8/13-19. Hello friends, welcome to week 15. 8/13 Pictures of tricomes today. This is a difficult process to photograph, hold microscope, keep image still, push the button. Phone shakes, start again. Here are a few of them that weren't just a blur across the screen. I would say trichomes are100% milky. New pistils are still forming on multiple buds on both Gaia and Circe. 8/14 Well damn, based on yesterday's question regarding new hairs forming and when to harvest, it appears CBG is harvested early when the trichomes are milky. You DONT wait for amber. Thus, I will be starting the harvesting process today. I have been flushing for several weeks to reverse lockout but just resumed light fertilizer yesterday, not expecting to harvest now. Today, I flushed with 2 gallons of water with 9ml Signal. Signal can act like a flushing agent. I think nutrient residue will be limited. Hopefully, the late harvesting will not be detrimental to the flavor and more importantly the effect. I'm glad I have 1 more seed that i can grow later, hopefully to perfection. I have already turned off the lights in the tent but will keep the fans and vent on. Plants will be in 2 days of darkness before the chop and dry cycle. Some how I miss counted how many edibles we had (or we enjoyed them so much, we ate extra servings). So today I did double baking. Samoa bars and lemon curd brownie bars. Recipe in week 4. These are cake like. Modifications I did, reduce sugar by replacing with monkfruit sugar. The result is not as sweet as a lemon cake. While not required, a lemon glaze would be nice on this. Side note: I am a very organized person. As director of financial reporting, I was responsible for monthly, quarterly and annual reporting. I planned out my major work 18 months before the due date. I prepared the timelines for all reporting and staff deadlines and due dates from supporting departments. Even with multiple schedules for State and local reporting with short deadlines, i never was stressed out. Why, because I know the process, what's involved, how the schedules and numbers interrelate. I'm so new at growing, I still haven't mastered the basics. Having to react all of a sudden to new information (harvesting late) and jump into gear to resolve is stressful to me. I had many setbacks on this grow. Not all were my fault. I followed the TPS1 auto flower dosages by week and still over fed resulting in nutrients lock. Next grow, I'll plan trimming dates, stress training dates and expected harvest dates. I will still use the TPS1but will reduced the autoflower amount to 1/2. Currently I'm researching living soil to use in future grows. 8/16 today I am sad. Sad that my grow is ending, sad that the grow environment was not ideal regarding nutrients, sad that I missed the optimum harvest window. They remain In the dark with fans and vent on.. Also I brought in the outside girls to put in darkness. Since I'm off my schedule, I give you some entertainment. You've been on GD for a while today. Get up and stretch and get cardio. Look up Sidh. See pic. Hot out of Europe, bagpipes like you've never heard before. 8/17 The girls have been in darkness for 2 days with no water. I opened the tent for pictures. Circe had aphids 😱. All the gals came out of the tent for examination. The other 2, Gaia and cream caramel are in air pots and did not have any bugs. Circe seemd to suffer the most from the fertilizer problem so was more stressed and susceptible to pests. Remember, I had to transplant her early on to a fabric bag. The fabric made a nice home for the aphids. This confirms not to use fabric for my weed grows. Today was wet trim and chop. I decided to get wet weight on Circe but hold off on trim. Weighed prior to spraying with the her off with the hose. She is hanging to dry but I am undecided whether to toss her or not. From my question, growers indicated that I was way past the harvest window based on King crown buds and it may have degraded to CBN and to toss. I have hope for Gaia and will take her thru cure and smoke. There are no amber trichomes on either Gaia or Circe at the start of 15 weeks even after missing the chop window. That may be the result of nutrient lockout or that CBG trichomes don't turn amber. If any one knows please let me know. I trimmed cream caramel while hubby trimmed Gaia. These ladies are hanging together in the garage. Circe is there too but on the other side of the room. Everything in the tent came out for alcohol wipe down and sprayed with Fox Farm "Don't Bug Me". Nothing goes back in the tent until I confirm all infestation has been cleared. The soil Circe was growing in has been disposed of in the ditch. The other soils in the air pots will be amended and reused. 8/18 trimmed outside girls. Had some bud damage. Not sure if bud rot or bug/worm damage? 8/19 well after power wash spray and 2 days of hanging, Circe still had a few aphids crawling around. So I chopped to pieces and put in the trash can. I didn't want to bring the infestation to my compost pile. The soil from fabric bag was spread out at the back of the yard. I have all the girls in the tent hanging and drying. So 2 weeks or so for smoke rreview. Wet weights Godesses and tent mates Circe 750g she was the largest. Unfortunate that I had to trash her. Gaia 508g Cream Caramel 616g Gelato 41 358g Outside girls Northern lights 282g Critical +2 120g All plants are hanging in the tent with a fan rotating outside the tent for air circulation. ***** SEEDSMAN DESCRIPTION: CBG, or cannabigerol to give it its full name, has received a lot of attention recently as a 'new' cannabinoid. Seedsman CBG Relief Auto allows growers to explore the virtues of CBG by way of a new auto-flowering strain. While it produces large amounts of CBG virtually no THC or CBD is present in mature plants grown from these seeds making it a completely legal choice in many countries. Characteristics: Breeder/Brand Seedsman Genetics Unknown Variety Mostly Sativa Flowering Type Autoflowering Sex Feminised Max. THC Content % 0% CBD Content % Low (0-1%) Taste/Flavour Floral Effect Body|Relaxing Medicinal Properties Currently being researched. Flowering Time 56 - 63 days from seed
Big, fat, thick, hard, smelly, pretty buds. What more can you ask for?.....Very pleased! Thanks Barney's!
Hey guys so it was an easy and nice run, a little bit disappointed with the outcome, only 223g with 3 plants but happy with the quality of the buds. Plant n.1 : 99g Plant n.2 : 63g Plant n.3 : 61g The curing phase start today so I will update soon for the smoke report.
Pretty happy with this girl. She dit well in the hot conditions and recovered well with some incidents that accord in the veg stage. The denseness of the bud is like a cricket ball. Rock hard and packing the grinder full. The some is delicious. Cured her for 1 month and she was ripping in a joint. Had plenty fun and energetic moments with sativa. Will be growing this girl soon again with no hiccups 🔥 Shouts to fast buds for this naughty strain
Я. Севодня. Решил. Срезать эту. Девочку как. Думаити. Это. Правильно ?
Welcome growfessors to the harvest of Green Crack! This strain has been a pleasure to grow, very hearty strain, small and compact during veg then a nice stretch in bloom. Sticky dense buds, strong fuel smell with an underlying sweet aroma. Will update in 2 weeks with the initial smoke report and dry weight. Update April 30 - dry weight of 155 grams. Buds are big but not as dense as the LSD buds. Initial smoke report, earthy tones with a bit of fuel.
Had my run-in with powdery mildew midway through flower. But bud-washing was my savior! Completely killed all the pm and left me with a still incredibly strong end result. Its seriously some of the smoothest stuff I've grown to date, when smoked in a pipe.. I will be taking away 2 stars from the review because of the susceptibility to pm, however. This grow was a success as far as the autos go, overall... The photoperiod gal still has a few more days. Either way, I highly recommend this strain. Don't make my mistakes, make sure you keep your tent clean the whole grow through, ALONG with the air quality(just as important as the tent itself). That's where I honestly failed. After reading how spore transference works, I felt like such a knucklehead keeping my tent in a... 'homely' condition. Either way, lessons were had and I'm not one to make the same mistake twice! Cheers everyone, hope you all harvest some dankness as well 😀
Sorry guys as i have not weigh my buds much because ive been smoking them little by little 😂😂👌 so on my first harvest i had 12Gs. And on this one i think about 15-20gs well i need to weigh them when they are dry. Posting now cause i might be busy. Hopefully next grow i will have more time organizing my journals ❤️
Seconda settimana di fioritura, lo stretch sembra alle fasi finali e già iniziano a spuntare i primi accenni di fiori, adesso arriva la parte divertente!
Looking good 👍 Mars Hydro 's really doing a good job!!
Espero que os guste el resultado final. Buenos humos y nos vemos en proximos seguimientos
The ladies are looking good 3 had a rough start but it was either ph or nitro deficiency using nftg#4 for base soil and building a living soil...I topdressed 1/4 cup craft blend and 2 tbls Bokashi...
The ladies are looking good 3 had a rough start but it was either ph or nitro deficiency using nftg#4 for base soil and building a living soil...I topdressed 1/4 cup craft blend and 2 tbls Bokashi...
The ladies are looking good 3 had a rough start but it was either ph or nitro deficiency using nftg#4 for base soil and building a living soil...I topdressed 1/4 cup craft blend and 2 tbls Bokashi...
Ну вот и закончился наш короткий путь выращивания сатива-доминантного сорта. К сожалению, размер бокса не позволил полноценно включить лампу, так как растение сильно вытянулось и стало получать световые ожоги, плюс еще сыграл недостаток кальция. Изначально хотел 8 больших, толстых и симметричных колл, но пришлось гнуть дополнительно. На фотографии видно, что все ветки закручены по спирали - это пытался решить проблему сильно низкого освещения. Давно не растил сативный сорт и забыл, что в начале цветения растение ну очень сильно вытягивается. В итоге, из-за LST во время цветения, нижние этажи тоже вытянулись и вместо 8 колл получилось в 3 раза больше. Все-таки мне мой метод больше нравится, чем ML, так как времени уходить меньше, стресса меньше, а результат такой же. Снял 607 грамм больших веток и около 100 грам всякой мелочевки. Немножечко пересушил. Так бы вышло грамм 200 чистых шишек. Придется чуток их увлажнить. Вцелом очень доволен собой и результатом. Спасибо что заглянули и порадовались вместе со мной.
Germino cerca de navidad pasada con muchas expectativas de este cruce las cuales ha cumplido muy bien, sabores muy ricos dulces, resistente a métodos de stress y trasplantes, se muestra en fotos tamaño de brotes compactos y carnosos, se pesa solo brotes sin ramas solo necesarias