Hallo meine Freunde des gepflegten Grow sports! 💐 Die Damen sind abgehackt und aufgehangen davor habe ich alle Fächer Blätter entfernt noch als die Pflanzen im Zelt standen heut morgen Ach ja wir haben den 26.04.23 nur so zur Info 😂😂 danach habe ich alle Damen also 4stk an der Zahl genau unter dem ersten Knoten entfernt das gesamte ScroG netzt abgegangen umgedreht und wieder an gehangen (bin irgendwie faul diesmal) war die schnellste und einfachste Lösung und somit wurde aus dem ScroG netzt ein trocken netz 😂🍾😂 Jetzt heisst es warten bis sie trocken sind wie man sehen kann auf dem letzten Video überwache ich weiter die Temperatur und Feuchtigkeits Werte! liegen bei 50% rlf und guten 16 Grad, denke mal in 10 bis 14 Tagen werde ich dann diesen Bericht als ernte ein tragen da die Damen dann in die Gläser gehen werden zum curing, feucht Gewicht kann ich grad nicht sagen, da ich sie ja nicht aus dem netzt entfernt habe aber so bald sie in die Gläser wandern werden sie gewogen Ach ja bevor ich es vergesse habe die Basis der Pflanze dran gelassen da sonnst einiges aus dem netzt fallen würde ohne Befestigung. Wir lesen uns dann in ca 14 Tagen wieder wenn alles soweit fertig ist euch allen einen erfolgreichen Grow und bis die Tage 🖖🤘✌️👋
I was very impressed with the yield from 1 plant, 88 Grams, the smell when you open the curing tote is phenomenal, the buds have plenty of trichomes, and get you stoned as hell. I grew this plant in y super coco, with only a few late flower top dressings, straight forward and very easy. I would recommend these seeds to anyone!
I am very happy with the harvest @21% wet to dry that pretty strong for me, the buds were in the tent for 10 days, the long slow drying process has really paid off. The buds were solid and frosty, this strain was very easy to grow, and like I said Original Sensible Seeds do not disappoint, I have a few more strains by them and cant wait to get them started!
ugh just hate myself right now lol. I feel like it would have done AMAZING had I flipped sooner and SCROG way better. I was timid and had a lot of personal obligations preventing me from staying in the garden as much as I would have liked. Its a grower! and stretches so much in early flower. Stay on top of her but I think she may make some amazing bud based on what I did have drying recently. I wish I didnt mess up the timing but I just couldnt have the second wave be held up by these mistakes and felt it best to let it go
welcome to Day 76 3/3/2021 glad to have this harvest under my belt she has some very nice looking buds and I cant wait to smoke them. there are more updates on the way as she dry's out and I get the real weight update Day 79 3/6/2021 the dry is finished and its all weighed up. on my trial smoke it was very smooth and tasty and a pretty strong head high but not over powering. I uploaded macro shots just for you fellow growers it was a small harvest but it was a small plant so I'm happy I got that much 😀🙏
The cones have learned to be quite dense. The aroma can be considered strong. I liked how they grow.
Día 96, 48 de flor 🤪 Apretandose ya estas cabecitas que veis por aquí!! Lo puse por historias, ni tutores, ni malla, ni hostias, buena estructura y nutrición, las bichas parecen engordar y aguantar, a ver como acaba todo 🤤🤤 Las Muffins las cuelgo entre hoy y mañana, que voy de tiempo terribleee 😅! Ya están lavadas también una Merry Berry y una Chocolate Mint Og, mañana o pasado se lo llevan otra de cada y la Wedding Cake más rapida. A parte de eso, hoy les toca cena fuerte (puede que última comida) a las 5 más tardonas, que son las otras 2 Wedding Cake, la Gelato, la Txomango y la Gorila. Hoy regué también, y trasplanté las mamis que quedaban, pero no cabían más fotos, ya publicaré algo al respecto! Chavales, se acabó la Amnesia y la Yumboldt por una temporadita 💕🔥 Dejadme vuestra opinión!! 🔥🤟🏽🤟🏽
It's been a beautiful strain to work with, the flowrs are definitely worth it after all this time, the quality is definitely high. However this pheno of ak420 smells very different from the other 2 phenos I've grown along with her. The flowrs are beautiful, very solid and frosty nuggets, I smoked a few little nuggets when trimming but I'm excited to taste the big buds, hope you guys enjoyed the process. I want to say that this pheno #1 has a different smell compared to the other 2 phenotypes of ak420 that you can see here on my page as well, so stay tuned guys! Overall result is very nice, good quality, strong weed, sticky, stinky. I can say that it's very great and also you can get them for a very cheap price so it's a very good investment if you're looking for a powerful and affordable strain. Cheers growmies! ❤️💚💛💎👨‍🌾
really this girl could of gone longer ideally. due to my other plant finishing so quickly and using the tent for drying she had to come down at the same time. she went 65 days and was showing ambers. this was my first organic grow and first time using soil. I defiantly learned a lot and cant wait to get on to my next grow. highly recommend barneys farm for seeds.
This is actually 10 days into flower, i forgot to post pictures at week 1! We will be flushing in 3 days (at around week 2 of flower) and then a few days later will be introducing flower nutrients.
My first attempt at a scrog and only started it at day 7 of flower so a real rush job. Very happy with the outcome, bud quality is very high as is flavour and all from a 20L pot.