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Week 18 Middle August : weather is changing. Return of heat and humidity: 28 degrees, a little bit rain. A heat wave is coming but near the ocean the maximum will be around 32 degrees. It’s good to grow in greenhouse during this period : -ventilation control: I adapted the rythme: for now it’s around 18h/24h intermittently -pests and diseases control: insect’s traps natural and artificial, less heat -humidity control: no rain problem Daylight 14h: 7h/21h Flowering time 😁. Healthy plant, beautiful green color, just a few yellow leaves on the base. More watering: 1,5L every 60 hours Same cocktail: Calmag (0,5ml/L)+ FloraGro (2ml/L), FloraMicro (2ml/L), FloraBloom (1ml/L) + Root booster + Cannazym Feeding soil with guano bat (NPK 3/6/10) for a slow dispersion + dried horn and blood (NOK 13/0/0) for nitrogen add. Protecting plant: sprayed Neem Oil, added diatomaceous earth on soil. I will make a defoliation soon.
Beginning of week.. I raised the lights a little.. They are at 50% power at 18" (roughly) from the plants. The ladies are getting from 420 to 500 PPFD. Went ahead and fed them some extra FloraMicro this week.. I'm guessing they are just very hungry girls.. And I'm thinking the pH in the rootzone issue is not clearing up at all.. BUT.. It seems like no matter what pH I water them with.. The runoff ALWAYS comes out at 5.8 or 5.9 with the Mandarin Cookies and 5.8 or 5.7 with the ETHOS Cookies.. So if you want to reuse your coco coir.. Make sure to remove ALL the roots. The girls dont look too bad at all.. And that's why I'm guessing they just needed more nutes in the mix.. We shall see how this week goes! Mid week.. They are looking alot better! Mandarin Cookies is exploding woth growth.. ETHOS Cookies is growing slow but she is growing for sure.. I think I may need to remove a node or 2 on the ETHOS Cookies.. I could just leave it.. But the very top 2 are covering alot of tops.. I could make some clones from it.. Hmm.. All-in-all.. I'm happy with how these girls are growing for now tho.. This rootzone issue isnt going away.. But I think I found a way to make it work out.. I've been watering a little differently.. Here is a bit of an example: Day 1: Feed at 6.5 Day 3: Water at 6.4 Day 5: Feed at 6.3 Day 7: Water at 6.2 Day 9: Feed at 6.5 Day 11: Water at 6.4 Day 13: Feed at 6.3 Day 15: Water at 6.2 Etc... The runoff is staying above 5.5 each time.. But as I lower the pH, the runoff pH lowers as well (obviously).. So I think watering this way has helped keep these gorgeous ladies happy.. And theyare also very hungry.. I may have to start watering one plant every other day.. Water plant 1 tomo.. Water plant 2 the next day.. Then plant 1 the next day and then plant 2 the next day etc... 1 reason I want to start doing it that way is because I think the ETHOS Cookies isn't needing as much nutes as the Mandarin Cookies.. But they are looking great. Very happy and so are they! The heat has been insane lately.. So at the hottest part of the day I try to just turn the light down to 25% for 4 hours or so.. I hate having to do that.. But it's all I can do for now.. Or maybe change the light/dark hours.. Blah.. Whatever, they are happy! End of week.. I supercropped 2 branches.. They pretty much healed up and are already back to normal.. Like it didnt bring them down any lower at all lol.. It straightened back up and its as if nothing happened.. Just a big ass (MOOSE) knuckle lol.. But I stopped using the Kushie Kush and was just using the normal Gen Hydro FloraBloom in the mix. Will be upping the FloraGro next week! Wow.. Such hungry ladies! It's been so long since I've grown a bigger photo period.. I forgot how much they can take!.. On to the next!...
Put in grow cages and tied main branches down for LST or Mainlining . Continuing Boogie Brew and Wallace Wonder Grow alternating each brand every other week. Weeks 13 through now have deployed 1/2 strength Earth Juice Original 5 w/ Hi Brix. I trim cover crop when needed to slowly add mulch/slow release notrogen as clovers, vetches, millet cowpeas, lentils flax and peas are broken down by tons of bugs in the living soil.
Was a little bit challenging for me, due to the outdated nutrients table, mostly on the Flowering period, also little thing like i have to fill more the pots, also with this kind a strain and also with cuts instead of seeds, may be is better to don't do the topping and don't loose time and energy on the vegetative period. At the same time, more or less about the 8th week of flowering it starts to appear something like Alternalia or Overfeed of Phosphor still don't sure. All this issues have impact the grow in terms of the size of the branches and the whole plant, the size of the buds and the hardness. In strictly terms about the strain, the quality is out of mind, amount of resin is crazy, just have to improve my skills and get bigger crops
Germination date 🌰 10/03/2021 Day 99 🌱 22/06/2021 Strain 🍁 Purple Matcha, Humboldt seed bank Nutrients 💉 Advanced nutrients PH perfect sensi grow A+B (veg) PH perfect sensi bloom A+B (flower) B-52 (through veg until week2 of flower) Voodoo juice (🖕🏻) Tarantula (🖕🏻) Piranha (🖕🏻) Sensizym (all the way through) Rhino skin (🖕🏻) add first leave for an hour Big bud coco (week2+ of flower Bud xfactor (🖕🏻) Nirvana (🖕🏻) Bud igniter (first 2weeks of flower) Overdrive (last 2weeks of flower) Flawless finish (flush week) RockHoldings Rockresinator(week2+ of flower) Vitalink calmag Set Up ⛺ amazon special 1.2m x1.2m 💡 spiderfarmer sf4000 📤📥 AC infinity 6inch 💧 10lt dehumidifier Notes🗒️✏️ We are done 🌱👍🏻 dripping in ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ Another beauty of a grow finished, I just hope I can get the cure right with no a/c. Humboldt have seriously smashed this strain. Great for beginners as it will take everything you give it. Stand by for the havest results and thanks for following everyone means alot ❤️🍁 Massive thanks to PharmaZ for sorting us out and helping us along, top bloke go follow 👍🏻 Stay turned and happy growing fam ❤️🍁🌱👍🏻
Great harvest! Ended up a little shy of 12 ounces from the two plants, all super dense sticky top buds!! It’s smooth, flavorful and strong! Love it!
Great harvest! Ended up a little shy of 12 ounces from the two plants, all super dense sticky top buds!! It’s smooth, flavorful and strong! Love it!
Great harvest! Ended up a little shy of 12 ounces from the two plants, all super dense sticky top buds!! It’s smooth, flavorful and strong! Love it!
Great harvest! Ended up a little shy of 12 ounces from the two plants, all super dense sticky top buds!! It’s smooth, flavorful and strong! Love it!
This beauty is the Choco Kush auto, from Amsterdam genetics, she is 9 weeks old, started flowering at around 4 weeks. First part of her life she was just in the growing tent, the last 4 weeks she has been sunbathing in the garden, for about 10 hours almost everyday. In the night she is back in the growing tent. So 24 hours light program, LED combined with sunlight. She loves her nutrients from biobizz in every water, the ration is 3-4 ml per 1 litre water. She received about 2 times in the first 5 weeks of life the boomboom spray. She is a midget. But a midget beast with some beautiful flowers, that stink in the entire garden.
Planta de crecimiento no muy exigente, no demanda grandes cantidades de agua y nutrientes. En este caso solo apliqué LST y respondió bastante bien. Formó un buen tallo principal y una estructura ramificada y firme. Lo mejor de todo viene en la floración, adivina porque?... COLORES!, alrededor de la 3era semana comienzan a aflorar tonalidades rojizas, púrpura, rosas que deslumbrarán a cualquiera. Sus cogollos son más bien aireados y desprenden un fuerte olor cítrico como a cáscara de naranja intensamente dulce. En fin, una genética de calidad y con una visual hermosa y aromas asombrosos!. En lo personal prefiero los brotes más densos y compactos, pero me encantó todo el proceso de esta hermosa planta, totalmente recomendada!
Planta de crecimiento no muy exigente, no demanda grandes cantidades de agua y nutrientes. En este caso solo apliqué LST y respondió bastante bien. Formó un buen tallo principal y una estructura ramificada y firme. Lo mejor de todo viene en la floración, adivina porque?... COLORES!, alrededor de la 3era semana comienzan a aflorar tonalidades rojizas, púrpura, rosas que deslumbrarán a cualquiera. Sus cogollos son más bien aireados y desprenden un fuerte olor cítrico como a cáscara de naranja intensamente dulce. En fin, una genética de calidad y con una visual hermosa y aromas asombrosos!. En lo personal prefiero los brotes más densos y compactos, pero me encantó todo el proceso de esta hermosa planta, totalmente recomendada!
Este semana he puesto en macetas de 11 litros los 3 bebés , he subido un vídeo con el transplante , también he usado 5 gramos de micro vida ( top crop) por cada 10 litros de tierra , mañana voy a regar porque han pasado 3 días , voy a usar green explosión (1ml/l) en el agua de riego(ph 6,0-6,5) y vía foliar(ph 7 ) , voy a regar con 300 ml de agua por cada planta