Hey yall!
Super stoked to show yall some beneficial nematodes in my soil. Lots of other beneficials in there, the nematodes are the most fun to me! Love to show yall what Korean Natural Farming and JADAM can do.
This is all Natural, all organic, all homemade inputs. I just want to prove to you all, the entire community, and the entire cannabis industry that you don't need to drop money on your inputs. You can source everything yourself!
Remember, Bottles are for Babies! 🍼 👶
You don't need to buy into anything, you don't need to invest in anything, but YOURSELF!
You are the most valuable tool, you are the most dangerous thing on this Earth 🌎
I want to be a resource to everyone and anyone who is willing to be open minded and learn. It doesn't matter your background, where you live, what color you are, or what is in your past. Your future and the future of this Earth is in your (our) hands. Togetherness over oneness
Anyways, weekly compost tea applications and quality compost gets you gold!
Also hand crafted inputs with love makes a huge difference. Use what you have near you, if you are wildcrafting inputs, be sure to not take from nature without giving back. Recycle, use less chemicals, pour your extra compost tea in your community.
We can stop this wild climate change, but we can seriously slow it down, almost completely if we all do our part.
I hope these posts inspire you to go down that rabbit hole 🐇 🐰 and get your hands dirty.
Use and reuse the same soil, use larger pots or go in a living bed if possible.
Have fun and learn something each day, pass on love ❤️ 😍 learn from your mistakes, that is what makes us stronger. No matter the mistake in your garden, or in life, we can always learn something new about life and ourselves.
You are not alone on this journey, I got your back, and I truly believe in you.
Peace and blessings to all!
❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗