9/22 topped them at 4th node. some of them are looking better for mainlining that others. some of them i may not mainline and others i left an extra node in case i want to keep clones around. #1 is looking happy with the topping and looks really good. #2 is the only one thats been praying and is the tallest and strongest looking all around. #5 short and such tight internodal spacing that it makes it hard to see whats all there. just looks like a bunch of small leaves until they grow out. i may not mainline this one either be cause of it being so tightly packed it may make it
GG4 Clone day 108 9-17-24 - Gave 2 liters of regular water GG4 Clone day 110 9-19-24 - Gave 4 cups feed water GG4 Clone day 111 9-20-24 - Gave 4 cups of regular water
today was the day ๐Ÿ™ time was running out and i have to harvest "Hilde" ๐Ÿ˜ summary of "Hilde" 92 days in under 3 min. enjoy ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ™ I dry the plant in the boiler room because the climate there is very good. I also darkened the room so that no sunlight disturbs the drying process.๐Ÿ˜ "Darkroom" Day 2 for "Hilde" ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜œ
Scheisse aber am Ende noch hash also
This is a project by a friend and me :) He has no experience with it but a garden and I have a lot of experience and no garden :) His 80 year old grandfather prepared the earth for us and I have to say I have never seen such perfect earth. The plants have never shown any deficiency and have consistently performed well. Unfortunately we had to harvest 2-4 weeks early because the weather is too humid and there is a lot of concern about mold. One is currently still in the ground but will be harvested in the next few days. That was great fun!! A big thanks to my buddy and his grandfather โ™ก I will grow the strain again in the future as I was very happy with the performance!!
A selection of a few plants but you can tell the f1 hybrids are just amazing for growth got loads of bud site hopeing for fat buds now still a few weeks to
I had to prune a lot of roots that were rotting before the holiday. Probably due to heat and bad hygiene from not being able to completely wash the earth out of the root complex. But it survived 2 weeks on its own and ist putting out new roots... It sure is willing to survive ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜… I will wait and see if I can get some true foliage out of it ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ
After deciding to start this new growing journey, I chose to germinate a Banana Purple Punch seed from Fast Buds. This particular strain caught my attention with its unique characteristics, and I couldn't resist giving it a try. I began by using a hydrogen peroxide water solution to germinate the seed, which helps oxygenate the water and prevent harmful pathogens. After about 36 hours, the seed cracked open, revealing the first signs of life. With a taproot emerging, I carefully transplanted the sprouted seed into a 20L airpot, ensuring enough room for the roots to breathe and grow freely. This marks the beginning of an exciting new adventure, nurturing this intriguing strain to its full potential.๐ŸŒฑ๐Ÿ’š _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ One of my cannabis seedlings unfortunately didnโ€™t survive in the pot....๐Ÿ˜ญ Now, Iโ€™m trying again with two more seeds of the same strain, but Iโ€™ve changed my approach. Once they've successfully sprouted, I transfer them into coco tablets. There, theyโ€™ll remain until theyโ€™ve developed healthy roots before being moved to their final growing environment. Iโ€™m hopeful that this method will help me handle the early phase of the cannabis plants more successfully, and Iโ€™m excited to see how things turn out.๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š