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Die Woche war anstrengend, die Luftfeuchtigkeit ist stark gefallen so bin ich froh rechtzeitig wieder einen Befeuchter reingestellt zu haben. Zum Gießen muss ich aber immer alles ausbauen 😑 Die Arme der Pflanzen sind recht dünn und biegen sich jetzt schon enorm. Durch hochschieben des Netzes versuche ich mehr Stabilität herzustellen. Die Blüten sehen trotz allem sehr gut aus, und duften sehr süß, sind voll mit Harzdrüsen 😍
🎃👹👽MONSTERCROPPING RED MANDARINE 👽👹🎃 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 💀 5.2 ... 💀 6.2 ... 💀 7.2 All regular, Today we add the latest product from hesi to fertilization and wait for the last few weeks, yeah !!! 💀 8.2 💀 9.2 💀 10.2 I love this plant 😍 💀 11.2 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 📜👀 A look at the details of what I'm growing 👀📜 🍊💚 Red Mandarine F1 🍊💚 by 🌱🍭 Sweet Seeds 🍭🌱 📋 Details ⚧ Gender ▪️ Feminised ➰ Genes ▪️ 55% Indica / 45% Sativa 🎄 Genetics ▪️ Red Poison Auto (SWS39) хCalifornia Orange x Skunk hybrid) 🚜Harvest ▪️ 400 - 500 g / m² 🌷Flowering ▪️ 49 - 63 days ✨THC ▪️ 16% ✅CBD ▪️ 0,2% 🏡Room Type ▪️ Indoor 🌄Room Type ▪️ Outdoor 🕋Room Type ▪️ N/D 🎂Release Year ▪️ 2019 __________________________________________________________________________ 👀📷🥇 Follow the best photos on instagram 🥇📷👀 🔻🔻🔻Leave a comment with your opinions if you pass by here🔻🔻🔻 🤟🤗💚Thanks and Enjoy growth 💚🤗🤟
🎃👹👽MONSTERCROPPING RED MANDARINE 👽👹🎃 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 💀 5.2 ... 💀 6.2 ... 💀 7.2 All regular, Today we add the latest product from hesi to fertilization and wait for the last few weeks, yeah !!! 💀 8.2 💀 9.2 💀 10.2 I love this plant 😍 💀 11.2 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 📜👀 A look at the details of what I'm growing 👀📜 🍊💚 Red Mandarine F1 🍊💚 by 🌱🍭 Sweet Seeds 🍭🌱 📋 Details ⚧ Gender ▪️ Feminised ➰ Genes ▪️ 55% Indica / 45% Sativa 🎄 Genetics ▪️ Red Poison Auto (SWS39) хCalifornia Orange x Skunk hybrid) 🚜Harvest ▪️ 400 - 500 g / m² 🌷Flowering ▪️ 49 - 63 days ✨THC ▪️ 16% ✅CBD ▪️ 0,2% 🏡Room Type ▪️ Indoor 🌄Room Type ▪️ Outdoor 🕋Room Type ▪️ N/D 🎂Release Year ▪️ 2019 __________________________________________________________________________ 👀📷🥇 Follow the best photos on instagram 🥇📷👀 🔻🔻🔻Leave a comment with your opinions if you pass by here🔻🔻🔻 🤟🤗💚Thanks and Enjoy growth 💚🤗🤟
Empezamos con esta Amnesia Haze Automatic de Royal Queen Seeds de las cuales tengo muy buenas referencias 👌 La germinación fué sin problemas y bastante rapida 🔥 Hemos metido la raiz en un sustrato de Bloom mix y hemos apñicado Atami Root-C para un sistema radicular rapido y fuerte 💪
I had been feeding with a diluted solution and now after flushing with water last week I'm moving up to full strength. The pistils of the plants on the ends seem healthier. The smaller plants in the middle seem a little more scraggly. I'm making full use of the SCROG net. I also raised the light an inch or so and put it back to 100% from 75%. I'm going to see if I can keep it closer to 100 if I can balance the intake air temp. Some of the leaves are damaged. I have a feeling it's from the cold nighttime air coming in the intake. I'm going to keep the intake fan off at night while it's this cold and damp outside. Hopefully not too much smell escapes. Maybe I should seal it at night. Getting sticky now!
I had been feeding with a diluted solution and now after flushing with water last week I'm moving up to full strength. The pistils of the plants on the ends seem healthier. The smaller plants in the middle seem a little more scraggly. I'm making full use of the SCROG net. I also raised the light an inch or so and put it back to 100% from 75%. I'm going to see if I can keep it closer to 100 if I can balance the intake air temp. Some of the leaves are damaged. I have a feeling it's from the cold nighttime air coming in the intake. I'm going to keep the intake fan off at night while it's this cold and damp outside. Hopefully not too much smell escapes. Maybe I should seal it at night. Getting sticky now!
Info: Unfortunately, I had to find out that my account is used for fake pages in social media. I am only active here on growdiaries. I am not on facebook instagram twitter etc All accounts except this one are fake. Have fun with the update. Hey everyone 😃. Unfortunately it happened again and the pump failed again for the whole day :-(. All the spare parts have finally arrived and I replaced everything right away. I threw away all the cuttings because there were now two complete failures and I want to be on the safe side. Since the mother of the Kosher Tangie Kush is too badly pruned, I have only been able to cut 3 small test cuttings. Should one of them become something I will take it directly. But it can also be that I have to cut some again, which would only be possible in 2-3 weeks because the mother has to grow back first. That shit happened to me the first time :-( but unfortunately it can always happen with electronics :-(. Nevertheless, I wish you a lot of fun with the update. Stay healthy and let it grow 👍 You can buy this Strain at Type: Kosher Tangie Kush ☝️🏼 Genetics: Kosher Kush X Tangie 👍 Vega lamp: 2 x Todogrow LED CXB3590 COB 55 W 1 x Sanlight S2W 62 W 💡 Flower lamp : 2 x Todogrow LED CXB3590 COB 55 W 1 x Sanlight S2W 62 W 💡 ☝️ Grow Aero System : Growtool 0.8 ☝️ Fertilizer: Canna Aqua Vega A + B , Canna Aqua Flores A + B , Rizotonic, Cannazym, CANNA Boost, Pk 13/14, Canna Cal / Mag, Canna Ph - Grow, Canna Ph-Bloom ☝️🌱 Water: Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EG. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with ph- to 5.2 - 5.8 💦 💧
Sta andando benissimo, ha reagito bene al topping al 6 nodo. Ora ha due belle cole principali, gli altri rami l'ho legati alle foglie a ventaglio in mondo da farli partire orizzontalmente. In oltre ho anche abbassato l'umidità al 50% per spingerla a bere dalla è ripresa subito dopo appena 24 ore ha ripreso tutto il suo vigore e bastato una bella inzuppata . Ora qualche altro giorno di riposo e la mando in fioritura .
Sta andando benissimo, ha reagito bene al topping al 6 nodo. Ora ha due belle cole principali, gli altri rami l'ho legati alle foglie a ventaglio in mondo da farli partire orizzontalmente. In oltre ho anche abbassato l'umidità al 50% per spingerla a bere dalla è ripresa subito dopo appena 24 ore ha ripreso tutto il suo vigore e bastato una bella inzuppata . Ora qualche altro giorno di riposo e la mando in fioritura .
My own blended recycled living soil water passion love & respect only. ...... added soil biology includes Wallace wonder organics myco fungi .. extreme gardening AZOS ... and synergro ... along with my own farmed castings also inoculated 500wQB running at 300w
Hola y bienvenidos al diario de AKU. He cumplido ocho semanas de vida, a pesar del bruto de mi jefe y su corte apical, he crecido 6 cm y cada día soy más fuerte... I loved!! 😊 06/02/21 Hoy hace seis días de la agresión humana que sufrí en mi ápice principal, aun estoy cabreada, aunque parece que ahora voy a tener dos ápices principales y mis ramas y tallo se están haciendo más fuertes. He disfrutado de unos días tranquilos en mi armario y ventana disfrutando de la compañía de mi prima Sweet Amnesia Haze y las otras dos plántulas, hay muy buena temperatura. A mi prima la han trasplantado a principios de semana, está muy contenta, ella tiene ahora una maceta cuadrada de bonito color, pero me gusta más la mía!! 😁 Todavía no consumo mucha agua porque soy pequeña, pero cada día más, mis hojas se están haciendo muy grandes para captar mucha energía lumínica, mi jefe dice, que si sigo así seré una reina!!... I loved!!😍 Esta semana me han regado con agua cargada de oxígeno y llena de mis amigos lo microorganismos con un poco de melaza para que estos tengan energía y trabajen mucho. Con este tipo de riegos siento unas cosquillas fantásticas en mis raíces!! 😵 12/02/21 Hoy he amanecido sabiendo que ha sido mi último día de crecimiento vegetativo, me van a cambiar de armario, con luces más veraniegas, desde que supe esta noticia he estado algo triste por dejar a mi prima Sweet Amnesia Haze, a Psicodelicia y sus manías y la elegante Jack 47, hemos pasado buenos ratos juntas, hablando de nuestros antepasados y orígenes, al final todas somos parientes más o menos lejanos. Esta tarde mis amigas me han preparado una fiesta de despedida!!... mis emociones se han descontrolado!! 😍 Han traído un espectáculo flamenco sólo para mi, lo hemos pasado de cine!!, he bailado, he cantado y bebido, pues mi jefe me ha preparado un riego muy especial, dulce como a mi me gusta y con mucho microorganismos!! Me han regalado un pañuelo muy bonito, despues del show me he hecho unas fotos con las artistas, son gitanos por lo que dicen y como mis antepasados Kush, sus orígenes también están por Asia. Mi prima me ha regalado una foto dedicada de su familia adoptiva, una clan de larga tradición en cultivos de marihuana y otra con una cita de una cantante... las echaré de menos, espero que más adelante coincidamos en algún otro armario. Besos!! Todos se han esforzado en que me lo pasara bien, hasta mi jefe... bueno, le voy a perdonar por el maltrato vegetal de la semana pasada, porque tenía razón cuando me dijo... lo que no te mata, te hará más fuerte!! Ahora me he dado una ducha y me voy a nuevo armario, satisfecha y feliz, pero cansada de tantas emociones... buenas noches y hasta la próxima semana. Besos, abrazos, saludos y salud a todas las plantas y a sus cultivadores!! 😘 ================================================= • CONOCE MIS TÉCNICAS DE CULTIVO Y FERTILIZANTES ORGÁNICOS AVANZADOS.... HACER ES COMPRENDER!! 😉 - ORGANIC GROWING TIPS!! 👇 3M • PURPLE BUD SEMANA 17: Activación de Microorganismos Sólidos (MMA) y biol de frutas con minerales. SEMANA 20: Agua de montaña y estructurada. SEMANA 21: Abono sólido y mulch. 3M • Anubis y Auto Magnum SEMANA 1: Super sustrato y aireación de macetas 3M • Frodo's & OG Kush SEMANA 7: Elaboración de auxinas. SEMANA 10: Humato potásico de leonardita enriquecido con minerales. 3M • Diesel bastard. SEMANA 11: Sólidos y Mulch SEMANA 13: Aireación forzada del sustrato. SEMANA 14: Elaboración de un Lacto fermento de auxinas, nutrientes y minerales. 3M • Sweet Zkittlez SEMANA 2: Agua estructurada, agua viva. SEMANA 3: Ormus y agua de coco. SEMANA 5: Compactación con luces Cool White. SEMANA 6: Cicatrizante y protector de cortes o podas apicales. 3M • Sweet Clementine SEMANA 5: Elaboración de Lacto fermento multi frutas y minerales. 3M • Fresh Candy auto SEMANA 4: Recuperación de esporas de Microorganismos y Micorrizas. 3M • Tropicanna Poison SEMANA 7: Elaboración de un semillero de Microorganismos de Montaña Sólidos (MMS) SEMANA 10: Extracción de HBO con el método QWISO 3M • Black Domina SEMANA 6: Reutilización de residuos: Mulch de palos secos. 3M • Monster Bud Kush SEMANA 7: Elaboración de un Bocashi de Pasto ensilado enriquecido con nutrientes y minerales. 3M • San Fernando Lemon Kush SEMANA 5: Reutilización de sustrato orgánico. SEMANA 16: GD TIP: ¿Lente u objetivo? 3M • Magnum Auto SEMANA 5: Aprovechamiento de residuos caseros. Cáscaras de frutas. Deshidratación y almacenaje. 3M • Quick Sherbet SEMANA 12: Crema tópica de karite y HBO. SEMANA 24: Como el agua -Like a water 3M • Purple Shot SEMANA 18: Tierra a la tierra.😎 3M • Gorilla Glue SEMANA 4: Fibra de coco con Microorganismos de Montaña Activados (MMA) para mezclas de sustratos. SEMANA 7: Activación de Microorganismos de Montaña en modo líquido (MMA) 3M • Diesel S1 SEMANA 17. Humato PK. Hidrolizado potásico de leonardita con fósforo. 3M • Kalini Asia SEMANA 17. Jabón potásico para control de plagas de insectos y ácaros.
Amnesia Kush · Dinafem
Mars Hydro TS1000 · Mars Hydro
GT 70x70x160cm(2.3'x2.3'x5.2') · Mars Hydro
Agua de manantial ·
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Bio calabaza MMA ·
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Agua de lluvia ·
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MMA Plus ·
Humato PK ·
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Agua de montaña ·
Ormus ·
Bio calabaza MMA ·
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Bio calabaza MMA ·
Bio Guanos EM ·
Bio algas EM ·
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Ormus ·
Bio calabaza MMA ·
Lacto frutas NPK ·
Agua de alubias ·
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Cola de caballo ·
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Lacto auxinas NPK ·
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Bio frutas EM ·
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Bio frutas EM ·
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Lacto mineral PK ·
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Agua de montaña ·
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Tuesday, February 9 Fed plants on Saturday 3/4 gallon each. I added 1tsp/ga of Bud Candy and 2.5tsp/ga of Tiger Bloom by Fox Farm. Water was @6.3 pH. I also fed Monday February 8 in the evening. Gave plants a compost tea made with 2 cups of Dr Earths flower bloom, 1 cup of powdered bone meal at a 4-12-0 ratio, and also added 2.5tbs of un-sulfured molasses to 2.5 ga of water @6.4pH. I let tea brew for 24hrs with an aquatic aerator. Bud sites appear to have white pistil hairs continuing to grow and multiply. Stalks look healthy and I’m glad to see the plants finally progress! Temps have been ranging b/w 76F-82F with RH b/w 43%-56%. Ive raised the light as tall as I possibly could to keep stalks from touching the light and causing some burning. Ive also added some bamboo stakes to help provide support to some sites that were touching the LED light, I've also changed to shorter, rubber block supports for the pots to sit on instead of the taller rolling holders to help lower the plants and allow for a little more growth. Excited to keep y'all posted and as always, stay safe and happy growing💚✌️🌱 Wednesday, February 10 I watered plants 1/2ga each @ 6.25pH with only CalMag and "Great White" Myco to promote healthy rhizosphere activity. I mixed 1.25tsp/ga of CalMag and 0.5tsp/ga of the "Great White". Plants are showing steady growth and the one on the far left seems to be ahead of the other two, makes sense seeing as it was in soil 10-13 days prior to the other two before the early growth medium issues. I can't believe its taken this long for these Autos to begin flowering but Im just glad that they appear to at least finish out now. This has been a great learning experience not only about gardening and this plant but also the opportunity to learn a good deal about myself as this has become a form of relaxation and reflection for me. Keep y'all posted, stay safe and happy growing💚✌️