Ooooh boy, what an eventful beginning to week 14!
I took this beast out of the tent for a reservoir change and noticed that she had a few branches hanging below the canopy in the middle of the plant that had a lot of heat damage. 😩
So that haircut she needed turned into a bit of an amputation... I've never dealt with heat damage before, so I don't know what it does to the quality of the bud, but what I DID know was that if I didn't change something, it certainly wasn't going to get any better.
I removed 90% of the heat damaged branches, leaving only the branches that had mild damage to the leaves only. Looking at her, she doesn't look like she's missing much of anything, but what she gained was some more space to breathe and to feel the breeze. 😊
If anyone has dealt with heat damage in the past, I'd love to know what you did about it. Did you keep the buds? Ditch em? Are they safe to smoke? Do you think I did the right thing?
Every grow throws me so much more to learn about and so many more opportunities for hands on experience dealing with things that I've only ever read about. It's the freaking tits! ✌️💜🌱