Hey guys, late into week 5 finally have some time to tend to the gals.
It's been almost a week since I last watered them. We had 2 thunderstorms roll in so that kept the ladies quenched but when i went to check them out today most of them were pretty dry.
Before I watered them, I topped off the soil level with some more promix hp and started our first topdressing. As usual 2tbs per gal @ 70/30 ratio of 444 to 284. I'm my case 21tbs to 9tbs.
After that I water them with 50mL of molassas in 5gal of dechlorinated water with each plant raking about 3L of water.
I also defoliated some under growth and to clean up the canopy to allow more light to penatrate prime grow sites.
Last week I noticed some fungus gnats flying around, so I put up yellow fly traps with bamboo skewers (best way imo). I also did a preventive maintenance and watered the girls last week with neem oil soil drench to kill off any larvae or eggs that may have been laid. So good so far, as the traps did not have many gnats on them.
Other than the usual pm items done, the ladies are taking off quite fast, so I need to stay ontop of things when I can!
Hope to see you on the next update!