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10/17/2022 start of week 3. Plants still look healthy. Been LST the Strawberry Gushers and Newberry for a few days and some of the lower branches are catching up. Trying to keep the canopy as uniform as possible. The Strawberry Gushers appears to be in preflower already, which is a bit concerning. Was hoping to get at least another week out of her. Orange Bubblegum is still the smallest of the three, but she continues to grow at a steady pace. I think someone pulled a fast one on me with my cover crop. I have what looks like blades of grass growing, with only a few small clovers showing up so far. Guess that is what I get for shopping on Amazon. Also, increased my DLI to 500. Not much more to report at this time. On 10/19/2022 I watered 1 liter per pot with the Rootwise and ThermX again. This amount every 2 to 3 days seems to be sufficient for their current size. The pots are wet on the bottom, but no run off. Also, removed just a few of the lowest leaves and fan leaves blocking the lower branches. The LST is allowing the lower branches to catch up. 10/21/2022 watered both the Strawberry Gushers and Newberry with about 1.5 liters each. They are both really growing fast now. The Orange Bubblegum is beginning to speed up, it's just seems like a shorter plant with shorter node spacing. I just misted the surface of the Newberry since the pot was heavier than the other two. Still doing some minor LST on the main trunk and some selective deformation and leaf tucking of leaves blocking bud sites. 10/23/2022 was a big day for the Strawberry Gushers. Top dressed with Gnarly Barley, BuildASoil Craft Blend, and BuildASoil BuildFlower, then watered 2 liters. Plant is starting to stretch so I wanted to make sure she has access to the nutrients she needs. The Newberry and Orange Bubblegum just got 1 liter like usual. Plan to top dress them as well once they get a little bigger. Avg. VPD: .8 PPFD: 500 DLI: 32
Strawberry Gushers · Custom Breeder & Strain
Orange Bubblegum · Twisted Tree Autoflowers
Newberry Auto · Twisted Tree Autoflowers
SF-2000 · Spider Farmer
Spider Farmer 4.5x2x6.5 (70cm x 140cm x200cm) · Spider Farmer
Fish Shit · Fish Head Farms
Nature's Living Soil ·
ThermX 70 - Wetting Agent ·
Clackamas Coots Official Gnarly Barley · BuildASoil
Worm Castings · BuildASoil
Nature's Living Soil ·
ThermX 70 - Wetting Agent ·
Mycrobe Complete · Rootwise Soil Dynamics
Nature's Living Soil ·
ThermX 70 - Wetting Agent ·
Nature's Living Soil ·
ThermX 70 - Wetting Agent ·
Build-A-Flower Top Dress · BuildASoil
Craft Blend 3-5-2 · BuildASoil
TeaCo - Super Tea Blend ·
Bio-Phos · Rootwise Soil Dynamics
Coconut Water Powder · BuildASoil
Nature's Living Soil ·
ThermX 70 - Wetting Agent ·
TeaCo - Super Tea Blend ·
Nature's Living Soil ·
ThermX 70 - Wetting Agent ·
TeaCo - Super Tea Blend ·
BuildABloom · BuildASoil
Nature's Living Soil ·
ThermX 70 - Wetting Agent ·
TeaCo - Super Tea Blend ·
BIG 6 Micronutrients · BuildASoil
Nature's Living Soil ·
ThermX 70 - Wetting Agent ·
TeaCo - Super Tea Blend ·
Yah-Whey Thrive ·
Recharge · Real Growers
Nature's Living Soil ·
ThermX 70 - Wetting Agent ·
TeaCo - Super Tea Blend ·
Yah-Whey Thrive ·
Nature's Living Soil ·
ThermX 70 - Wetting Agent ·
TeaCo - Super Tea Blend ·
Yah-Whey Thrive ·
Nature's Living Soil ·
ThermX 70 - Wetting Agent ·
TeaCo - Super Tea Blend ·
Yah-Whey Thrive ·
Nature's Living Soil ·
ThermX 70 - Wetting Agent ·
TeaCo - Super Tea Blend ·
Yah-Whey Thrive ·
Nature's Living Soil ·
ThermX 70 - Wetting Agent ·
TeaCo - Super Tea Blend ·
Yah-Whey Thrive ·
Nature's Living Soil ·
ThermX 70 - Wetting Agent ·
TeaCo - Super Tea Blend ·
Yah-Whey Thrive ·
Slowly cutting back on feeding her probably just light feedings this week then 2 weeks straight with plain PH water. Bring down the ppms. I've heard people saying you dont need to flush. What I do people is I give them plain water for two weeks and sometimes I'll add and extra gallon of ice cold water to stress the plant to make more thhricomes. I used to do ice flushing all the time which is putting ice cubes around the base of the plant and then slamming it with ice cold water. I got this method from oldmanindica on Instagram and then notice many people doing it after me. Does it work who knows right? Just science But other then that beautiful fucking plant great outcome I'm sad it's coming to and end already. Dutch passion again with the great geneicts.
Que pasa familia, puesto que la compañera y yo estamos bajo mínimos, hemos decidido proceder a un lavado de raíces temprano, y un estrés hídrico para limpiar raíces y estresarla un poco. Todo va sobre ruedas , puesto que el Covid afecta al confinamiento, decidimos cortar las gorillas estos días siguientes para secar y en nada tener algún bote para subsistir 😂🤣. -El estrés hídrico es reducir cada riego la cantidad de agua, para que la planta se estrese y escupa tricomas sus últimos días. Esta variedad de sweet seeds es INCREÍBLE, aun cortándola pronto me parece que los resultados son inmejorables, su olor a melón me encanta y se ve repleta de thc. Nos vemos en la cosecha fumetillas, y mucho ánimo para todos.
Que pasa familia, puesto que la compañera y yo estamos bajo mínimos, hemos decidido proceder a un lavado de raíces temprano, y un estrés hídrico para limpiar raíces y estresarla un poco. Todo va sobre ruedas , puesto que el Covid afecta al confinamiento, decidimos cortar las gorillas estos días siguientes para secar y en nada tener algún bote para subsistir 😂🤣. -El estrés hídrico es reducir cada riego la cantidad de agua, para que la planta se estrese y escupa tricomas sus últimos días. Esta variedad de sweet seeds es INCREÍBLE, aun cortándola pronto me parece que los resultados son inmejorables, su olor a melón me encanta y se ve repleta de thc. Nos vemos en la cosecha fumetillas, y mucho ánimo para todos.
Que pasa familia, puesto que la compañera y yo estamos bajo mínimos, hemos decidido proceder a un lavado de raíces temprano, y un estrés hídrico para limpiar raíces y estresarla un poco. Todo va sobre ruedas , puesto que el Covid afecta al confinamiento, decidimos cortar las gorillas estos días siguientes para secar y en nada tener algún bote para subsistir 😂🤣. -El estrés hídrico es reducir cada riego la cantidad de agua, para que la planta se estrese y escupa tricomas sus últimos días. Esta variedad de sweet seeds es INCREÍBLE, aun cortándola pronto me parece que los resultados son inmejorables, su olor a melón me encanta y se ve repleta de thc. Nos vemos en la cosecha fumetillas, y mucho ánimo para todos.
Buenas tardes queridos compañeros jardineros: Aquí traigo actualización de las pequeñas autoflorecientes, mantienen su fuerza, un color verde preciosos, y a pesar de que están más pequeñas de lo normal por el fallo en la alimentación la primera semana, podemos observar como están floreciendo y llenándose de tricomas, además de un olor profundo y penetrante que solo puede augurar momentos muy divertidos y placenteros. Si algo bueno está trayendo la crisis del coronavirus, es que al menos tenemos más tiempo para dedicarnos a ellas. Nos vemos la siguiente semana con una nueva actualizacón, muchos ánimos y fuerzas a todos, pasará y para entonces ya tendremos nuestras cosechas listas!! BUENOS HUMOS😇
so far everything is fine ı guess 😃 this is my first auto strain, actually my second grow 😃 I am waiting for all kinds of help and suggestions
Bonjour à tous les padawans et maîtres jedis Tout d'abord merci à James de Royal queen seeds de me permettre de faire cette culture Je rappelle je n'utilise que le strict minimum du matériel nécessaire à une culture correcte au prix le plus bas possible MATÉRIEL CONFIGURATION Box 80×80×160 Lampe led greenception GC4 250WATTS Ventilateur à pince 15 watts Xiaomi Deerma humidificateurs 5L Hygrometre thermomètre Extracteur PROFAN 107 m3/h - 100 Prise programmable électronique ×2 1 pot geotextile noir 10 litres (RQS) RQS feeding easy boost organic RQS easy combo tablets Substrat cellmax bio ligthmix Fil de fer et pince coupante Microscope Petite balance de précision CULTURE ÉTAPE PAR ÉTAPE J'ai tout dabord fais germé ma graine avec le easy start de Royal queen seed et je suis agréablement surpris car franchement le taux de réussite est très élevé (9 graines sur 10) simple d'utilisation et très efficace. Une fois la plantule sortie et d'une hauteur de 2 ou 3 centimètres je la prend délicatement et la place directement dans son pot définitif. Je préconise des pots allant entre 10 litres et 15 litres pour des autofloraisons cultivées en intérieur. Le pot aura été préalablement préparé (video dans diarie) avec 50 grammes d'engrais RQS easy boost organic, soit l'équivalent de à peu près 5 grammes par litre de substrat. Je dépose donc la plantule dans son pot définitif je recouvre un peu de avec de terre je tasse légèrement et j'arrose pour garder le substrat humide pas plus Je place ma lampe led 300watts à environ 90 centimètres de la plantule avec un cycle de lumière de 24/24 pendant une semaine. Au début de la semaine 2 le cycle de lumière passera en 20/4 grace a un programmateur car c'est pour moi le cycle de lumière qui offre le meilleur rendement pour une autofloraison. Jour1: léger arrosage Jour2: léger arrosage Jour5: préparation de 3 litres d'eau ph6.3 à laquelle j'ajoute une tablette grow easy combo RQS ensuite arrosage avec 1,5 litre d'eau ph6.3
Bonjour à tous les padawans et maîtres jedis Tout d'abord merci à James de Royal queen seeds de me permettre de faire cette culture Je rappelle je n'utilise que le strict minimum du matériel nécessaire à une culture correcte au prix le plus bas possible MATÉRIEL CONFIGURATION Box 80×80×160 Lampe led greenception GC4 250WATTS Ventilateur à pince 15 watts Xiaomi Deerma humidificateurs 5L Hygrometre thermomètre Extracteur PROFAN 107 m3/h - 100 Prise programmable électronique ×2 1 pot geotextile noir 10 litres (RQS) RQS feeding easy boost organic RQS easy combo tablets Substrat cellmax bio ligthmix Fil de fer et pince coupante Microscope Petite balance de précision CULTURE ÉTAPE PAR ÉTAPE J'ai tout dabord fais germé ma graine avec le easy start de Royal queen seed et je suis agréablement surpris car franchement le taux de réussite est très élevé (9 graines sur 10) simple d'utilisation et très efficace. Une fois la plantule sortie et d'une hauteur de 2 ou 3 centimètres je la prend délicatement et la place directement dans son pot définitif. Je préconise des pots allant entre 10 litres et 15 litres pour des autofloraisons cultivées en intérieur. Le pot aura été préalablement préparé (video dans diarie) avec 50 grammes d'engrais RQS easy boost organic, soit l'équivalent de à peu près 5 grammes par litre de substrat. Je dépose donc la plantule dans son pot définitif je recouvre un peu de avec de terre je tasse légèrement et j'arrose pour garder le substrat humide pas plus Je place ma lampe led 300watts à environ 90 centimètres de la plantule avec un cycle de lumière de 24/24 pendant une semaine. Au début de la semaine 2 le cycle de lumière passera en 20/4 grace a un programmateur car c'est pour moi le cycle de lumière qui offre le meilleur rendement pour une autofloraison. Jour1: léger arrosage Jour2: léger arrosage Jour5: préparation de 3 litres d'eau ph6.3 à laquelle j'ajoute une tablette grow easy combo RQS ensuite arrosage avec 1,5 litre d'eau ph6.3
As you can see from the third picture on day 29 she is looking a little ugly and unkept. I'm not sure if this is a normal thing or something I need to take action on. Advice would be great. So day 30 rolling around. Decided I had to try LST again. She felt more receptive to being bent over today as well. I mainly had to attempt it for space reasons. With the current covid panic all the markets where I buy my buckets from are closed and I can't procure a new one to increase my height for probably a couple of weeks at this rate so LST was my only option. She seems to have taken well to it and I will upload a finished picture of her shortly. Day 32, watered and fed her. 500ml of water plus .3ml each of fox farm trio. Hoping to see her perk up a bit. Concerned about the large brown spot on one of her leaves which made me think she was having a deficiency? Probably a bit early to worry about buds fattening up also but I am worried they are looking a bit airy at the moment on the non main cola sites. I'm not sure if my LST was effective at tricking her into trying to have more than one top cola? Day 33. No noticeable gains today, at least to my eyes. I can spot a little nute burn perhaps but hopefully nothing too serious. Looks like a cola that isn't the original top is starting to fill out just as much, if not more, than the original top though. Hoping they all catch up at a similar pace to each other and reduce the pop corn nug potential! Day 35. She has shown a few more bud sites since last post. I am worried that she is going to produce a fair bit of larf/popcorn bud and wanted to know how to get rid of that? I am not confident to remove any growth without knowing for sure it has a beneficial impact on the overall health of the plant and the final results. Any advise is appreciated. She also seemed a bit thirsty to me. The leaves were feeling a bit thin and dry so I gave her 1L of water with .7ml each of fox farm trio. Hopefully she responds well. I will check her in an hour or so to see if the leaves are starting to point back up - fingers crossed.
Im very happy with the progress so far. One of my better vegetative periods thats for sure. I removed my scrog as it was annoying to work with I did only water 1 time this week. Gave them around 1,2 liters each. Some a little less. PH 6, nutrients solution strenght is at 100% and they seem to be loving it. No signs of defficiencies to my knowledge. My grow tent is a little hot peaking at 30 celcius with a average around 29 at day and 18-22 celcius at night. Humidity is around 35 as well. My humidifier broke. I have fixed it and using it for my lemon tree and my vegetables that i got growing as well The smell is heaven like when i open the tent and some of them have the smell i am looking for so im really excited.
Buenas tardes jardineros!!! Hoy actualizo las preciosas la rica, que como podeis observar están preciosas y verdonas. Sigo informándome todo lo que puedo sobre cultivos de interior para tener el máximo control posible sobre esta cosecha de florecientes. De momento ni rastro de plagas, he notado como unas crecen un poco más rápidas que otras, pero la diferencia es mínima y no estoy haciendo distinciones entre ambas. Espero que tengaís un gran día y que a pesar de estos tiempos de incertidumbre y encierro, al menos podemos disfrutar de un gran pasatiempo como es la jardinería. Nos vemos para la semana. MUY BUENOS HUMOS😍
Day 41 Green Gelato is stacking up the buds... just a awsome strain already took some clones will put them under veg again when mommy is ready for the cut =) I need to water tomorrow I think Green Gelato is thirsty! Fruit Spirit going its way im really exited for the yield will see how this will go.... Sweet ZZ finally showing some nice trichome production and she starts to smell lovely. Im very happy with my grow I hope after this harvest I will never buy weed ever again! shoutout to Royal Queen Seeds for those awsome genetics favorite breeder company atm!
Buenos días queridos compañeros jardineros!!! Ya estamos de vuelta otra semana más con nuestras preciosas Llimonet, no os imaginais lo agradecida que estoy por tener estas semillas en estos tiempos que estamos viviendo de encierro y cuarentena. Como veis en unos días se han puesto realmente hermosas, no han dado ningun problema ni susto, la realidad es que lo único que las diferencia es que tienen distinto tamaño, por todo lo demás no están pidiendo ni demasiado abono, ni agua ni nada. Si que noto que sufren si la temperatura sube de los 28 grados, pero no es nada que no pueda controlar, así que todo bien. No hay rastro de plagas, revisad siempre muy bien las hojas por la cara inferior, ahí podremos encontrar pequeños maleantes de los que nos tendremos que deshacer. En el siguiente y último transplante, haremos pruebas entre macetas de tela y de plástico, para comprobar en cual crecen mejor. Nos vemos para la semana con más, pero no mejor, ajajaja MUY BUENOS HUMOS COMPAÑEROS😘
Crazy growth. Just crazy. The rest of the ladies are up on pots to try and keep the canopy as level as possible. She is super thirsty and is needing her nutrients upped. The training has really paid off, she has a cracking canopy. Looking forward to seeing her develop 😎
Short and chunky. I expected this girl to have stretched more than she has. Hoping she continues to stretch. She has a lovely canopy with a nice amount of tops so hoping the lack of height won't impact the yield. She is developing really well. I can't wait for the smells to begin to develop!
Tops galore. Again not stretched as much as I had hoped but putting that down to the amount of training she has had. She has a lovely even canopy and I'm looking forward to lots of dense nugs! Looking forward to seeing this girl develop. I've never smoked this before but i have had the chance to smell a fellow growers plants that are currently in late flower and it smells unreal!
She is trying hard to keep up with the amnesia but I think she is also destined to be short and fat. The tops look primed to develop into lovely fat buds, a lot broader than the others. She is starting to get a nice minty scent to her.
Nice and frosty, buds are finally looking like they’re getting dense and putting on some weight. Start flushing in a couple weeks when all the pistils get that orange color. So far about 50-70% are orange.