Vote Now 🏆 for the Grow Awards 2025!
Day 28. She’s be beasting!!! I’m so excited for this lovely lady. She’s showing sex and pistals and will be flowering I’m sure I’m the next week. Look at the low stress training she just went kaboom. I’m so happy to see her thriving I’m very excited for her.
Forte odeur de fruits exotique se dégage de ces dames, elle sont bien givré etle rinçage a commencé.
Plein de trichs mademoiselle a pris un coups de froid volontaire.
Wedding glue from @fastbuds is flowering along nice an stacking up the trichromes as the gelato from @herbies is comming along a little slower as i feel like the gelato has a longer veg cycle by a week or 2 but shes comming along beautiful just like last time i grew her
What are the 7 constants? The seven defining constants are: the caesium hyperfine frequency Δν Cs the speed of light in vacuum c. the Planck constant h. the elementary charge e. the Boltzmann constant k. the Avogadro constant NA, and. the luminous efficacy of a defined visible radiation K. cd How many universal constants are there? If you give a physicist the laws of physics, the initial conditions of the Universe, and these 26 constants, they can successfully simulate any aspect of the entire Universe. What is meant by a universal constant? Definition of universal constant : a physical constant of wide application and frequent occurrence in physical formulas the speed of light, c, the electronic charge, e, and the Planck constant, h, are universal constants. Is Pi a universal constant? 3.141 (3+1+4+1=9) Well, Pi is different from all other numbers. It is a universal constant encoded in most processes occurring in the universe, including those in the life sciences! Is gravity a universal constant? Is 9.8 the force of gravity? The numerical value for the acceleration of gravity is most accurately known as 9.8 m/s/s. There are slight variations in this numerical value (to the second decimal place) that are dependent primarily upon altitude. This is not to be mistaken for the Universal Gravitational Constant G Constant at any point in this universe. G = 6.67408×10–11Nm2/kg2. Time as we know it, hours, minutes, and seconds are man-made and used to show how long something takes to decay from exposure to radiation they use it to measure half-lives in atomic decay chains. Nature knows only cycles. Hidden phi or golden ratio symmetry as found in solid state matter“On the atomic scale particles do not behave as we know it in the macro-atomic world. New properties emerge which are the result of an effect known as Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. In order to study these nanoscale quantum effects the researchers have focused on the magnetic material cobalt niobate. It consists of linked magnetic atoms, which form chains just like a very thin bar magnet, but only one atom wide and is a useful model for describing ferromagnetism on the nanoscale in solid-state matter. When applying a magnetic field at right angles to an aligned spin the magnetic chain will transform into a new state called quantum critical, which can be thought of as a quantum version of a fractal pattern. Prof. Alan Tennant, the leader of the Berlin group, explained; “The system reaches a quantum uncertain — or a Schrödinger cat state. This is what we did in our experiments with cobalt niobate. We have tuned the system exactly in order to turn it quantum critical.” By tuning the system and artificially introducing more quantum uncertainty the researchers observed that the chain of atoms acts like a nanoscale guitar string. Dr. Radu Coldea from Oxford University, who is the principal author of the paper and drove the international project from its inception a decade ago until the present, explains: “Here the tension comes from the interaction between spins causing them to magnetically resonate. For these interactions, we found a series (scale) of resonant notes: The first two notes show a perfect relationship with each other. Their frequencies (pitch) are in the ratio of 1.618…, which is the golden ratio famous from art and architecture.” Radu Coldea is convinced that this is no coincidence. “It reflects a beautiful property of the quantum system — a hidden symmetry. Actually, quite a special one called E8 by mathematicians, and this is its first observation in a material,” he explains.” The E8 structure itself has relationships to Phi (1.618).
Seedsman , Bruce Banger High everyone 👋 another week in the books and the ladies are looking pretty good 👍 I'm not sure on training for them yet but it's almost time to start 😀 I'll have to decide what I'm doing very soon. The Banger is the one that I had pop up with a single coty leaf I think it is still alive there next to the new one but it's still not moving. I received and installed the new UR45 from Mars Hydro they are UV-IR supplement light bars designed to fit the Fc6500 and Fc8000 I'm excited about having them in my growroom. Check out my Instagram if you want to see closer pictures of them installed. discount code " Cyrus " discount code " Cyrus10 " Thank you Mars Hydro and Seedsman
Well I was worried about my girl for most of the last week since I repotted her. But as you can see, she bounced back. Just took her about 5 days. Roots started spilling over the side so I through some soil on it. The soil will be removed during the reveal when the other roots are exposed.
So far no real issues. Started some pruning and training this week. Also fimmed her. Will trim the top leaves soon as she gets some more foliage elsewhere.
Wedding glue from @fastbuds is flowering along nice an stacking up the trichromes as the gelato from @herbies is comming along a little slower as i feel like the gelato has a longer veg cycle by a week or 2 but shes comming along beautiful just like last time i grew her
Kannabia Seed , Sativa Dream High everyone 👋 another week in the books and the ladies are looking pretty good 👍 I'm not sure on training for them yet but it's almost time to start 😆 this Sativa Dream has a bit of a mutation going but is still growing fast 😀 I'll have to decide what I'm doing very soon. I received and installed the new UR45 from Mars Hydro they are UV-IR supplement light bars designed to fit the Fc6500 and Fc8000 I'm excited about having them in my growroom. Check out my Instagram if you want to see closer pictures of them installed. discount code " Cyrus " Thank you Mars Hydro and Kannabia Seed Company
Kannabia Seed , Columbian Jack High everyone 👋 another week in the books and the ladies are looking pretty good 👍 I'm not sure on training for them yet but it's almost time to start 😀 I'll have to decide what I'm doing very soon. I received and installed the new UR45 from Mars Hydro they are UV-IR supplement light bars designed to fit the Fc6500 and Fc8000 I'm excited about having them in my growroom. Check out my Instagram if you want to see closer pictures of them installed. discount code " Cyrus " Thank you Mars Hydro and Kannabia Seed Company
Deoliated and trained! Even did a little video showcase! In love with this round from Fastbuds!!!!! Gonna get a great harvest!
Deoliated and trained! Even did a little video showcase! In love with this round from Fastbuds!!!!! Gonna get a great harvest!
OMG OMG OMG finding hard to put on words all i am felling with this one, she was a delight to grow and without trying yet her medicine she wen strait to my top 3, i mean super strong Mama, strong to everything pests you name it, amazing structure her terpene profile is taking me back to the 90s with her almost like gasoline smell mixed with limes and pines OMG cant wait to try out this one much but much respect to DutchPassion on this creation of them she is so so so , like glue that you cant touch without getting it everywhere <3 <3 haded the last 3 weeks and harvest time-lapse i fell like this one could have gone more than the 71 days in flower that she did, but there is no time for that in this run but i will run her again thats for sure and a must for me. Guys trust me on this one , she is a must , a real must in any garden <3 <3 <3 Thank you so much Dutch Passion for this blessing of an opportunity and for everything you guys do for the community much respect and appreciation <3<3<3 Everyone best of luck for the contest this was an amazing and fun one <3 <3 <3 As always thank you all for stoping by for the love and for it all, i truly appreciate and enjoy the ride so much more with you guys around <3 <3 <3 you guys make me fell super blessed <3 <3 <3 #aptus #aptusplanttech #aptusgang #aptusfamily #aptustrueplantscience #inbalancewithnature #trueplantscience #growerslove #dogdoctoofficial With true love comes happiness <3 <3 <3 Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing in return and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so <3 <3 <3 More info and updates @ <3 <3 <3 Growers love to you all <3 <3 <3 I will post more photos from her dry trimmed bud report smoke etc asap <3 <3 <3 and need to clean space on my iPad so that i can upload the rest of them photos and videos , my apologies <3 <3 Done hehehe waiting on this beauties to dry now <3 <3 <3
OMG OMG OMG finding hard to put on words all i am felling with this one, she was a delight to grow and without trying yet her medicine she wen strait to my top 3, i mean super strong Mama, strong to everything pests you name it, amazing structure her terpene profile is taking me back to the 90s with her almost like gasoline smell mixed with limes and pines OMG cant wait to try out this one much but much respect to DutchPassion on this creation of them she is so so so , like glue that you cant touch without getting it everywhere <3 <3 haded the last 3 weeks and harvest time-lapse i fell like this one could have gone more than the 71 days in flower that she did, but there is no time for that in this run but i will run her again thats for sure and a must for me. Guys trust me on this one , she is a must , a real must in any garden <3 <3 <3 Thank you so much Dutch Passion for this blessing of an opportunity and for everything you guys do for the community much respect and appreciation <3<3<3 Everyone best of luck for the contest this was an amazing and fun one <3 <3 <3 As always thank you all for stoping by for the love and for it all, i truly appreciate and enjoy the ride so much more with you guys around <3 <3 <3 you guys make me fell super blessed <3 <3 <3 #aptus #aptusplanttech #aptusgang #aptusfamily #aptustrueplantscience #inbalancewithnature #trueplantscience #growerslove #dogdoctoofficial With true love comes happiness <3 <3 <3 Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing in return and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so <3 <3 <3 More info and updates @ <3 <3 <3 Growers love to you all <3 <3 <3 I will post more photos from her dry trimmed bud report smoke etc asap <3 <3 <3 and need to clean space on my iPad so that i can upload the rest of them photos and videos , my apologies <3 <3 Done hehehe waiting on this beauties to dry now <3 <3 <3
28/11/2022 - Inizio della seconda settimana, ho preparato una soluzione abbastanza tenera partendo da una base osmotica, dato circa 0,5l per pianta appena accese le luci. 30/11/2022 - Eseguito topping su tutte le piante, forse un piccolo azzardo sua Cookie Kush che era rimasta un pochino indietro. Vediamo come va! 01/12/2022 - Le piante sembrano aver reagito bene al topping, oggi ho dato un "abbondante" irrigata a tutte le piante, circa 1 litro per vaso e un pò meno nei tre vasi più piccoli.
Deoliated and trained! Even did a little video showcase! In love with this round from Fastbuds!!!!! Gonna get a great harvest!
Giorno 3 annaffiata con 2,5L di acqua