Alright so she is coming back to life and with better leaves as you can see, sad but true something happened to her before and I think she was getting too much water a d too little ventilation, now that the problem has been solved and nutes has been added with sprinkle water and sprinkle nutes every so often not everyday tho, good climate around 22/25C top
So she is ready to keep developing good
Also we transplanted her to a verte pot
We think soon she is going to need a bigger one but still we are thankful she is not dead and that she is strong enough to grow better <3
******UPDATED 06/05********
She is finally looking good
Im not sure what happened to her
But I do have an idea
And that is why i transplanted to better
And bigger pot
Now the issue is that after that a tiny drop of fertilizer probably fall into those first leaves that she grew up before but doesn't matter I knew with love and good caring plus good nutes and faith
I knew she was gonna go up
And she is going up thank God
She is growing good and finally getting shape as the others
This is a photoperiod so hopefully we have her in veggie for long time because we want her huge
Now guys please help me here
For how long can you have a photoperiod veggie and for how long and she still be Alive after bloom?
Just wondering if they are like an apple tree or some other tree that you plant outdoors and she lives forever I am wondering
Can someone tell?
Alright that iss for the record
Anyways guys im glad she is here with us
I am glad we are doing good
Thanks for visiting please let me win something help me out haha
Have fun guys love peace and blessings
Always showing love to this cold wolrd
Always real never fake
Siriuz loves y'all take care