Beginning of week..
I raised the lights a little.. They are at 50% power at 18" (roughly) from the plants. The ladies are getting from 420 to 500 PPFD. Went ahead and fed them some extra FloraMicro this week.. I'm guessing they are just very hungry girls.. And I'm thinking the pH in the rootzone issue is not clearing up at all.. BUT.. It seems like no matter what pH I water them with.. The runoff ALWAYS comes out at 5.8 or 5.9 with the Mandarin Cookies and 5.8 or 5.7 with the ETHOS Cookies.. So if you want to reuse your coco coir.. Make sure to remove ALL the roots. The girls dont look too bad at all.. And that's why I'm guessing they just needed more nutes in the mix.. We shall see how this week goes!
Mid week..
They are looking alot better! Mandarin Cookies is exploding woth growth.. ETHOS Cookies is growing slow but she is growing for sure.. I think I may need to remove a node or 2 on the ETHOS Cookies.. I could just leave it.. But the very top 2 are covering alot of tops.. I could make some clones from it.. Hmm.. All-in-all.. I'm happy with how these girls are growing for now tho.. This rootzone issue isnt going away.. But I think I found a way to make it work out.. I've been watering a little differently.. Here is a bit of an example:
Day 1: Feed at 6.5
Day 3: Water at 6.4
Day 5: Feed at 6.3
Day 7: Water at 6.2
Day 9: Feed at 6.5
Day 11: Water at 6.4
Day 13: Feed at 6.3
Day 15: Water at 6.2
The runoff is staying above 5.5 each time.. But as I lower the pH, the runoff pH lowers as well (obviously).. So I think watering this way has helped keep these gorgeous ladies happy.. And theyare also very hungry.. I may have to start watering one plant every other day.. Water plant 1 tomo.. Water plant 2 the next day.. Then plant 1 the next day and then plant 2 the next day etc... 1 reason I want to start doing it that way is because I think the ETHOS Cookies isn't needing as much nutes as the Mandarin Cookies.. But they are looking great. Very happy and so are they! The heat has been insane lately.. So at the hottest part of the day I try to just turn the light down to 25% for 4 hours or so.. I hate having to do that.. But it's all I can do for now.. Or maybe change the light/dark hours.. Blah.. Whatever, they are happy!
End of week..
I supercropped 2 branches.. They pretty much healed up and are already back to normal.. Like it didnt bring them down any lower at all lol.. It straightened back up and its as if nothing happened.. Just a big ass (MOOSE) knuckle lol.. But I stopped using the Kushie Kush and was just using the normal Gen Hydro FloraBloom in the mix. Will be upping the FloraGro next week! Wow.. Such hungry ladies! It's been so long since I've grown a bigger photo period.. I forgot how much they can take!.. On to the next!...
Can't seem to shake my acidic reused coco/perlite mix.. Ph going in is 6.2 - 6.3... Runoff is coming out 5.8 - 5.9.. Ive even ran 6.5 thru the mediun and still coming out at 5.8 - 5.9.. Should I try 7.0??? Help please!!!
I think this is problem with coco buffer. Try to use more cal-mag and change your nutrient solution. Lower potassium, raise cal-mag.
Problems with coco pH - always about wrong watering and wrong composition of the nutrient solution.
p.s 5.8 pH its not bad for vegetation.
You would think.. maybe the chemical compounding wont allow it? Maybe that why damnnear all the other companies have the same exact ratios? Idk.. could be a possibility
Get a flood and drain table set up. Did soil for 6 years. All ph problems and lockouts and deficiency dissapears with a resevoir. I let mine go for 2 weeks at a time without changing. Couple airstones ph to 5.9 and my plants are bushier and greener and healthier than ive ever laid my eyes on. Would never go back to soil or coco.
@MackMurder, I don't think I have enough room for ebb and flow. Unless I really cram it all in there. I have been thinking of trying DWC tho. Just 5 gallon buckets with plenty of bubbles. Same nutes minus the organic stuff.. still using the hydroguard.