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Ciao! Questo è il mio primo EP su Growdiaries sono davvero entusiasta! Oggi 8 febbraio ho messo a germinare le tre piccole di casa Barney's. i semi sono posizionati all'interno di un vassoio da germinazione sto usando un tubo riscaldante e una centralina InkBird per la temperatura così riesco a mantenere la temperatura sui 22/23°C con un RH %80 Sto usando il metodo del fazzoletto umido, spero che in 24/48 ore la radichetta spunterà dai semi! Oggi 09/2/2023 tutti e i tre semi hanno germinato! Successo del 100% Mi colpisce il vigore della Tropicanna Banana! Invece la gelato mi da l'aria che sarà una bella signorina capricciosa! Come si sul dire ogni riccio un capriccio🤣 Ora i semi sono stati inseriti nel soil per la precisione Ligthmix della BIOBIZZ con un aggiunta di micorizze per la precisione Mycos di Xtreme Gardin! Ho nebulizzato con acqua decantata e ph6.3. 11/02/2023 Ed eccoci con il nuovo aggiornamento del Ciclo TheBarney's! Le piccole sono tutte e tre spuntate neo tempi previsti sono davvero felice per la loro vigorosità! La Tropicanna è la Gelato presentano un piccolo problemino nel staccare l'embrione del seme dai cotilodoni, per darle una piccola mano ho nebulizzato a distanza un pò d'acqua. Ho evitato di provare a toglierlo con una pinzetta per paura di danneggiare le piccole plantule, sono sicuro che riusciranno da sole a risolvere questo piccolo fastidio. Ho deciso di accendere la lampada impostandola all'incirca al 20% (60W) a una distanza di 50cm circa. Non ho un misuratore di PPFD per mia sfortuna sarei stato più preciso nel impostare la potenza e la distanza della lampada😓 ho impostato il classico ciclo di luce 18/6. Ho aggiunto un ventilatore oscillante della Secret jardin per smuovere un pò l'aria. Ora con tanta pazienza e amore aspetteremo la loro crescita! Sono davvero curioso di vedere quanto tempi ci metteranno ad entrare nello stadio di Vegetativa! 12/02/23 Ciao a tutti growers eccoci qui con un nuovo aggiornamento sul cultivo TheBarney's!! Le tre piccole si sono allungate un pochino, ho deciso di fare un piccolo refill con terreno e dare una piccola nebulizzata. Oltre a questo le ho tolte dal box di germinazione e aggiunto un umidificatore collegato a una inkbird per mantenere costante un Rh tra il 70% 80%, pian piano abbassero l'umidità fino a stabilizzarla sui 65% 70% di RH. Per il resto nulla di nuovo... Ci sentiamo prossimamente per nuovi aggiornamenti sulle piccoline rimanete connessi e lasciate mi piace🙏💚 17/02/2023 Ecco un nuovo aggiornamento sul ciclo TheBarney's! Le piccoline pian piano crescono, oggi concludono la prima settimana come plantule! Si sono un pochino allungate e per sostenerle o fatto un piccolo refill di soil e ho irrigato con 15ml a testa di acqua con ph6.3 e Herba power (Ammendante) 0.5ml per Litro d'acqua. Per questo aggiornamento è tutto ci sentiamo prossimamente! 20/02/2023 Eccoci con EP nuovo sul ciclo TheBarney's! Le piccole oggi hanno subito un travaso le ho messe in airpot da 3L e irrigato con acqua ph 6.3, ammendante (herba Power) e un estratto di alghe (Herba Sweed) EC 0.45 Esattamente oggi sono 10 giorni che si trovano nello stadio di Plantula, le prime foglie a 3 punte stanno sbucando speriamo presto di vedere quelle a 5/7 punte e finalmente si inizierà con la fase vegetativa! Tutto sommato le vedo in salute hanno un bel colore, il vigore della Tropicanna e della Gelato mi sta sbalordendo! Per ora è tutto! Al prossimo aggiornamento 💚
🌱 Day 29 - First Day of Flowering Phase 🌱 Hey everyone! 🌿 I'm super excited to finally enter the flowering phase of my first grow! I have to admit, I was quite surprised to see that the plant had already been in pre-flower for three days and are developing really well. 🌸 Current Conditions for the Flowering Phase: Watered today with 800ml + 1ml/L BioBizz Bloom 💧🌿 Humidity: 50-55% 💧 Light: 100% intensity, 50cm distance, 16 hours light, 8 hours dark 💡🌙 Current Issues: I'm dealing with a few small yellow spots on the leaves, which seem to be caused by a calcium and magnesium deficiency.
Growing great now I went and got brand new 4x4 aci tent with the mars hydro FCE6500 light it's 730 watt commercial grade bar light and it fits wall to wall in the tent it's supposed to be for a 5x5 but heyy what the
The temperatures, humidity, height, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil spread evenly across the top of the soil. Daylight hours this week will be below 13.5. I can't use halves in the grow conditions, so I'm noting here. Day 1 we had a high temperature of 90°F. Skies were sunny and it wasn't as humid as it's been. I watered about 5 gallons per pot ,once, from the well. Day 2 we had a high temperature of 83° F with partly cloudy skies. I watered each pot about 5 gallons once. I treated twice with Growers Ally fungicide. Day 3 we had a high temperature of 81°F. There was plenty of sun and I watered about 5 gallons per pot. Even though the girls are drinking more the cool weather and them rooting into the soil through the fabric pots has kept me from watering twice a day. The girls cleaned up nice after the fungicide treatment. They look great. Day 4 we had a high temperature of 78°F. Skies were clear and sunny. I watered about 5 gallons per pot with well water. The air has been a little drier with this cool from and the girls are loving it. Day 5 we had a high temperature of 77°, clear sunny skies, and humidity at 66%. This weather is very fall like and the plants are loving it. We've got rain in the weekend forecast though. I hope we miss it. Day 6 we had a high temperature of 77°. Skies were partly cloudy to mostly sunny. The humidity dropped into the 40%'s today. The plants are loving this weather. I watered about 5 gallons of well water. These girls are starting to smell like lemon cleaner with a sweet note. Day 7 we had a high temperature of 86°F. Skies were partly cloudy and we had just a few minutes of very lite rain. I watered about 5 gallons per pot with well water. This week was a success. The powdery mildew is an ongoing issue but it's controlled by spraying weekly with Growers Ally fungicide. The weekly rain is what's making it so troublesome. These girls have slowed their stretch and seem to be leveling off. They are smelling like lemon cleaner, with a sweet note. Daylight hours finished up the week at 13 hours and 20 minutes.
The temperatures, humidity, height, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil spread evenly across the top of the soil. Daylight hours this week will be below 13.5. I can't use halves in the grow conditions, so I'm noting here. Day 1 we had a high temperature of 90°F. Skies were sunny and it wasn't as humid as it's been. I watered about 5 gallons per pot ,once, from the well. Day 2 we had a high temperature of 83° F with partly cloudy skies. I watered each pot about 5 gallons once. Day 3 we had a high temperature of 81°F. There was plenty of sun and I watered about 5 gallons per pot. Even though the girls are drinking more, the cool weather, and them rooting through the fabric pots into the soil, has kept me from watering twice a day. The girls cleaned up nice after the fungicide treatment. They look great. Day 4 we had a high temperature of 78°F. Skies were clear and sunny. I watered about 5 gallons per pot with well water. The air has been a little drier with this cool from and the girls are loving it. Day 5 we had a high temperature of 77°, clear sunny skies, and humidity at 66%. This weather is very fall like and the plants are loving it. We've got rain in the weekend forecast though. I hope we miss it. Day 6 we had a high temperature of 77°. Skies were partly cloudy to mostly sunny. The humidity dropped into the 40%'s today. The plants are loving this weather. I watered about 5 gallons per pot from the well. The girls are getting their trichromes up. Day 7 we had a high temperature of 86°F. Skies were partly cloudy and we had just a few minutes of very lite rain. I watered about 5 gallons per pot with well water. This week was a success. The powdery mildew is an ongoing issue but it's controlled by spraying weekly with Growers Ally fungicide. The weekly rain is what's making it so troublesome. These girls have slowed their stretch and seem to be leveling off. They are smelling sweet and loud. They're showing pink pistil. I'll be feeding these tomorrow as they're running out of nitrogen. Daylight hours finished up the week at 13 hours and 20 minutes.
Buds & frost stacking and fattening, See a little purple hue coming in. This plant is loud, terp profile already biting deep 🤯 Vibranium enriching everything in the room with its powers ;)