Greetings once again, my fellow cultivators and enthusiasts of the green spectacle! Here we are, entering the grand finale with the Week 13 Flower Report for our illustrious Jealousy in the Power Buds competition. The botanical odyssey we've embarked upon has reached a crescendo, and our emerald empress stands adorned in the regal splendor of her flowering finale.
As we step into this final chapter, the grow room has transformed into a cathedral of green devotion. Jealousy, in her perpetual prayer, is the high priestess presiding over a congregation of resplendent buds. Each bud, a testimony to the weeks of meticulous care, now glistens with the promise of a bountiful harvest. It's like witnessing the unveiling of a living tapestry, where every petal holds the story of our botanical journey.
Speaking of these magnificent fruits, the buds have reached a zenith of opulence. Each calyx, each trichome, is a testament to the genetic prowess and the nurturing attention bestowed upon Jealousy. The grow room is now a sanctuary of aromas, with the strong strawberry gum scent weaving through the air like a fragrant embrace. It's like the culmination of nature's artistry, where scent and sight converge in a symphony of sensory delight.
Now, in the spirit of continuity, let's revisit the decision to raise the TDS to 900 ppm. Jealousy, our green empress, has responded with a vitality that echoes through every leaf and bud. The leaves, now reaching for the light with a heightened enthusiasm, seem to express their gratitude for the nourishment provided. It's like the final act of a botanical performance, where every detail falls into place for the grand finale.
And here, my friends, marks the end of an era—the last week of feedings. It's a poignant moment in our green saga, as Jealousy has absorbed the nutrients and care bestowed upon her, transforming them into a spectacle of botanical magnificence. The decision to cease feedings is a nod to the impending culmination of this horticultural journey, where we transition from the act of cultivation to the anticipation of harvest.
Before we conclude this final chapter, let's extend our heartfelt gratitude and shout-outs to Zamnesia, Plagron, Grow Diaries, and the vibrant community. Your support and contributions have been the guiding lights on this green expedition.
To my fellow contestants and growers, as we bid adieu to the feedings, may your own botanical endeavors be blessed with the same opulence and aromatic wonders. Here's to a final week of resplendent buds, fragrant reminiscence, and the anticipation of a harvest that will be the crowning glory of our shared green adventure. Stay green, stay inspired, and keep cultivating those dreams!
With true love comes happiness. Always believe in yourself and always do things expecting nothing in return, with an open heart. Be a giver, and the universe will respond in ways you can’t even dream of .
Friendly reminder: all you see here is pure research and for educational purposes only.
Genetics - Jelousy @Zamnesia
Nutrients @Plagron
Light - @viparspectra P2000
Room size - 3x3 - 0,9x0,9