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☘️04/05 - Empieza su primera semana en etapa de crecimiento. ☘️En el día de hoy le estuve agregando tres productos de Top Crop, Vege,Barrier y Green Explosion, para esta etapa es muy importante utilizarlos. ☘️Esta midiendo 7cm de largo. ☘️El 04/05 cumple 13 días de vida en total desde su germinacion. ☘️La planta creció muy rápido de una semana a otra, se encuentra en perfectas condiciones sin tener hasta el momento ningún problema. ☘️Antes de entrar en etapa de crecimiento hice el cambio de maceta, estaba utilizando una Root House de 3L y ahora estoy utilizando una Root de 10L. ☘️En estos dias seguire subiendo mas imagenes de como viene su evolución. ☘️Podes seguirme en Insta gram como @bruweed_arg 😶‍🌫️
Released the shackles of LST for now — going to allow some vertical and unobstructed growth of all branches for a few days, then perhaps resume. I hope to have another week or so of vegging!
Hi guys, as we are in isolation I thought it would be a good time to try and grow my own weed so got my self a 1.2 x1.2x2 tent 600w hps light and all the shogun nutrients I’ll need. Also running a 4” carbon filter system. I did some research on the best way to start autos and I went with just planting them straight into there final pots on 18/4/20 the medium I am using is already charged so using just 6.8 ph water with the light been on 24hrs. All 3 seeds Sprouted in 72hrs. Going to keep the light on 24hrs for another 4 days then will switch to 18/6 in week 2. Was struggling with low humidity a couple of days in, so purchased a humidifier which seems to have helped bring it up to between 60- 75%. Also adapted the clean air intake to my tent so it’s bringing in cool out side air. Can’t help but keep on checking on them like a kid in a sweet shop 😂.
Hi guys, as we are in isolation I thought it would be a good time to try and grow my own weed so got my self a 1.2 x1.2x2 tent 600w hps light and all the shogun nutrients I’ll need. Also running a 4” carbon filter system. I did some research on the best way to start autos and I went with just planting them straight into there final pots on 18/4/20 the medium I am using is already charged so using just 6.8 ph water with the light been on 24hrs. All 3 seeds Sprouted in 72hrs. Going to keep the light on 24hrs for another 4 days then will switch to 18/6 in week 2. Was struggling with low humidity a couple of days in, so purchased a humidifier which seems to have helped bring it up to between 60- 75%. Also adapted the clean air intake to my tent so it’s bringing in cool out side air. Can’t help but keep on checking on them like a kid in a sweet shop 😂.
Bonjour à tous les padawans et maîtres jedis Jour 31 arrosage avec 2 litres d'eau ph6.3 à laquelle j'ajoute 4ml de rootboster cellmax, 3ml de cellmax bio organic bloom et 3ml de cellmax bio 8-2-2 par litre d'eau Jour 33 pratique de la technique du topping (voir video) je précise que si cette pratique simple combiné au pinçage d'apex (voir semaine précédente) est faite au bon moment peux offrir un très gros rendement même si le rendement n'est pas mon but principal ma curiosité me pousse à essayer ces deux techniques combinées. TOPPING (ÉTÊTAGE) Les plants de cannabis poussent verticalement. En le faisant, les feuilles nourricières et branches se mettent à pousser horizontalement ou en diagonale à partir de la tige principale. Le topping ou l’étêtage implique de couper la tige principale de la branche verticale entre les nœuds. Essayez de le faire avec des ciseaux ou une lame de rasoir stériles. En coupant la tige principale, deux branches secondaires vont se développer en devenant des tiges principales. Elles pousseront à la diagonale au lieu de pousser vers le haut, ce qui rend le plant plus court et plus facile à gérer. L’étêtage évitera au plant d’avoir une croissance ressemblant à un arbre de Noël. Cela aidera à donner au plant de cannabis une forme plus adaptée aux environnements de culture en intérieur. Vous pouvez continuer de le faire au fur et à mesure de la croissance des branches. Vous pouvez tailler la partie supérieure de chaque branche et faire pousser un plant bonzaï dément. Assurez-vous simplement de ne pas aller trop loin et de ne pas vous retrouver avec quelque chose d’incontrôlable. Certains cultivateurs recommandent d’attendre environ 30 jours dans la vie du plant avant de procéder à l’étêtage. Il fait subir beaucoup de stress et un jeune plant pourrait ne pas pouvoir le gérer. Nous vous recommandons aussi d’attendre une ou deux semaines après votre première session d’étêtage avant d’en commencer une autre. Jour35 arrosage avec 2 litres d'eau ph6.3 à laquelle j'ajoute 4ml de rootboster cellmax et 3ml de cellmax bio 8-2-2 par litre d'eau La plante récupère très vite de son topping
Week 9 for these 2 completely non identical twin girls Both are so fat and floppy now, they can't hold themselves up at all hardly, plants at leaning on each other lattice style for support The smell is godly, the stickiness is hellish when trying to arrange colas 😂💪😎
Day 99 - Starting week 15 and it’s looking like she’s finally starting to come down to the end. Pistils are starting to shrivel up and not a whole lot or clear trichs anymore. So thinking she’ll get the chop towards the end of week 16. Day 100 - Gave her 2 gallons of pH’d (6.6) water today. She’s got mostly cloudy trichs in there now so I’m thinking end of week 16 she’ll get the chop, so two more weeks. Nothing else really happening, just removing leaves as they die. Day 101 - Nothing to update today, just updated pictures. Just waiting for her to finish up so I can chop. Day 102 - Just some daily pictures to update today. Not much else going on until chop day. Day 103 - Starting to get quite a bit of amber trichs in her even though most of her pistils look nice and healthy. If I get too many more ambers, I might have to chop her sooner than I though but as of right now , I’m looking at chopping her in about a week and a half.
im starting to have concerns about this plant. she's been growing slow but in the same cycle as the Pineapple Glue.
i'm wondering if this plants are growing normal. or they are just small plants. They are being grown with just Ph water since seed. I have a GG#4 from another breeder that its two weeks younger and its currenly in the 2nd week of flower.