Last 2-3 weeks of the grow period now, expecting the COP to finish up first and I’m guessing the PSS is going to push it to 10 weeks, at least I hope so, would be awesome to have a fairly nice yield from that one. It looks and smells so good just need a bit more swelling inna da buds. All looking great. However got a slight nute burn to all plants from one of the last feeds. Only very slight and it was picked up quickly. The following feed consisted of Tripple F and molasses soup, holding back all other nutes until the following feed. Problem seems to be sorted.
The grow becomes a little more of a challenge day by day, the weather here is worsening meaning colder and more humid day by day, my cramped circumstances don’t help the situation either. The hum coming from my room now is also a little to loud and when everything’s running at quiet times can be Heard, when it really shouldn’t be, although I don’t have problems with that at the moment who knows who might hear it at the wrong time🙄 oh spring hurry along please.