Can't wait to blazeeee Feeding💪 10/17 Water30L+Cleanse80ml+calmag@190ppm Ph6.3 Ebb 10.42/11.32/12.26/13 Clone 11.35/12.21/13.05/14 Average runoff ec1.5 Keeper 300ml per pot 10/18 Water26L+Flawless90ml+calmag@300ppm Ph6.3 Ebb 11.38/12.24/13.17 Average runoff ec1.2 ph6.5 Clone 12.38/13.56/15.20/16.10 Average runoff ec1.5 ppm750 10/19 Water26L+Cleanse80ml+calmag@200ppm Ph6.3 Ebb 11.12/11.48/12.24 Average runoff ec1.4 Clone 11.50/12.12/12.37/13.37/14.40 Average runoff ec1.3 ph6.6 10/20 Water30L+Cleanse30ml+Calmag@190ppm Ph6.4 Ebb11.42/12.22/13.20/14 Clone 12.40/13.20/14.20/14.45/15.15 Average runoff 1.2ec ph6.4-6.7 10/22 last light day 10/23 2 Pm Cut and hang Plan 21day at 23temp 55rh
Empezamos la semana cambiando los nutrientes al observar ya unos pequeños pistilos o estigmas , en definitiva, empezaron a mostrar tímidamente el sexo. Empiezo con poco y iré subiendo la dosis hasta 4ml/L hasta que vuelva a cambiar de nutrientes. Creo observar del Lumatek ATSpro que le fataria un punto de luz en el centro del panel. Por lo general con otras luminarias la planta del medio me solia crecer mucho mejor y esta vez está quedando retrasada. Seguiré cultivando y si me sigue pasando lo mismo entonces no tendré ninguna duda, por ahora solo son conjeturas, xd De lo anterior rectifico , tengo que decir que pasados dos dias lo estoy viendo diferente, la del medio parece que sigue por buen camino, ahora apenas notaria la diferencia. La semana anterior, la sexta, se les hizo una segunda pulverización con dosis alta de 3ml/L con spiderbloom ( "fitofortificante de impacto muy rápido") pero de nada sirvió, durante esta semana subió la temperatura a 30ºC un par de dias y las arañas salieron a pegarse el gran festín. Una vez constatada la existencia de araña roja correteando por el envés de las hojas solo toca desinfectar bién el armario, lavarlas a todas una a una con agua corriente para arrastrar el máximo de arañitas y una vez secas darles con algun acaricida químico. De no hacerlo ahora me seria imposible más adelante y no tengo ningunas ganas de dejar perder este cultivo. No soy partidario de lo químico pero menos de dejarlas perder.
Legend Timestamp: 📅 Measures: 🛠️ Water: 🌊 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 ________________________________ 📅 D63/F01 - 17/01/24 🛠️ 🌊 Flushing 💼 Added CO2 dispenser system 🧠 🚀 ________________________________ 📅 D64/F02 - 18/01/24 🛠️ EC: 0.9 pH 7.2 🌊 Added new res with CalMag, Bloom A-B, Some B-52 and Bud Candy. Added also Rhino Skin and Voodo Juice 🧠 pH is still too high, evaluate to use pH- 🚀 ________________________________ 📅 D65/F03 - 19/01/24 🛠️ EC: 0.8 pH 7.4 🌊 Added a little bit of pH- 💼 LST 🧠 🚀 ________________________________ 📅 D66/F04 - 20/01/24 🛠️ 🌊 💼 LST 🧠 🚀 ________________________________ 📅 D67/F05 - 21/01/24 🛠️ EC: 0.7 -- 1.2 🌊 Added 6L of water with Calmag, Bloom A-B, B52 and Bud Candy. 💼 🧠 🚀 ________________________________ 📅 D68/F06 - 22/01/24 🛠️ pH 6.5 -- 5.9 🌊 Added pH- 💼 🧠 🚀
Ke konci týdne dostali poslední lehkou defoliaci. Biobizz má sytě zelené barvy a viditelně o něco málo větší květy. Florganics chytil světlejší zeleno žlutý odstín a má o něco menší květy. Ale má o trochu víc pryskyřice. Pokračuji v zalévání čistou vodou
W10.Day.1(66) By the beginning of the 10th week, the towers have already formed enough, and now they continue to widen. The upward growth is about 4-5 millimeters (approximately 0.18 inches) per day. Based on the planned 4 weeks and maintaining the same rates of vertical growth, they should grow another 140 millimeters upwards (about 5.51 inches), and my grow box allows for this.
Tiene 2 semanas más de lo que decía el catálogo y no se si se formarán más las flores, se atraso un par de semanas debido el estrés que tuvo por las dudas hace dos riegos deje de fertilizar y pienso dejarla hasta que se amarillen las hojas al menos
Hello, fellow growers I thank you for having dedicated your attention to my garden and I hope that the contents are to your liking and help for your growth.
Ehi ragazzi scusate il ritardo ma ho avuto vari problemi familiari, mia nonna non è stata bene, quindi nn ho avuto tempo per tenere i giusti giorni dei diari, apparte questo la ragazza sta davvero avendo un esplosione enorme di fiori, cime dense e dire come roccie, voluminose quanto un mio pugno! Devo dire che questo prodotto "power buds" di plagron sta davvero facendo un ottimo lavoro! Davvero un risultato più che soddisfacente, a dir poco impressionante! Tutto questo anche grazie alle condizioni stabili e ottimali grazie all equipaggiamento fornito da Mars hydro! Grazie ragazzi Mars hydro detta le regole! Buon 420 a tutti e buon 2024!che sia un anno molto produttivo per tutti voi! Vi adoro! 💪😸🌱🌿🌲
Start of week 4 for Kalini Asia Shes not doing too badly, not much too report on her.
Start of week 4 for White Widow Defenetely has that indica ciompact structure! Gave her an extra 25g of Bio Grow + 25g of Bio Bloom, as shes such a big plant for this pot size already. Not doing anymore defoliation as recommended by the greenhouseseedco team👊
01/17 - DAY 78ish - Box A empty, refilled 01/18 - DAY 79ish - Box B empty, refilled. More cloudy than clear heads now. 01/19 - DAY 80ish - Box A empty, refilled - Clover crop coming up 01/21 - DAY 82ish - Top water w/ 4 Cups of Q & 🥥 (1tsp) - Box B empty, refilled 01/22 - DAY 83ish - Box A empty, refilled
*Jan20th added video *-Jan18th added more photos. -* Had some fun with these. Learned ALOT , honestly just glad they survived lol. Had their first full meal of bloom nutrients. Keeping things simple for the time being. Tight so just been using the base nutrients with the power si for a few weeks .. but that's about it. Kinda thinking about running the TPS ultra again, really liked how the Skywalker turned out using it so , we shall see that'd be the biggest change id make besides once I can upgrade lighting. But their starting the second week of flower and going pretty well no signs that have me worried or anything. See how these look in about 3 weeks should be fun. Always appreciate anyone's time taken to check these out ! Hope ur gardens are doing well !!
exagerei na rega até o meio da semana, deixei 4 dias sem rega e recuperaram, umas pelo estresse começaram mostrar défice de fósforo, fiz uma cobertura com torta de mamona, farinha de ossos, esterco de aves, humus de minhoca e calcário. Qual foto colocariam de capa dessa semana?
22 Enero(F55): Solo queda una semana para terminar el cultivo, en estos últimos días se está usando Fade de Athena Nutrients, para ayudar con la maduración y mejorar sabores y olores. La luz de los LED se bajó a un 50% y la temperatura del agua de riego también se disminuyó. Los olores están demasiado potentes, tuve que poner filtro de carbono. Los últimos 4 días se regará solo con agua de osmosis + Cleanse.
there are very few amber trichomes, so it still needs a week. it sure looks great though. It's extremely greasy to the touch, and rank with bright fruit flavor.
Fruity Pebbles in BP is doing well. She is starting to do some stacking. She has been growing pretty big. Everything is looking good. Thank you Medic Grow, and ILGM. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Hello, everyone. I want to inform you that the week went well. I noticed that the stems at the bottom, closer to the pot, are thinner, while the stems higher up, closer to the top, are thicker. We acquired supports for our girl due to her height. Because of the height, she was too close to the lamp, and I don't know how it will affect her in the future. We'll hope for the best. We fixed the mistake. The lamp was 5 cm from the top in some places. Now it's 30 cm. Thanks to everyone who reads my updates, follows the diary, and gives likes – you're awesome.
Fruity Pebbles autoflower is growing great I the Athena blended line nutrition. She is starting to go into a bulking stage. She has a layer of frost started. Everything is looking good. Thank you Athena, Medic Grow, and ILGM. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱