Week 3 - Lemon Jeffrey (FEM)
Lemon Jeffrey by IRIE Genetics (6 Starts for 2 Finishers)
63-70 Days Flower (9 - 10 Weeks)
Seeds Wet: Monday 14 May 2023
Harvest Date Range: [ 2023-06-30, 2024-07-07]
Must Do before Week End
- [ ] Electrical Tape over power plug lit switch & Humidifier Fan Charging Light
Start of week:
- Dates: [06-05-2023:LJ2Q 22:S:3:1, 06–1-2023:LJ2Q 28:S:3:7 ]
- LightIntensity: [ 490, µMol/s2/m2 ]
- LightDistance: [ 19.5, in]
End of Week:
- Plant Height Range: [ 4, 5, in]
- Water/Day/Plant: [100, ml]
- LightIntensity: [ 405, µMol/s2/m2]1
- Temp: [81 , °F]
- RH: [ 69, %]
- VPD: [ 0.87, kPa]
- Scotoperiod: [ 6, hrs]
Environment NOTES:
- Because room temperature overnight is 68°F, we need to
1. Nightly (1900) CLOSE AC VENT to Grow Room
2. Daily (0700) OPEN Vent to Grow Room
- CLOSE Room Airflow during LOW TEMP periods(2200 - 0700)
- OPEN during HIGH TEMP Period (0700 - 2200)
I’ve enabled 4-6°F LOWER Temperatures by externalizing the LED’s (Meanwell) Driver. However, since inflow is 68°F from 2200 - 0600, the tent, especially when plants are small, reverts to the Room Temperature. Blocking airflow to the room during the 68°F Period allows the room to warm to desired grow temperatures (74-78°F)
SOG Strategy
- Eliminate weak, funky plants
- @18” Height @ Flip to 12/12 (or …?)
- Target Minimal DLI: 40 Mol/day (Optimal w/out CO2 Supplementation)
- Ref: https://hortamericas.com/blog/science/mastering-light-management-optimizing-crop-performance/'
- 8 Plants, Single Colas, Sea of Green
- CLEAN All Instruments before use
- Light Strengthveg := 100 + (#nodes * 100)
- Light Strengthflower := [ 1000, 600, µMol/s2/m2]
- Scotoperiodveg := [ 1300, 1900, 6, hr]
- Scotoperiodflower := [ 0700-1900, 12, hr]
- Vegetation (Week 3)
- Temp: 78-84°F
- VPD 1.0 ± 0.1
- Photoperiod: 18/6
- Light Strength: 400-500 µMol/s2/m2
- Fertigation
- Primer A: [ 4, ml, gal]
- Primer B: [ 4, ml, gal]
- Silica Skin: [ 2, ml, gal]
- Augments per QUART
- CalMag Fuel: [ 2, ml, gal]
- Lush Green: [ 2, ml, gal]
- Root Anchor: [ 2, ml, gal]
- EC: 1.1 - 1.5, pre-Transplant
- EC: 1.1 - 1.2 post-Transplant
- Bolt (3 Weeks) (Week 4-6) (F1-F3)
- Temp: 78-82°F
- VPD: 1.0 ± 0.1
- Photoperiod: 12/12
- Light Strength: 930 µMol/s2/m2
- Rooted Leaf Hydro (Reservoir), (RLA EC 0.8 - 1.6 - Half the RLA Hydro Chart)
- Primer A, Primer B: [ 8 ml, gal]
- Silica Skin: [ 4, ml, gal]
- EC: 1.1 - 1.7 # 1.1, 1.4, 1.7
- Mid Flower (2 Weeks) (Week 7-8) (F4-F5)
- Temp: 78-82°F
- VPD: 1.2 ± 0.1
- Photoperiod: 12/12
- Light Strength: 930 µMol/s2/m2
- EC: 1.7
- Late Flower (Week 9-13) (F5-F9)
- Temp: 78-80°F
- VPD: 1.2 ± 0.2
- Photoperiod: 12/12
- Light Strength: [930, 850, µMol/s2/m2]
- EC: 1.7 - 1.3 # Week 9-11
- EC: 1.3 - 1.2 # Week 12
- EC: 1.1 # Week 13
- Finish (Week 14) ( F10)
- Temp: 78°F
- VPD: 1.3 ± 0.2
- PPFD: 750 peak
- Resin Bloom ONLY
- EC: 0.8
- Temp: 78-82°F
- VPD 0.90 ± 0.50 (0.85 - 1.0 mbar)
Rooted Leaf Hydro 0.8 - 1.6 EC (Half the Hydro Chart Week 1):
- Primer A: [ 4, ml, gal]
- Primer B: [ 4, ml, gal]
- Silica Skin: [ 2, ml, gal]
- SLF-100: [ 5, ml, gal]
- EC: 1.1 - 1.2MAX
- Per Feed Supplements: # (Mix&Feed Nutes Only)
- Cal Mag Fuel: [ 2, ml, gal], [0.25, ml, pt]]
- Lush Green: [ 2, ml, gal], [ 0.25, ml, pt]]
- Root Anchor: [ 2, ml, gal], [ 0.25, ml, pt]]
- EC: 0.8(1.1), 0.9(1.2)
Mon 05 Jun 2-23 # Up Plant Week
LJ2Q 22:S:3:1
- Raising Light Distance & Dimmer Intensity, Maintain
Services & Tools -> Analysis Services -> Basic/Advanced Options -> Basic Options
- ing PPFD @ 475
- Goal is to reduce PPFD Differential across different sized plants.
- Increasing to week 2 RLA-Light Chart
- EC: 1.1 - 1.2
- CalMag Fuel: [ 2, ml, gal]
- Lush Green: [ 2, ml, gal]
- Root Anchor: [ 2, ml, gal]
- Dilute to EC: 1.1 - 1.2 mS

Tue 06 May 2023
LJ2Q 23:S:3:2

Wed 07 May 2023
LJ2Q 24:S:3:3
- Mix 0.75 Gal Feed
- CalMag Fuel: [ 2, ml, gal]
- Lush Green: [ 2, ml, gal]
- Root Anchor: [ 2, ml, gal]
- Photosynthesis Plus: [ 6, ml, gal]
- Quillaja 20 Extract: [ 1, gm, gal]
- EC: 1.3
Thu 08 Jun 2023
LJ2Q 25:S:3:4
- Jun 11th will be 4 weeks complete - good time for flip. ;-}
- Mix 0.75 Gal Feed
- CalMag Fuel: [ 2, ml, gal]
- Lush Green: [ 2, ml, gal]
- Root Anchor: [ 2, ml, gal]
- Photosynthesis Plus: [ 6, ml, gal]
- Quillaja 20 Extract: [ 1, gm, gal]
- EC: 1.3 # EC: 1.4 NEXT FILL (Diluted EC from 1.5 to 1.3)
- Cleaned Fertigation Chiller
- Flush for 20 minutes with 2 Gallons of water
- 10 ml/gal SLF-100
- 1 Cup of Kombucha Vinegar
- Run tube dry, stop pump
- 2nd Flush
- Rinse tank of any solid elements
- Refill with 2 Gal warm/hot water
- 1 Cup of 30% Vinegar
- Run for 1 hour
- Rinse
- Rinse Tank
- Fill with 1 Gallon CLEAN Water
- Run for 5 minutes
- Dump Water

- Solar Rain/Silica Skin Foliar to All Seedlings
Friday 09 Jun 2023
LJ2Q 26:S:3:5
- [x] Mix 0.75 Gal Feed
- [x] CalMag Fuel: [ 2, ml, gal]
- [x] Lush Green: [ 2, ml, gal]
- [x] Root Anchor: [ 2, ml, gal]
- [x] EC: 1.3 # EC: Keeping it here for a bit - a few leaf tips barely show yellow tips (tiny)
Saturday Supplies Needed
- [x] 30% Vinegar
- [x] Duct Tape (For Polyester Tents)
- [x] Central Drain Bucket
- [x] Black Silicon Tubing (OD: 10mm, ID 8mm)
Sat 10 Jun 2023
LJ2Q 27:S:3:6
- [x] Mix 0.75 Gal Feed
- [x] CalMag Fuel: [ 2, ml, gal]
- [x] Lush Green: [ 2, ml, gal]
- [x] Root Anchor: [ 2, ml, gal]
- [x] EC: 1.4 # +0.1
Saturday Night # Transplant/Flip Prep, Adding Peak Bloom Starter
- [x] Mix 0.75 Gal Feed
- [x] Peak Bloom: [ 1, ml, gal]
- [x] Root Anchor: [ 2, ml, gal]
- [x] Lush Green: [ 2, ml, gal]
- [x] CalMag Fuel: [ 2, ml, gal]
- [x] EC: 1.5 # +0.1
- [x] Select 8 Keepers
- [x] Prep 1 Gal pots
- [x] Light Seal Tent
- [x] Prep Chiller
- [x] 3 Gallons Rooted Leaf Hydro, EC: 1.1 (From 1.3 start at 1.1, ramp to 1.5, +0.2 EC/Fill
Sun 11 Jun 2023
LJ2Q 28:S:3:7
- [x] TRANSPLANT 1L -> 4 Liter
- [x] Install Plants in Tent
Hydro Feet Chart is 1.6 - 3.2, Cut in Half for Light Hydro
Flower through week 8, EC ~1.7
Flower week 8, EC 1.5
Flowers week 9, EC: 1.1
Flower Week 10, EC: 0.8 / Resin Bloom Only
- Dust Great White on roots, Wear Mask
- Spray Aloe Vera Solution
- Install in Tent
- Calibrate Drip Rings
- Bags for Gifts