Wk8 Flower (2nd week of flower day 15) So this week has been another quiet week. I have been pinching out big fan leaves that are cover multiple tops to persuade even growth over the canopy. I have also cleaned out under her skirt a bit more to get rid of the unwanted and wasted growth. Only water with EM1 has been added to the res over the week she is currently drinking up to 6ltrs a day and growing around an inch taller in a 24hour period. I noticed a bad stagnant smell coming from the res so have added some lacto bacillus serum which should help that settle. Although the plant isn't complaining bad smells normally means bad microbes which in numbers are very bad. She is showing alot of pistols now and I'd expect to see bud sites prominent by end of the week mind you I don't actually think she has fully started to stretch yet! I'm keeping an eye on her closely as next week I am away and was hoping that stretch would have come and gone by now. We will see!! This week I plan to add some water soluable calcium and an alfalfa seed sprout tea. I've started to drop my humidity down every couple of days to simulate change and have my light set at 40cm
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After the solution change the spotting slowed and stopped. She has a bunch odmf new roots leaving the basket. She is most likely stunned from that. But I will let her go, and see what she does. She looks overall a lot healthier. Thank you Medic Grow, Athena, Xpert Nutrients, and Fast Buds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 If anyone needs to purchase fastbuds here is a link for my affiliate program
Pure Ice cream clone is doing well. I trimmed her up some. Took a lot of lower stuff off. I will likely do more soon. She is really needing a bigger potter. I need to do that soon. Beside that she is doing good. Thank you Pure Instinto, Medic Grow, and Spider Farmer. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Controllo acqua ec 1670 ph 6 Questa settimana non Aggiungo acqua né nutrienti, solo controllo ec e ph tutti i giorni. La prossima settimana cambiamo acqua e mettiamo nutrienti nuovi.
I have not been able to post for a week because I broke my tent and had to order new one. The plants sat in the dark for a week as a result. Now they have been back in my new tent for 5 days. I started today with growth nutrients with an ec of 0.7 and PH 6.2 and in a few days I will top the plants.
Fruity Pebbles in the Athena is going well. She is in heavy bulking and has a nice frost on her. She is very hungry and looking good for the most part. Thank you Athena, Medic Grow, and ILGM. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
FBT 2401 is starting to stack. She is not gonna get really big due to my errors. I will get a nice sample of the flower for sure. Everything is looking good now. Thank you Medic Grow, Athena, and Fast Buds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 If anyone needs to purchase fastbuds here is a link for my affiliate program
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ________________________________ 📅 D08/V01 - 23/11/23 ⚗️ EC: 0.5 pH: 6 🌡️ T: 24 °C H: 80% 🍗 Grow A-B 💧 💼 🧠 I'm still hope but I'm pessimistic now 🚀 🎬 ________________________________ 📅 D09/V02 - 24/11/23 ⚗️ EC: 1 pH: 6 🌡️ T: 21 °C H: 76% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 I put a support to hold the big one 🧠 🚀 I talked with Marina from Pure Instinto, she's very kindly and she has already sent to me the seeds not sprouted. Many thanks to Marina for the perfect customer care. 5 stars to Pure Instinto. 🎬 ________________________________ 📅 D10/V03 - 25/11/23 ⚗️ EC: 1 pH: 5.8 🌡️ T: 21 °C H: 76% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 Humidifier out. Collar on the big one. 🧠 Little weird the leafes of the little one 🚀 With the support the big one is going better 🎬 ________________________________ 📅 D11/V04 - 26/11/23 ⚗️ EC: 1 pH: 5.8 🌡️ T: 21 °C H: 55% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 I left the support, now she can grow free. Collar on the little one: I named her "Nicole" 🧠 Little weird the little one leafes 🚀 🎬 6 pics of Nicole and the other girl that will be used to produce clones. Added Timelapse video _______________________________ 📅 D12/V05 - 27/11/23 ⚗️ EC: 0.9 pH: 5.5 🌡️ T: 21 °C H: 50% 🌊 Added 1L 🍗 💧 💼 Lowered EC 🧠 🚀 🎬 ________________________________ 📅 D13/V06 - 28/11/23 ⚗️ EC: 1 pH: 5.5 🌡️ T: 21 °C H: 50%v 🌊 Added 2L 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 Lowered EC until 0.8 🚀 🎬 Added Timelapse video ________________________________ 📅 D14/V07 - 29/11/23 ⚗️ EC: 0.8 pH: 5.4 🌡️ T: 23 °C H: 40% 🌊 Added 4L 🍗 CalMag -Grow A-B 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬
Fruity Pebbles autoflower in the blue planet is growing really well. She has put in a good stretching and is starting to stack. She is eating and drinking a lot. Every thing is going good at the moment. Thank you Medic Grow, and ILGM. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
the ladies can drink at least the 4 big girls can. the 2 smaller ones are coming along and of the 2 there is 1 runt of the litter. but it should be oj as well maybe make hash of the smaller 2 we will see. it is getting a little hot and humid in the tent. time to add some CO2 and turn on the dehumidifier to bring it back to 45 % RH during flower. enjoy the time lapse. see ya next week.
W11.Day.1(73) As the 7th week of flowering begins, managing the scent becomes increasingly challenging—the aroma is exceptionally potent and permeates everywhere. Even my older robust ventilation systems are struggling to cope. Additionally, new white pistils have started emerging on the aging flower clusters. W11.Day.2(73) Hey fellow growers! 🌟 Just wanted to spread some positive vibes and share the latest highlights from my grow journey. Things are buzzing with excitement as my plants continue to thrive. 🌿✨ It's like discovering a whole new world – from thinking of them as Christmas trees to realizing they're more like pineapples now! 🍍🌲 The flower clusters are taking on a fascinating resemblance to miniature pineapple crowns, and it's truly a delightful surprise. Nature has its own way of keeping us in awe. 🌿🌈 Every day brings new wonders, and I'm enjoying every moment of this leafy adventure. Happy growing, everyone! 🍃💚🌿 Cheers to @chamomile 😜
Kind of given up on this one. I had an issue catchung runoff which led to me not watering plants enough Not watering plants to runoff will result in higher substrate Ec(Generative cue and also could burn plants) Also its about 20• outside which does not work for the plantsr dark period. December and january are tough months. I recently learned that i should
1/29/2024 - Day 29 - Week 1 Flower: She started showing preflower last week, but I'm calling this week 1 of flower. She is only 1 ft tall at the moment, which is much smaller than I'd like, so I'm hoping she will stretch over the next couple weeks. This is why I'm not a big fan of autos. I made one mistake with the heavy fouler feed, and my yield is going to be significantly impacted my that one mistake. It's my fault, but still frustrating.
Hello Growmies, Red Banana Pudding by Anesia Seeds - Weekly Update Entering the third week of observing the growth of our Red Banana Pudding plants, we're thrilled to share their progress and the careful adjustments made to optimize their growing environment. Current Growth Stage: Seedling stage, initiated on 21.01.23 Overall Plant Appearance: The Red Banana Pudding plants continue to thrive, boasting a vibrant and uniform lush green appearance. Their overall health and vitality are evident, maintaining a robust and strong stature. Growth and Stretch: Over the past week, our Red Banana Pudding plants have exhibited impressive growth, now reaching between 10 and 12 cm in height. This steady progress reflects their positive response to their current environment. Nutrient Management: While we had initially planned to introduce a mild nutrient solution this week, we've decided to postpone it until the following week. This cautious approach aligns with our commitment to ensuring optimal conditions for the plants before initiating nutrient supplementation. Watering Schedule: The plants were watered with RO water enriched with Orca and Rhizotonic, using a spray bottle. This gentle watering approach ensures they receive the necessary moisture without over-saturation. Light Settings: The light intensity has been adjusted to approximately 25-30%, providing an estimated 180 PPFD. This careful adjustment aligns with the increasing growth demands during this phase. Reflection and Planning: Reflecting on the past week, the robust growth of the Red Banana Pudding plants is a testament to their resilience and the effectiveness of our adjusted care routine. Looking ahead, we plan to introduce nutrients with Plagron Algae Grow next week, considering the pre-fertilized soil. Our focus remains on continuous monitoring, ensuring a nurturing environment for their development. We're eagerly anticipating the upcoming stages of growth in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for further updates on the Red Banana Pudding journey. Stay Lifted, Salokin
Hello Growmies, Bruce Banner x White Russian by Ganja Farmer Seeds - Weekly Update In the second week of the seedling stage for our Bruce Banner x White Russian plants, we're excited to share their progress and a slight adjustment to the lineup. Please note that one of the seedlings unfortunately didn't make it, but we've replaced it with Purple Lemonade FF by Fast Buds to keep our garden flourishing. Current Growth Stage: Seedling stage, ongoing Overall Plant Appearance: The surviving Bruce Banner x White Russian seedlings are thriving, showcasing a healthy and robust appearance. Their growth during this second week has been steady, maintaining strong and vibrant foliage. Growth and Stretch: Over the past week, the seedlings have exhibited notable growth, extending between 5 and 8 cm in height. This continuous progress signifies their positive response to the current seedling conditions. Nutrient Management: While nutrient supplementation is not yet initiated in the seedling stage, we are closely monitoring the seedlings' overall health and will introduce nutrients when they transition to the next phase. Watering Schedule: The seedlings have been watered with RO water enriched with Orca and Rhizotonic, utilizing a spray bottle. This gentle watering method ensures they receive adequate moisture without over-saturation. Light Settings: The light intensity remains consistent at approximately 20-25%, providing an estimated 150 PPFD. This adjustment aligns with the delicate growth demands during the seedling stage. Reflection and Planning: Reflecting on the past week, the surviving Bruce Banner x White Russian seedlings demonstrate resilience and vitality. Unfortunately, one seedling did not make it, but we've replaced it with Purple Lemonade FF by Fast Buds to maintain a thriving garden. Looking ahead, our focus is on continuous monitoring, adjusting care as needed, and preparing for the eventual transition to the vegetative stage. We're excited about the continued growth and development of our garden. Stay tuned for further updates on the Bruce Banner x White Russian journey. Stay Lifted, Salokin
Great grow!! Should end up with over a half a pound off of these 2 and the little I harvested about 2 weeks ago. I got 2 oounces dry off of her. They smell amazing and are covered with trichomes
Hello Growmies, Epic Buzz by Anesia Seeds - Weekly Update As we delve into the second week of observing the growth of our Epic Buzz plants, it's exciting to share their progress and the adjustments we've made to optimize their environment. Current Growth Stage: Seedling stage, initiated on 21.01.23 Overall Plant Appearance: The Epic Buzz seedlings continue to thrive, showcasing a vibrant and uniform lush green appearance. Their overall health and vitality are evident, maintaining a robust and strong stature. Growth and Stretch: Over the past week, our Epic Buzz plants have experienced impressive growth, now reaching between 10 and 12 cm in height. This steady progress is indicative of their positive response to their environment. Nutrient Management: While we planned to introduce a mild nutrient solution this week, we've decided to postpone it until the following week. This delay aligns with our cautious approach to ensure optimal conditions for the seedlings before initiating nutrient supplementation. Watering Schedule: The seedlings were watered with RO water enriched with Orca and Rhizotonic, using a spray bottle. This gentle watering approach ensures they receive the necessary moisture without over-saturation. Light Settings: The light intensity has been adjusted to approximately 25-30%, providing an estimated 180 PPFD. This careful adjustment aligns with the increasing growth demands during this phase. Tent Controller Effectiveness: The Tent X Controller, although not yet in the same tent as our Epic Buzz plants, has proven effective in maintaining optimal environmental conditions in the unoccupied tent. Its seamless integration contributes to the overall stability of temperature, humidity, and light settings. Reflection and Planning: As we reflect on the past week, the robust growth of the Epic Buzz plants speaks to their resilience and the effectiveness of our adjusted care routine. Looking ahead, we plan to introduce nutrients with Plagron Algae Grow next week, taking into account the pre-fertilized soil. Our focus will remain on continuous monitoring, ensuring a nurturing environment for their development. We're excited to witness the next stages of growth in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for further updates on the Epic Buzz journey. Stay Lifted, Salokin
Hello Growmies, GMO by Ganja Farmer Seeds - Weekly Update (Week 2 Seedling) In the second week of the seedling stage for our GMO plants, we're excited to share their progress and a slight adjustment to the lineup. Unfortunately, one of the seedlings didn't make it, but we've replaced it with Purple Lemonade FF by Fast Buds to maintain a thriving garden. Current Growth Stage: Seedling stage, ongoing Overall Plant Appearance: Our GMO seedlings are thriving, displaying a lush and uniform green appearance. Their health and vitality are evident, with each seedling maintaining a strong and robust stature. Growth and Stretch: Over the past week, the seedlings have experienced notable growth, reaching heights between 10 and 11 cm. This steady progress is indicative of their positive response to the current seedling conditions. Nutrient Management: While nutrient supplementation is not initiated during the seedling stage, we are carefully monitoring the seedlings' overall health. Nutrients will be introduced at the appropriate stage of growth. Watering Schedule: The seedlings have been watered with RO water, enriched with a drop of Orca and a splash of Rhizotonic. This gentle watering method ensures they receive the necessary moisture without over-saturation. Light Settings: The light intensity remains consistent at approximately 20-25%, providing an estimated 180 PPFD. This careful adjustment aligns with the delicate growth demands during the seedling stage. Reflection and Planning: Reflecting on the past week, our GMO seedlings display promising growth and vitality. Unfortunately, one seedling did not make it, but we've replaced it with Purple Lemonade FF by Fast Buds to maintain a thriving garden. Looking ahead, our focus is on continuous monitoring, adjusting care as needed, and anticipating the transition to the vegetative stage. We're excited about the journey ahead and the development of our GMO plants. Stay tuned for further updates as we nurture them through their growth stages. Stay Lifted, Salokin