Hallo liebe growmies, ich hoffe euch geht es allen gut! die Woche war wieder eine erfolgreiche Woche 😁 ich muss sagen ich bin erstaunt wie gut die runde bis jetzt läuft und wie schön sich meine Ladys entwickelt haben, bis jetzt habe ich noch keine Mängel vernehmen können und die Damen sind meines Erachtens nach auf dem besten Weg zur sicheren ernte aber nun zur Woche Am 08.03.23 also einen Tag bevor diese Woche begann habe ich den compost Tee angesetzt dafür habe ich 2,5L Wasser was ich ja eh in der Tonne ab stehen lasse entnommen und habe es in einen leeren behälter von destilliertem Wasser getan, dem ganzen habe ich 2x luftstein hinzu gefügt mit Belüftung's Pumpe (Eheim 200) eine kleine mini heizung für 8 L Aquarien (regelbar) auf 20 Grad eingestellt. Dem ganzen habe ich dann 15g/L wasser compost Tee (37,5g bei 2,5L Wasser) hinzu gefügt bactrex drauf 1g/L wasser (2,5g bei 2,5L Wasser) und 5ml/L orgatrex ( 12,5ml bei 2,5/L wasser) gab es auch noch hinzu das ganze habe ich dann 24 h belüftet und bei ca 20 Grad Wassertemperatur gebraut (Bactrex gab es jetzt 1x bei dieser gabe hinzu,bei dem nächsten compost Tee fällt bactrex dann weg) hab jeder Pflanze von dieser Lösung jeweils 0,5L an die Pflanzen basis gegossen vorher habe ich die Ladys aber natürlich Gewässer mit 2,5L Wasser und Dann Die Lösung oben drauf. Danach saß ich Dann knapp 4 Std vor dem Zelt und hab ausgeschnitten unten rum (alle Blätter und Triebe unter dem netzt entfernt) danach hab ich noch ca 1 Std damit verbracht Triebe von oben heraus zu entfernen die zu dicht an anderen standen ( war echt nicht einfach da nicht zu viel weg zu schnippeln) aber ich glaube ich bin auf nem guten Weg. Den Rest der Woche habe ich nur noch gehofft das sich die Pflanzen gut erholen von dem was ich ihnen angetan habe, und hab die Fächer Blätter so gut wie es geht täglich runter gedrückt unters netzt damit genug Licht eindringen kann in den Baldachin, aber irgendwie hat die Damen das harte ausrasieren nicht wirklich gestört da wie auf den Bildern zu sehen ist, ist der stretch immer noch in gange ist, aber schon deutlich weniger geworden zum Ende dieser Woche. Am Sonntag dem 12.03.23 gab es nur Wasser zum trinken hab jetzt 3,5L Wasser gegossen und somit den Topf komplett mit Wasser gefüllt es kamen dabei ungefähr 20 ml Wasser unten raus, was halb so wild ist, aber immer hin Weiss ich jetzt die gieß menge um den Topf gleichmäßig zu füllen. Ich wünsche euch allen eine schöne erfolgreiche Woche! Cu ihr growmies!
Harvest done, plant is drying. 116 days from seed: 51 days veg + 65 days flora.
24 days since my little girl sprouted from seeds🌱 Fourth week of growing my Lemon Oasis Auto 🍋🍋🍋 Nutrients: I use Advanced Hydroponics Of Holland nutrients - three basic components, always according to the table for vegetative growth 💓 - - Dutch Formula 1 Grow - supplies the plant with substances necessary for the perfect development of roots, stem and leaves; intended for the growth phase 🌾 - Dutch Formula 2 Bloom - contains a large amount of nutrients needed for rapid growth and development of fruits, provides energy to the plant; intended for the flower phase 🌸🌿 - Dutch Formula 3 Micro - increases oxygen intake, improves plant immunity, ensures better absorption of nutrients; intended for the growth and flowering phase 🌴 -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------ Plagron Power Roots - Root stimulator Plagron Roots is a biological root stimulator that supports the formation of the root system. I use until the fifth week of growth 🍃🍃 - the last feeding is the fifth week of plant growth. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- BioBizz Calmag - The special Calmag supplement was designed for professional and hobby growers who need to provide plants with calcium and magnesium in organic quality for a long time or immediately. 100% organic 💩💩 and certified BioBizz Calmag product is made from calcium carbonate and magnesium sulfate supplemented with humic acid. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- BioBizz Bio pH- is an organic pH regulator. Aqueous solution of citric acid, which occurs naturally in citrus fruits 🍋🍋 -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------- During the flowering period, I add Advanced Nutrients stimulators: - Bud Ignitor (first two weeks of flowering) - flower stimulator 🌸🏵️ - Bud Candy - carbs for my girls 🍭🍭🍭 - JUNGLE - ENVIRON X is a highly effective complex product to stimulate flower formation. It does not contain any synthetic growth regulators (PGR's). • multiplies yield and increases product quality In general: Lemon Oasis Auto 🍋🍋🍋 - at this moment the plant has started to flower, beautiful white pistils have appeared at the ends of the twigs and although the girl has grown tall quickly, she has strong and regular branches, full of healthy leaves🍃💚 Training: In this period, I usually do the first major defoliation and LST 💚🌞🌞 Light: Mars Hydro TS1000 The plants react effectively and the light is technically very well managed - I try to have 50cm between the light and the plants, so I move it up regularly, although with this tall plant I have to improvise more 💡💡💡 See you soon 😍💚
Hello growmies 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾🌲🌲, 👋 Here we go my friend, time to harvest 💜🌲✂️🏁🏁 💧 No Water 💡Mars Hydro - FC 3000 50% 13 cm Mars Hydro Fan kit Setting 9 Have a good week and see you next week for the harvest ✂️✂️ Thanks community for follow, likes, comments, always a pleasure 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾❤️🌲 Mars Hydro - Smart FC3000 300W Samsung LM301B LED Grow Light💡💡 Mars Hydro - 6 Inch Inline Fan And Carbon Filter Combo With Thermostat Controller 💨💨 Fast Buds - Gorilla Cookies FF🌲🌲
15 days since my little girl sprouted from seeds🌱 Second week of growing my Gorilla Cookies Auto 🦍🍪🦍 Nutrients: I use Advanced Hydroponics Of Holland nutrients - three basic components, always according to the table for vegetative growth 💓 - - Dutch Formula 1 Grow - supplies the plant with substances necessary for the perfect development of roots, stem and leaves; intended for the growth phase 🌾 - Dutch Formula 2 Bloom - contains a large amount of nutrients needed for rapid growth and development of fruits, provides energy to the plant; intended for the flower phase 🌸🌿 - Dutch Formula 3 Micro - increases oxygen intake, improves plant immunity, ensures better absorption of nutrients; intended for the growth and flowering phase 🌴 -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------ Plagron Power Roots - Root stimulator Plagron Roots is a biological root stimulator that supports the formation of the root system. I use until the fifth week of growth 🍃🍃 -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- BioBizz Calmag - The special Calmag supplement was designed for professional and hobby growers who need to provide their plants with calcium and magnesium in organic quality for a long time or immediately. 100% organic 💩💩 and certified BioBizz Calmag product is made from calcium carbonate and magnesium sulfate supplemented with humic acid. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- BioBizz Bio pH- is an organic pH regulator. Aqueous solution of citric acid, which occurs naturally in citrus fruits 🍋🍋 -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- In general: Gorilla Cookies Car 🦍🍪🦍 - since one of the plants in the tent outgrew its sisters, I preferred to lower the lamp so that there was not a big difference in height between the plants. It is a strong, healthy, young plant with a wide and strong stem and deep green leaves. It is still beautifully low, as I am trying to keep the plants in this growing season 🌿🌾 Training: I have now done the first major defoliation and LST. It obviously benefited the little girl a lot 💚🌸. Light: The Mars Hydro TS1000 works for me so far, mainly because it doesn't use much power. The plants react effectively and the light is technically very well managed - I try to have 50cm between the light and the plants, so I regularly move it up 💡💡💡 See you soon 😍💚
I cut of some of the bigger leaves off as they we're creating a lot of darkness inside the plant.
28/04 allé, encore une semaine de plus.. Elle est pas mal mais j'en veux toujours plus. Puis sa me fera peut-être un moins gros trou entre mes récoltes. 😁👍
All coming along well, nice even canopy to say there is no net in there, buds are looking nice and fat now, smell really good, like candy, very sticky. All photos taken day 53 of flower ✌️
i’d say another two weeks on these girls and they are about done one of the other phenos of this finished up quite quickly and it’s already drying Can’t wait to give you the full results and numbers 🔥 and remember It’s 420 somewhere
65-75 cm. All good 👍 trichomes are slowly coming.
Theses beautiful ladies are flowering now too and are big and tall while the other did not veg as long. I cannot wait to see these big frosty buds on them 🔥
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ______________ 📅 D08/V04 - 23/04/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.8 pH: 6 🌡️ T: 24 °C H: 55% 🌊 6L 🍗 Calmag - Grow A-B - B52 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 ______________ 📅 D09/V05 - 24/04/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 6.2 🌡️ T: 22 °C H: 65% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 ______________ 📅 D10/V06 - 25/04/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.1 pH: 6.3 🌡️ T: 21 °C H: 60% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 ______________ 📅 D11/V07 - 26/04/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.8 pH: 6.1 🌡️ T: 21 °C H: 55% 🌊 3L 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D12/V08 - 27/04/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.7 pH: 6.0 🌡️ T: 21 °C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D13/V09 - 28/04/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.7 pH: 6.0 🌡️ T: 21 °C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video
I'm speechless......... I don't know what to say or think at this point. This strain is amazing! A few people asked me what happened to the clones and other 2 phenos. The 2 other phenos went to outdoor grows and the clones are going to a friend who is also doing outdoor grows. All of the phenos were definitely amazing.
Pulled one already. Waiting for this one to finish. Another 2 weeks max I reckon.
During 1st week I might put the pot a bit to hight to the lamp. Clay pot got heated and caused some burns to the leafs. Now that it started to smell a bit I turned on the exhost with carbon filter and lowered the pot down. Passive wind intake through the lower level and exhost throw the top level makes a nice draft inside. I am using a small pot to try to keep the plant small and inside the bucket. I do have a tric ready to extend bucket hight by a 20 cm, but still previous plant in a bigger pot overgrew it and now finishing flowering at the balcony. This is my first mimosa and second grow in this bucket. Not going to apply hst, at least not at start, maybe at the later if I will see it's going to grow to high.
The girls are doing well, the smell is becoming stronger and sweeter
The VPD range for this week is set to 1.0 to 1.2 kPa Day 22 / 22.04. Here we are at the start of week 4 of veg. The plants are all doing great, just the Super Lemon Haze is showing some signs of Ph fluctuation, which I cannot explain. Now everything is smooth sailing as nearly all of the work has been taken off my hands by my mycodo system and the autopots. The autopot reservoir has about 10l of 1.1 mS/cm EC solution left in it, for the next batch I will bump up the EC to about 1.7 mS/cm. Day 23 / 23.04. Well, turns out the Super Lemon Haze tried to tell me something important. Today I noticed, that my cheapo pH pen was off by about 1.5 pH, which means my reservoir was way too basic for the plants. I hope, that I have corrected the pH and that this little mishap didn't affect the plants too much, because right now, growth is really popping off. Day 25 / 25.04. I started to do some LST to the plants and I also removed the huge top leaves of the Fullgas because I was worried about airflow. Day 27 / 27.04. Today I had quite a big mishap. I was in a hurry and tried to adjust the LST of the plants and accidentally broke off one of the top branches of the FullGas. Shit happens I guess
Stinky omg so fruity and delicious 😋 i cant wait for this beautiful sob to be done!! Ended up stressinf medusa #2 a little bit and got 2 more weeks of veg time!! Dont always believe what you read or hear kids!!!😂 shes finally bouncing back and buds are fattening up nicely