The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
ACTUALIZACIONES A DIARIO!! Miles de gracias al equipo de Royal Queen Seeds y a @James por proponerme esta aventura tan trepidante y poder conocer de cerca las nuevas F1 y sobre todo a la gran Titan F1. Espero que lo disfruteis y os sirva como referencia. ¿Qué piensas cuando lees la palabra “Titán”? Hay quienes la asocian con los hijos de Urano de la mitología griega. Otros saben que Titán es la luna más grande de Saturno. ¿Y entre los cultivadores de hierba? Estas personas reconocen a la Titan F1 como una variedad de marihuana con una genética de vanguardia. Se trata de uno de los primeros híbridos F1 autoflorecientes, y es una variedad pionera que ofrece productividad, resistencia y algo completamente nuevo. La Titan F1 deleitará tu olfato durante la fase de floración y más allá. Esta variedad autofloreciente ofrece un potente perfil de terpenos compuesto principalmente por mirceno, farneseno, ocimeno, pineno, bisabolol y limoneno. Gracias a MarsHydro 😊🙏 por darme la mejor luz que hay en el mercado. La marca numero uno en focos 💡, carpas de cultivo ⛺️, extractores 🌬️ y demás aparatos que necesitas para tu cultivo. Para esta aventura arrancaremos con 💡Mars Hydro TS 1000 Full Spectrum LED Grow Light 150W Regulable y 1 semilla autofloreciente a un ciclo de 20/4. Verdaderos 150w con este TS1000, la mejor luz de cultivo LED para principiantes. Ofrece una luz adecuada para 2-4 plantas 🌱. Su precio razonable, la marcada mejora del rendimiento y el control variable de la producción la hacen amigable para los nuevos cultivadores. Todo un tesoro para cualquier cultivador que este comenzando. Usaremos para esta aventura una carpa de 60x60x90, MarsHydro una carpa para los más exigentes.Con una solapa de cremallera mejorada, dobles cremalleras de metal con forro,reflectante diamante tipo Mylar, postes de metal para una estructura mas solida, no se puede pedir nada mas. Garantizando una respuesta en solo 24 horas tanto si has usado antes la marca como si no. 🌻🚀 Consigue tus semillas aqui: 💡 MarsHydro TS1000: ⛺️ 60 x 60 x 90 MarsHydro: Cuarta semana de floracion, las planta ha terminado de estirar, las ramas laterales han estirando junto con la cola central y se muestran los futuros cogollos, es una planta muy compacta y he tenido que quitar alguna hoja baja para evitar la aparicion de algun hongo. Se muestra el principio de una gran cola principal. Es la genetica que mejor ha respondido, por no decir la mejor. Felicidades Royal Queen Seeds y MarsHydro 😁 📅 Dia 42: Riego con nutrientes, EC 1200, come todos los nutrientes que se le aplican. 📅 Dia 43: Riego con nutrientes, EC 1050 📅 Dia 44: Riego con nutrientes, EC 1050, ya se ven cogollines totalmente cargados de resina, el olor es cítrico y afrutado, se te hace la boca agua. 📅 Dia 45: Riego con nutrientes EC 1050 📅 Dia 46: Riego con nutrientes EC 1050 📅 Dia 47: Riego con nutrientes EC 1150 📅 Dia 48:
I don't know what's wrong with her, but she's suffering, I don't give her any nutrients anymore, only pure 6.3 ph water. Although the leaves are suffering, the flowers are really maturing well, I think she has about two weeks left until the finish, the smell it gives off is fabulous!!!! I can't wait to taste it, it's really very resinous, I have no doubt that it will be amazing:) good luck to everyone.:)
Dane, We all should help one another. Human beings are like that. We should live by each other’s happiness - not by each other’s misery. We don’t want to hate and despise one another, share the Joint. And mother earth is rich and can provide for everyone. We can Grow enough Happiness, In this paradise, there is room for everyone. We only exist to bring joy into the world and The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way. Grow High and Give the world A smile. At the end we own nothing more then all our memories, lets make them amazing for everyone, nothing to loose only everything to win. A last kiss goodby, a second one, softer and long as a sign, that you are woth it. That Everyone worth who loved and give. Enought Hippie Talk, now have a nice day and an even better grow, thx for watching by. ((From Seed 🌱 week report: (42 starting green sensation adding (refill 10L) (46 big day hope not overdone
ne, We all should help one another. Human beings are like that. We should live by each other’s happiness - not by each other’s misery. We don’t want to hate and despise one another, share the Joint. And mother earth is rich and can provide for everyone. We can Grow enough Happiness, In this paradise, there is room for everyone. We only exist to bring joy into the world and The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way. Grow High and Give the world A smile. At the end we own nothing more then all our memories, lets make them amazing for everyone, nothing to loose only everything to win. A last kiss goodby, a second one, softer and long as a sign, that you are woth it. That Everyone worth who loved and give. Enought Hippie Talk, now have a nice day and an even better grow, thx for watching by. ((From Clone 🌿 week report:
Hi everybody this week went ferry well and she is looking beautiful. Feed on form and conditions Great genetics fastbuds well done. Will be an update every week . And thank you for looking at the diary. Always remember it's 420 somewhere 🌱👍
My Blackberry Moon Rocks plant is looking fantastic! I chopped down the first one a few days ago, and it's almost dry. Can't wait to try it out. The other plant still has about a week to go. It's got these huge buds, and they're starting to get this awesome purple color. I'm really excited to see how it smokes. The past week has been awesome for drying my plants. The weather's been perfect – nice and dry, with just enough breeze to keep things moving. I finally got around to chopping down those two big plants I've been meaning to trim. They're almost ready, just need a little more time to dry out completely. I can't wait to see how they turned out.
My Permanent Marker plants are looking good. The short and stocky one has turned a crazy shade of purple. It's really wild looking. The other plant is still putting on new growth, so it'll probably be ready in about two weeks. I can't wait to see how the purple one smokes – should be interesting. The past week has been awesome for drying my plants. The weather's been perfect – nice and dry, with just enough breeze to keep things moving. I finally got around to chopping down those two big plants I've been meaning to trim. They're almost ready, just need a little more time to dry out completely. I can't wait to see how they turned out.
My Permanent Marker plants are looking good. The short and stocky one has turned a crazy shade of purple. It's really wild looking. The other plant is still putting on new growth, so it'll probably be ready in about two weeks. I can't wait to see how the purple one smokes – should be interesting. The past week has been awesome for drying my plants. The weather's been perfect – nice and dry, with just enough breeze to keep things moving. I finally got around to chopping down those two big plants I've been meaning to trim. They're almost ready, just need a little more time to dry out completely. I can't wait to see how they turned out.
My Bubble OG plants are looking really good. I chopped down the first one a few days ago, and it's almost dried. The other two plants are absolutely covered in buds. The tall one's a monster, totally solid and covered in crystals. And that purple plant is just gorgeous, stacked with buds all the way down. Can't wait to try them all out. The past week has been awesome for drying my plants. The weather's been perfect – nice and dry, with just enough breeze to keep things moving. I finally got around to chopping down those two big plants I've been meaning to trim. They're almost ready, just need a little more time to dry out completely. I can't wait to see how they turned out.
My Bubble OG plants are looking really good. I chopped down the first one a few days ago, and it's almost dried. The other two plants are absolutely covered in buds. The tall one's a monster, totally solid and covered in crystals. And that purple plant is just gorgeous, stacked with buds all the way down. Can't wait to try them all out. The past week has been awesome for drying my plants. The weather's been perfect – nice and dry, with just enough breeze to keep things moving. I finally got around to chopping down those two big plants I've been meaning to trim. They're almost ready, just need a little more time to dry out completely. I can't wait to see how they turned out.
My Gas Tax plant is looking insane. It's seriously the biggest plant I've ever grown, with these massive buds that are almost completely covered in this crazy purple and black coloring. I'm not gonna have to do much trimming at all, which is awesome. I've never seen anything like it. The past week has been awesome for drying my plants. The weather's been perfect – nice and dry, with just enough breeze to keep things moving. I finally got around to chopping down those two big plants I've been meaning to trim. They're almost ready, just need a little more time to dry out completely. I can't wait to see how they turned out.
My Skunk Apple plant's a little behind the others. I think it started flowering a couple weeks later. It's a smaller plant, but it's finally starting to fill out. I'm guessing I've got maybe two weeks left before it's ready to chop. The past week has been awesome for drying my plants. The weather's been perfect – nice and dry, with just enough breeze to keep things moving. I finally got around to chopping down those two big plants I've been meaning to trim. They're almost ready, just need a little more time to dry out completely. I can't wait to see how they turned out.
Strong growth within her first week. She got fed and the rains been watering her also…I am satisfied with her do it week progress
Fängt so langsam an zu wachsen...obwohl ich nicht mehr so recht daran geglaubt hab. Ende der Woche 5 noch ein topdress bekommen...2 EL FHM von Almicana
Ladies are getting fat! As of day 69 (Feb 12) we have started CropSalt CAKE feeding. Time to get even frostier and fatter. They are still drinking over a gallon a day each easily. If you have any questions for me, please feel free to ask! I want to help others grow Autoflowers like this.