I'm soooo in love with the new full Photo period line. Lemonmandrin is possibly the best smelling plant I've done from fastbuds, if not entirely. The smell of my 2 favourite flavours does linger on my hands for HOURS after I touched yesterday. (Try not to do so often) but the smell in my whole upstairs is JUST beyond the best damn air fresher you could ever want. As soon as I open my front door. I get the look. THERE'S no hiding these smells. So, just blaze up and let em be. They're hang drying in my grow room. (I had to switch it up, as our bathroom dips below 14c at night. And the constant change was seriously messing up my bud.
Current temp stays steady around 19.5-20.5, RH is a little tricky, 63-72%. Not ideal. But much better than drying in cold with unmanageable RH staying above 75% and having to run a DEHUMIDIFIER drying the moisture out of the bud, not in a good way. Last 2 dries have been 6-9 days. Both small plants. These buds are MUCH bigger and range from 9-12 days. I'll clip the fans more & more as the days go by, during the week I'll remove 70-75% of the sugars (cutting all sugars back, but leaving a bit for final trim), it's important to dry in a process. Making sure the bud is dries takes the fluid from places it needs. (I'm sure it can be explained better). If you've a fridge or your own methods that give good weed. This is mine. I harvest whole. Hang upside down & trim as it dries. It's important I dry these right. I've invested over 4 months nearly into these plants.
Further updates will come as these strains continue to dry.
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a month ago