth full of Skittles and that dirt earth smell aftertones... They're awesome and I'm really excited!
this week i topdressing with Fish bone meal 4-16-0 100g per plant and 4-9-4 100g 3-7-4 50g per plant Avg. 250gram of craft organic fertilizer for plant 4-16-0 = 100g = 400-1600-0 4-9-4 = 100g = 400-900-400 3-7-4 = 50g = 150-350-200 950-2850-600 /100 = 9.5-28.5-6.0 g every 250g from fish bone and craft So plant avg. got npk 9.5-28.5-6.0 per 1 plant from Topdressing In next week we plan to take little N and more than K Good phenotype it look like Berries Candy and syrup sugar
Eccoci qui... In questa prima settimana di fioritura ho notato come le due piccoline abbiano avuto questa crescita così esponenziale e come tutte le collab DA ORA SI INIZIA CON I VIDEO per testimoniare meglio la fioritura!!! Grazie a @KhalifaGenetics per la collab e a tutti per il supporto🔥🌲❤️
Eccoci qui... Questa varietà mi lascia a bocca aperta è gigante!!! Sono rimasto molto colpito da come pur avendola messa giù da seme sia avanti in fioritura come i cloni con 53 giorni alle spalle!!!!! Sono curioso di questa bellezza, e come in tutti i diari SI INIZIA CON I VIDEO. Grazie a @KhalifaGenetics per la collab e a tutti per il supporto🔥🌲❤️
Plants have now been somewhat defoliated, sex of the plants can now also be determined. Fertilized according to Bio-Bizz Shema It was watered every 2 days. ___ Pflanzen wurden nun etwas entlaubt, Geschlecht der Pflanzen lässt sich nun auch schon bestimmen. Gedüngt wurde nach Bio-Bizz Shema Gegossen wurde alle 2 Tage.
Eccoci qui... In questa prima settimana di fioritura ho notato come le due piccoline abbiano avuto questa crescita così esponenziale e come tutte le collab DA ORA SI INIZIA CON I VIDEO per testimoniare meglio la fioritura!!! Grazie a @KhalifaGenetics per la collab e a tutti per il supporto🔥🌲❤️
Eccoci qui... Questa è una bestia!!! Pianta altissima con una colata di cime davvero molto molto interessanti, sono molto curioso di vederla alla fine mancheranno ancora 2/3 settimane ma non vedo l'ora di tagliarla!!! Grazie a @KannabiaSeeds e a @Xpertnutrients per la collab e a tutti per il supporto🔥🌲❤️
Eccoci qui... Settimana prossima si tagliaaaaa!!!! Finalemente siamo arrivati alla fine con questa piccola mi sono divertito è stato bellissimo coltivarla outdoor, è venuta bassa ma molto molto compatta!!! Grazie a tutti per il supporto
May 15th We’ve had some tough winds. She handled it very well actually. Her stem bulked. Added a layer of coco on top to help with winds and to choke up on her stem
5/12/2024 happy Mother’s Day to all the ladies and buds 5/15 super frosty sugar leaves. I can visually see them standing, that they are so tall
Day 14. Weather is finally warm enough to put them out completely. Was kind of concerned with even getting them to this point. I started them fairly early. Day 15. May 9th, 2024 They lasted all night outside finally and will stay. I did add some worm casting on top of the soil. I plan to add some veg nutes soon. Will be using roots organics terp tea line. May 11th #3 is 3.5 inches #2 2.25 inch #1 2 inch
Week 8 of flower has come and gone. She will be harvested in the next week. Again I would like to apologize to @Exotic_Seed and Sebastian for not keeping up with the diary. I will do the same strain for them with a full diary ASAP! 😍
W13.D1(88) 🍂🔥💧🌱🌟 The tips of the leaves are starting to burn 🔥. In the drainage, TDS levels are between 1800 - 1900 💧. Given my unconventional 🌱 fertilization scheme, which aims to provide everything for passive absorption 🌟 (without the expenditure of ATP on active), and the lack of data on the actual condition of the soil 🌱, I will perform a small flush with pure spring water 💧 each evening 🌟. 🌱🕒⏫🌞📈 Today, I'm once again extending the daylight cycle 🌞 by 10 minutes ⏫. The total increase has now reached 30 minutes 🕒, and currently, we're thriving on a schedule of 14.5 hours on, 9.5 hours off 📈. W13.D2(89) 🌊🔮🌸🌿📈 Partial flushes 🌊immediately show their effect 🔮 - the scent of resin 🌿 and flowering 🌸 intensifies significantly 📈 W13.D3(90) 🍂📜🔁🌱🌿 Yesterday, I realized that almost no one scrolls down to what I consider fascinating content 🍂📜. Thus, I've decided to periodically repeat it 🔁. Today, I want to return to the source of growth and vitality of the plant 🌱🌿. 🌟🌱🍃🌿🌞 All energy in carbon-based life forms is produced through three mechanisms: cellular respiration, photosynthesis, and fermentation 🌟. For plants, only cellular respiration and photosynthesis are relevant 🌱🍃. Cellular respiration is the primary mechanism generating ATP (the universal cellular battery) 🌿. The fuel for this process is oxygen (from the air) and glucose 🌞. 🤔🌿🍃💡🔬 But where does glucose come from in plants? It originates from the air through the second process called photosynthesis 🤔🌿. During its two phases (dark and light), water and carbon dioxide are converted into glucose and pure oxygen in the chloroplasts of leaves through the action of light 💡🔬. 🌿🍂🏗️🌱🌟 Thus, glucose is then used both for cellular respiration and for growth (as building blocks) 🏗️. It can be confidently stated that plants derive their mass and energy directly from the air 🌱🌿. And that leaves are the source of life force 🍂. The more leaves that remain, the more glucose the plant can produce, meaning more nourishment and "building blocks for growth" 🌱🌟
Its finally harvest day. It seems she would need 4-5 days more until harvest but she is to small and she cost me too much so i harvest her with the other small ones to get space for another plant.
Wow, what a great week for the plants! Despite some challenging weather conditions, they really thrived. We discovered that watering them more frequently helps them deal with the sun and dryness in the greenhouse, which is fantastic news. We've also taken steps to control pests by using peppermint and more neem oil around the house, and we've improved the greenhouse's foundation. It feels great to see everything coming together! While we're aiming for the best, we know there's still plenty to learn and do. Next week, we'll likely start implementing some new growth techniques now that the plants' stems are getting sturdier and more leaves are sprouting at the lower levels. It's exciting to see them progress through this vegetative stage! One of the Sour Diesel was beginning to flower so we had to cut it off. She was putting all of her energy towards growing it and it was eventually going to kill her. RIP
Os recuerdo que no hay que hacer mucho caso de las dosis, es orientativo. Por ejemplo: dia 43 tocó riego de BUD, solo con bud hasta llegar a 1,6 EC Añadiendo hasta llegar a 1,6 sin mirar los ml que son. Se recomienda no pasar del 1ml/L y este fué con algo más. Más adelante veremos si se sobrefertilizaron o no.