The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Frozen Black Cherry

Frozen Black Cherry

Global pos.
20 harvests
Global pos.
20 harvests

Our new Frozen Black Cherry is packed with THC and has an extremely frosty appearance. She is an adaptable strain that does well with different growing techniques and environments. In a short flowering time of just 8-9 weeks, she delivers heavy yields of fruity, sweet, resin-soaked buds. Her terpene profile has addictive potential and is made up of aromas of fresh wild berries and a slightly sour note, with the dominating aroma of juicy cherries. She has a taste that you just can’t get enough of. The strain boasts such high resin production that the buds appear frozen and covered in a thick layer of ice. Sparkling white, beautiful and incredibly strong. Frozen Black Cherry is the cross of our popular and unique Blackberry Moonrocks with a potency selected Pacific Frost. Both parent strains boast extremely high resin production and a diverse terpene profile. The complex terpene profile of Blackberry Moonrocks combined with Pacific Frost results in an aroma of cherries, red berries and grapes that is to die for. Frozen Black Cherry combines exceptionally high potency with an unforgettable taste experience. The buds of this strain are rock hard, super sticky, typically indica and produce a smooth enjoyable smoke that is extremely fruity and sweet. The strain can reach a THC level of an impressive 36% and is among the most potent strains in the world. Its effects build up steadily and quickly immediately after consumption, releasing an unimagined power. Sensory distortions can occur and trippy effects set in while the sense of time seems to blur. It brings with it a distinctly psychedelic component and music suddenly attains a much greater breadth and depth. At the same time, a deep physical relaxation spreads and the worries and stress of the day simply disappear. The effect on body and mind is multifaceted and offers a good opportunity to enrich certain activities, if you are still able to do so. Plants of this strain reach a medium height indoors and need sufficient light to reach their full potential. Shortly after flowering begins, excessive resin production begins, peaking at the end of flowering when all buds are literally engulfed in resin. She produces high yields indoors of up to 500g/m² (outdoors 1000 g/plant). Due to their bushy structure, it is advantageous to defoliate the plants indoors 1-3 times during the growth phase, so that the side branches and flowers get even more light. Yield quality can be further enhanced by using a UVB lamp during the last 3 weeks of flowering. This helps push THC levels to the above-average levels that the strain is genetically designed for. Physiologically, it can relieve pain and help reduce stress.

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Family Tree

Frozen Black Cherry
Unknown Strain
Black Berry Kush
Bubba Kush
OG Kush
Chem Dawg
Thailand - Sativa
Hindu Kush - Indica
West Coast Dawg
Chem 91 Skunk VA
Chem Dawg
USA - Indica
Hindu Kush - Indica
The Black
Afghanistan - Indica
Nepal - Indica
Hawaii - Hybrid
Indica / Sativa
Afghanistan - Indica

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Latest Reviews Show All Reviews

Frozen Black Cherry
Growing it
Its an amazing starin the taste is awesome. im im sorry headbud molded so emergency harvest.
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a month ago
Resistance and Growing Recommendations – Frozen Black Cherry by Anesia The Frozen Black Cherry is an incredibly resilient strain that can handle a lot . For optimal results, here are some key recommendations: LST (Low-Stress Training): Highly recommended during the vegetative phase to encourage lateral growth and improve light distribution. Defoliation: 1-2 times per week during the vegetative stage helps improve airflow and light penetration. Fimming: Best done about a week before the flowering phase begins to boost growth and maximize yields. Bondage: LST should be completed before flowering to avoid stressing the plants. Topping side branches: Not recommended, as it can overstress the plant and reduce yields. During the flowering phase, the Frozen Black Cherry requires more NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) compared to other strains. Proper nutrient management is essential to bring out the full potential of its impressive buds . With the right care, this strain rewards growers with strong plants, an intense aroma, and top-notch effects. --- Resistenz und Anbauempfehlung – Frozen Black Cherry von Anesia Die Frozen Black Cherry ist eine äußerst robuste Sorte, die einiges wegstecken kann . Für optimale Ergebnisse empfehle ich folgende Techniken: LST (Low-Stress-Training): Besonders in der vegetativen Phase empfehlenswert, um das Wachstum der Seitentriebe zu fördern und die Lichtverteilung zu verbessern. Entlauben: 1-2 Mal pro Woche während der Wachstumsphase sorgt für bessere Luftzirkulation und Lichtpenetration. Filmen: Ungefähr eine Woche vor Beginn der Blütephase ist der perfekte Zeitpunkt, um das Wachstum weiter zu steuern und die Erträge zu steigern. Bondage: Vor der Blütephase sollte LST abgeschlossen sein, um den Pflanzen keinen zusätzlichen Stress zuzufügen. Toppen der Seitentriebe: Nicht empfohlen, da die Sorte dadurch unnötigen Stress bekommt und weniger Ertrag liefert. Während der Blütephase benötigt die Frozen Black Cherry mehr NPK (Stickstoff, Phosphor, Kalium) als andere Sorten. Eine gezielte Nährstoffzufuhr ist entscheidend, um ihr volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen und die beeindruckenden Buds in ihrer ganzen Pracht hervorzubringen . Mit der richtigen Pflege belohnt diese Sorte mit kräftigen Pflanzen, einem intensiven Aroma und einer erstklassigen Wirkung.
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2 months ago
Frozen Black Cherry
Growing it
Frozen Black Cherry Our new Frozen Black Cherry is packed with THC and has an extremely frosty appearance. She is an adaptable strain that does well with different growing techniques and environments. In a short flowering time of just 8-9 weeks, she delivers heavy yields of fruity, sweet, resin-soaked buds. Her terpene profile has addictive potential and is made up of aromas of fresh wild berries and a slightly sour note, with the dominating aroma of juicy cherries. She has a taste that you just can’t get enough of. The strain boasts such high resin production that the buds appear frozen and covered in a thick layer of ice. Sparkling white, beautiful and incredibly strong. Frozen Black Cherry is the cross of our popular and unique Blackberry Moonrocks with a potency selected Pacific Frost. Both parent strains boast extremely high resin production and a diverse terpene profile. The complex terpene profile of Blackberry Moonrocks combined with Pacific Frost results in an aroma of cherries, red berries and grapes that is to die for. Frozen Black Cherry combines exceptionally high potency with an unforgettable taste experience. The buds of this strain are rock hard, super sticky, typically indica and produce a smooth enjoyable smoke that is extremely fruity and sweet. The strain can reach a THC level of an impressive 36% and is among the most potent strains in the world. Its effects build up steadily and quickly immediately after consumption, releasing an unimagined power. Sensory distortions can occur and trippy effects set in while the sense of time seems to blur. It brings with it a distinctly psychedelic component and music suddenly attains a much greater breadth and depth. At the same time, a deep physical relaxation spreads and the worries and stress of the day simply disappear. The effect on body and mind is multifaceted and offers a good opportunity to enrich certain activities, if you are still able to do so.
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2 months ago
Frozen Black Cherry
Growing it
Frozen Black Cherry - Growth Report If I had to choose a favorite (though we'll keep this between us), this strain would be the one. She proved to be an exceptionally easy plant to manage, demonstrating both vigor and grace throughout her lifecycle. The plant developed a stunning structure, with foliage displaying a lovely green base complemented by a subtle blue tinge. Once flowering began, her natural beauty reached its peak. The cola formations were remarkable, producing sticky, resinous buds with beautiful dark red and purple hues throughout. Harvest was particularly efficient due to an optimal bud-to-leaf ratio. The plant's intense aroma filled the entire house during processing. Really looking forward to sampling the final product after the curing process is complete. Special thanks to this Frozen Black Cherry for being such a rewarding grow.
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5 months ago
Frozen Black Cherry
Growing it
Die Pflanze hält was Anesia verspricht! Sie duftet ab der Blüte herrlich nach Kirsche und Früchten. Schon früh beginnen die Blüten sich mit glitzernden Trichomen zu überziehen und wachsen zu dichten klebrigen und frostigen Buds heran. In der Wachstumsphase zeigten sich in diesem Grow schon früh zwei verschiedene Phenotypen, eine mit dunklerem Blattwerk (Pheno2, FBC2) und eine mit helleren Blättern (Pheno1, FBC1). Über den ganzen grow war zwischen beiden Pflanzen ein Unterschied erkennbar, welcher sich später bis in den Geruch und Geschmack beider Pflanzen fortsetzt. Ein eindeutig fruchtigerer Typ der mehr nach Kirschlutschern mit Kirscharoma schmeckt (Pheno1) und ein etwas minziger frischerer Typ. Beide haben einen leichten Geschmack der mich an Klebstoff bzw. Lösemittel erinnert (gasy). Die Pflege der Pflanzen viel mir recht leicht und sie kamen super mit dem LST zurecht. Auch kleine Fehler wie ein kräftiges Überdüngen in der Blütephase wurde mir von den Damen nicht übelgenommen. Super Pflanzen deren grow viel Spaß gemacht hat.
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5 months ago

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GrowWithFlowcommenteda year ago
Wow 😍 i need This amzing Strain 💜