The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Buenas señores ! Esta semana ha sido un poco ajetreada en general, las plantas parecen estar listas ,pero dejaré un poco más con agua sola para quitar todo el alimento que tienen almacenado ya que parecen estar cebadas y vomitando los nutrientes, ya que la ec cuando he cambiado el agua ha subido más de lo que puse,entro siendo alta de 3.55 y ha salido en 6,4 la verdad que una animalada, he optado por dejarles 24h agua sola de ósmosis a ec de 0.08,según han ido pasando las horas ha ido subiendo y en 12 horas estaba en 2,15 de ec, pasadas 24h ya estába en 4,12 y decidí cambiarla de nuevo ,después de 10h esta en 1,65. Pasadas 18h baja a 1,35,eso significa que ya comen de los restos que les quedan. A mitad de esta semana que viene haré cambio de agua y pondre flawles finish durante 24h y cambiaré a agua de ósmosis sin nada con ec de 0.08. Por lo que le he leído el flawles finish de Advance Nutrients se pone durante 6h,yo lo dejaré 24h,luego por lo que he leído dicen que para limpiar raíces dos o tres Días de limpieza, que me parecen pocos y así que unos 4 días y cambio de nuevo a agua limpia otros 4 días más a ver si se consumen ellas mismas y empiezan las carencias haciendo que se coman ellas mismas y dejándolas limpias del todo ya que creo que me he pasado en ec. He tenido que limpiar bien el tanque entero ya que había posos de excesos de abonos y ec ,de tal manera que se había creado una capa de minerales en el tanque y en los riegos que empezaba a joder a las plantas .Esta semana con las lluvias y las bajadas de temperaturas se ha notado en tener que bajar el tiempo de extractores y potencia de ventiladores,así hemos conseguido unas temperaturas y condiciones ideales para el cultivo y la etapa en la están. Ya estamos en el final del cultivo y me sorprende lo rápido que va todo en el cultivo hidroponico, la verdad que la temporada que viene volveré de nuevo con hidroponico y unas cosas que estoy probando para ver si la temporada que viene todo va au mejor ,ya estoy buscando las siguientes elegidas para todo el año que viene y veremos que nos depara. Habrá que hacer la cata y pesaje final para ver como ha ido y a que sabe , que es la mejor parte!!! La verdad que la experiencia de cultivar en sustrato inerte e hidroponico hace que Un entiendas más como alimentar tus plantas y para que es cada elemento de la tabla de cultivo haciendo que se gane en experiencia a la vez que disfrute el aprendizaje en formas nuevas de cultivar! Parámetros : Humedad : 40%/45% Temperatura : 25°C Temperatura agua : 19°C Ph 6,4 en el cambio de agua Ph 6,7 actual EC 0.62 EC de inicio 0.08 agua de ósmosis de los filtros GrowMax 45L de agua Abonos: Advance 2ml/L Flawless Finish Iremos viendo como va esta semana que viene siendo por lo que parece el final ya que hay mucho tricoma ámbar y muchos de los pelos esta marrones a simple vista y no creo que vayan a engordar mucho más. Huelen que da miedo a la vez que embriaga ,tengo ganas de verlas cortadas y colgando!! Nada más en esta actualización semanal! Espero que os guste y gracias por pasaros!! Saludos!!
Esta semana tome la decisión de cortar una planta anticipadamente, obviamente la más avanzada y madura de todas (la de las fotos con flash), para poder llenar la despensa, obviamente se guardó el peso para añadirlo al peso final. Se quitó la malla y se hizo defoliación para terminar el engorde, quedando solo 3 plantas al menos 1 semana o dos a que terminen de dar lo que tienen que engordar, ya veremos 👍
A bit burnt lol. Ooops I'll still finish her off and hope for the best. Should still be some decent smoke 👌This thing is the creature if I ever seen one in the garden. What a chunk of lettuce 🤣🤣🤣👏 Should be an interesting turn out!
She’s getting ready to chop! Leaves are finally starting to fade heavily and die, a few amber trichomes have started to form. She is so fragrant and frosty, pure fruit and must. Feed pH 6.2, EC 1.75. Microbial pH 6.5, EC 0.6.
She’s been battling some strange P and Cal deficiencies for the last few days while thickening up, planning on taking a soil sample and flushing. Otherwise, she has been happy and healthy. Not really seeing a significant stress response from her. Feed pH 6.3, EC 1.9.
Tratando de sobrevivir a las altas temperaturas y baja humedad del verano con ayuda del humidificador y la circulación de aire. Al final de esta semana comenzamos con la primera dosis de vegetativo. Veremos como se comportan en la siguiente semana para ver que técnica usar en éste cultivo .
She’s been steadily blooming! As she’s gets thicker and thicker her calyxes show off just how much purple they have in them. Still going in often to trim her up and give her room to breathe. Feed pH 6.3, EC 1.9.
Week 14, Flowering week 9, flush week 2 The ladies are almost ready to harvest! We are going for the long haul here!! The DWC has about 6 litres of mineral water left in it, will let plant drink all. Indica phenotype plant is about 10% covered in amber trichomes, the rest are milky white. Sativa phenotype plant is abput 90% milky and 10% amber also. The light schedule will remain 12/12, with 48 hours of darkness before harvest. Harvest will likely happen this week, checking trichomes every morning while dark. Day 92 - resin explosion from 12/12 lighting a. I remove a few large fan leaves here and there that are drying up. b. the plants are eating all the nutrients from the leaves c. some of the small lower tiny buds I make bain marie qwiso, tastes incredible. Day 93 - getting very close, they are stinking soooo loudly a. the trichomes are at 15-20% amber on the Indica Phenotype and 10% on the Sativa phenotype b. all trichomes are milky, rarely see a clear Day 94 - need to harvest tomorrow a. its time, the DWC is nearly empty, the ladies have been in the dark, the hash I make is banging, time to harvest. Day 95 - Harvest Will create harvest week when buds are all dry
I'm running a little test here🤓, I have cut the upper tops of the plant, and left the buds that were getting almost no light. I'm curious whats gonna happen... The idea is off course that those bud will turn out thick and fat as well😋. I'm gonna keep a close eye on the trichomes, so nothing gets out of hand and turns to brown. The shock of the harvest will take at least a day or 4 for them to get back I think, but maybe even a week... After a week I'm gonna decide if I will chop, or give m another shot overdrive. It all depends on how the trichomes look and the overall look of the plants.🤓 Have a nice week and till the next🤙🏼
Wow what a strain! The flowers are absolutely caked with trichs, making the flowers look heavily frosted. The smell is pungent and pretty dank smelling. The taste I find to be pretty mild. Where this strain stands out is the very powerful punch it packs! WOW lol this one will have you staring at a blank tv screen for 30 minutes before you remember what you were doing lol no complaints on this strain, have it growing again this run too! Thanks for following along!!! On to the next one!
Wow what a strain! The flowers are absolutely caked with trichs, making the flowers look heavily frosted. The smell is pungent and pretty dank smelling. The taste I find to be pretty mild. Where this strain stands out is the very powerful punch it packs! WOW lol this one will have you staring at a blank tv screen for 30 minutes before you remember what you were doing lol no complaints on this strain, have it growing again this run too! Thanks for following along!!! On to the next one!
Oggi inizia la 7°settimana. I tricomi e la resina aumentano di gg in gg 👍🙂 Speriamo bene.. Buona fortuna a tutti noi!👍😉
Hey everyone 😀. On flowering day 59 both came into the darkroom and on flowering day 61 both were harvested :-). Both were very easy to trim 👍. Both of them already smell very tasty but more on the last update because this is only the short intermediate update :-). The trimmed buds were laid out on nets so that they can now dry at 62% humidity for 8-14 days before fermenting with 62% boveda packs in the jars :-). I wish you a lot with the interim update of the harvest and we'll see you at the end 👍😃. Stay healthy and let it grow 😀 You can buy this Strain at : Type: Sweet Skunk F1 Fast Version ☝️🏼 Genetics: Sweet Skunk Auto (SWS34) X Early Skunk 👍 Vega lamp: 2 x Todogrow Led Quantum Board 100 W 💡 Bloom Lamp : 2 x Todogrow Led Cxb 3590 COB 3500 K 205W 💡💡☝️🏼 Soil : Canna Coco Professional + ☝️🏼 Fertilizer: Green House Powder Feeding ☝️🏼🌱 Water: Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EC. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with Organic Ph - to 5.5 - 5.8 .
Hey everyone 😀. On flowering day 59 both came into the darkroom and on flowering day 61 both were harvested :-). Both were very easy to trim 👍. Both of them already smell very tasty but more on the last update because this is only the short intermediate update :-). The trimmed buds were laid out on nets so that they can now dry at 62% humidity for 8-14 days before fermenting with 62% boveda packs in the jars :-). I wish you a lot with the interim update of the harvest and we'll see you at the end 👍😃. Stay healthy and let it grow 😀 You can buy this Strain at : Type: Sweet Skunk F1 Fast Version ☝️🏼 Genetics: Sweet Skunk Auto (SWS34) X Early Skunk 👍 Vega lamp: 2 x Todogrow Led Quantum Board 100 W 💡 Bloom Lamp : 2 x Todogrow Led Cxb 3590 COB 3500 K 205W 💡💡☝️🏼 Soil : Canna Coco Professional + ☝️🏼 Fertilizer: Green House Powder Feeding ☝️🏼🌱 Water: Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EC. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with Organic Ph - to 5.5 - 5.8 .
Hey everyone :-). On the 63rd day of flowering after the time change to 12/12 the harvest was carried out after 48 hours of darkness 😍. I love this black pheno 👍. After the harvest, everything was laid out on nets where it is allowed to dry at 62% for the next 8-14 days before fermenting with 62% boveda packs in glasses 😍. The entire system was cleaned immediately for the next round. I wish you all a lot of fun with the interim update and we'll see you at the end 😅👍. Stay healthy and let it grow 🍀 You can buy this Strain at : ☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼 Strain Gelato clone from mother (Zamnesia ) ☝️ Genetics: Wedding Cake x Gelato x Gelato 33 👍 Vega lamp: 2 x Todogrow LED CXB3590 COB 55 W 1 x Sanlight S2W 62 W 💡 Flower lamp : 2 x Todogrow LED CXB3590 COB 55 W 1 x Sanlight S2W 62 W 💡 ☝️ Grow Aero System : Growtool 0.8 ☝️ Fertilizer: Canna Aqua Vega A + B , Canna Aqua Flores A + B , Rizotonic, Cannazym, CANNA Boost, Pk 13/14, Canna Cal / Mag, Canna Ph - Grow, Canna Ph-Bloom ☝️🌱 Water: Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EG. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with ph- to 5.2 - 5.8 💦 💧
Hey everyone :-). On the 63rd day of flowering after the time change to 12/12 the harvest was carried out after 48 hours of darkness 😍. I love this black pheno 👍. After the harvest, everything was laid out on nets where it is allowed to dry at 62% for the next 8-14 days before fermenting with 62% boveda packs in glasses 😍. The entire system was cleaned immediately for the next round. I wish you all a lot of fun with the interim update and we'll see you at the end 😅👍. Stay healthy and let it grow 🍀 You can buy this Strain at : ☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼☝️🏼 Strain Gelato clone from mother (Zamnesia ) ☝️ Genetics: Wedding Cake x Gelato x Gelato 33 👍 Vega lamp: 2 x Todogrow LED CXB3590 COB 55 W 1 x Sanlight S2W 62 W 💡 Flower lamp : 2 x Todogrow LED CXB3590 COB 55 W 1 x Sanlight S2W 62 W 💡 ☝️ Grow Aero System : Growtool 0.8 ☝️ Fertilizer: Canna Aqua Vega A + B , Canna Aqua Flores A + B , Rizotonic, Cannazym, CANNA Boost, Pk 13/14, Canna Cal / Mag, Canna Ph - Grow, Canna Ph-Bloom ☝️🌱 Water: Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EG. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with ph- to 5.2 - 5.8 💦 💧