W19 (Harvest)
Last day before harvest.
Harvest day!
Installed a humidifier outside the tent, set to 55% aiming for a 60% humidity inside the dry tent.
After 10 days of drying she is ready to be trimmed.
While posting this a couple of months later i found out that i totally forgot to make pictures and video's of the trimmed buds 😅
End result #1:
37 Grams of dried buds.
35.84 Grams of dried trim and very small buds, into the freezer.
I would describe pheno 1 as normal frosty, almost stone like buds, smells chemical with hints of dish soap (i really like it!)
I cant describe the taste but it was very tasty out of the box, before the cure, very sad i only had 37 grams of it haha.
End result #2:
Around 70 grams of dried buds.
43.23 Grams of dried trim and small buds, into the freezer for bubble hash.
I would describe pheno 2 as very frosty buds, little bit fluffy, smells very gassy, with a nice sour taste after curing a couple of months.
Very interesting strain, i will definitely grow it again!
I have some trim and small buds saved up from different strains and i will be posting a diary of the full process making hash of them!
If you are interested in me making bubble hash feel free to follow me as i will make some in the next month, this way you keep notified!