Week Five and Flowering has begun
Will fold in Bio-Bloom and replace Fix Mix with Bio-grow , may add some Phos via top dressing as well.
Yellowing continues to recede just not fast enough for my comfort.
Brandy has obviously stunted considerably and Maggie at least somewhat. Could not expect differently
Moving to Flowering tent soon as its clear, couple of days at most
10/28 UPDATE
Going to play on a couple of hunches at next watering.
Need to get a TDS meter soon, got a feeling it would help.
Ever since we went to BioBizz we have experienced a variety of oddness in the vein of this grow.
Now long term since we are switching to coco and Flora nuet line that is solved but short term I am switching to Dr. Earth Flower Girl for remainder of grow.
Every feeding/watering will be @6.5 PH to 20% run off and checking PH on that. Of course this will be modified based on results. Schedule is a single top dressing at 4 tbs (roughly 2 tsp per gal of soil) covering with 1/2 inch min of coco and 50% perlite as a mulch.
Layla must go on her own feeding schedule as she is just so much bigger and drinking well. Will do the feed when moving to Flowering tent in a day or so as that will be about time to water. She looks good if a little darker green than I like. Were it only Layla I might not suspect anything... meh
Here is where Grow Diaries saved the day , by going back and looking at past grows we came to suspect the nuet change although initially results were great problems always seemed to follow. In my reaction to that, not knowing, I may have made other mistakes, likely in fact.
Its a solid organic and may head off some issues.
As for Bandy and Maggie, still have that bottle of H2O2 on the shelf, need to see some serious improvement real soon. Getting to be now or never
Later: Talked to the owner of a hydroponics store who is also a long time grower that knows these nuet lines cold.
His take is that it is absolutely the Bio-Bizz nuets, seems they are hard to run alone as they have holes in their make up which will cause mystery deficiencies in some plants and soil mixes.
That really pisses me off LoL , my fault though just glad I have partial explanation.
Good thing is he was able to show me the CocoTek Grow and Bloom lines and that is going to be the choice, two part feed without complications.
Simplify heheh
Confirmed the dye reading of pot PH on all three by another method.
Took a handful sized soil sample from as deep as I could of each pot and placed into a cup, soaked with 7.0 water let stand 15 minutes to stabilize, tested pour off, all at 6.7 so that is NOT the problem. Damn it
This is the reasoning:
Water goes into the pot at 6.4-6.5 takes the entire system to that level temporarily, it then begins bringing it up to 6.7-6.8ish and that friends covers the entire range of nuet take-up in soil. Going to cheat a bit high and make it 6.5 solid as its good on acid content. Least thats how I see it, back to basics so may as well.
Top dressing Layla today with Flower Girl, others follow when pots dry out a bit more.
Moved to Flowering Tent , something came up and they still have not been feed will try and do it this afternoon.
10/30 Fed
Recharge 0.5 tsp - Kangaroots 5ml - CalMag 5ml - PH 6.5 for one gallon over 4 tbs top dressing Dr. Earth Flower Girl and one inch of mulch (50% coco/perlite)
11/1 Defoliated Layla (about 3%) so the center of the plant gets good light, did a little training on Brandy to keep things dry,
Maggie... man just letting it grow I am just flabbergasted at this yellow leaf thing
Pics at watering tomorrow
11/2 No water today, they dont need it.