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Today I spread eggshells and baking soda on the surface of the floor. I watered until wastewater came out and then immediately measured the pH. #1 drain ph 6.5 #2 drain ph 7 for both looking so sick, the pistils extremely large and resinous🤩 (Day 58) The baking powder probably didn't do them any good.But they look very good and are covered in trichomes.Even the stems where the buds begin are covered with trichomes. (Day 60) Watered 2500ml water and removed some dying leaves.(Day 62)
I am very pleased with this harvest, my buds are fragrant and very strong, I did not use too much of them, it gives me the ability to concentrate and think highly, the aroma and taste of mango and lemon. I have come very far with it. So great. And happy grow.
Tag 15: 🌱: Anscheinend hat mir die kleine Dame das gestrige Topping nicht zu übel genommen. Ich würde sogar behaupten, sie hat mittlerweile den Schock überwunden und das Wachstum wieder aufgenommen. Außerdem hat sie sich selbst bereits so gedreht, dass der Platz im Topf / in der Box gut ausgenutzt werden kann. 💧: Da die Erde um die Pflanze herum noch etwas feucht ist, wird erst morgen wieder gegossen. 💡: Die Beleuchtung bleibt zunächst unverändert (ca. 45cm Abstand, DLI ~16) 🤔: Die hellen Stellen auf den Fächerblättern machen mir etwas Sorgen. Vielleicht ein Stickstoffmangel? Morgen gibt es vermutlich etwas mehr vom Bio Grow und dann wird die Sache weiter beobachtet. Tag 16: 🌱: Keine besonderen Auffälligkeiten. 💧: Heute war die Erde trocken, daher gab es 1 Liter Nährstofflösung. 💡: DLI wurde auf 18 erhöht. Tag 17: 🌱: Keine besonderen Auffälligkeiten. Die Triebe entwickeln sich gut, ich denke am Wochenende kann ich mit dem LST beginnen. 💧: Erde ist noch nass. 💡: Die Beleuchtung bleibt zunächst unverändert (ca. 45cm Abstand, DLI ~18) 🤔: Die hellen Stellen scheinen sich auch auf den neuen Fächerblättern auszubilden, trotz extra Dosis Bio Grow und AlgaMic...wird weiter aufmerksam beobachtet. Tag 18: 🌱: Heute wurde vorsichtig mit dem LST begonnen und die 2 oberen Haupttriebe wurden etwas nach unten gezwungen. 💧: Erde ist noch nass. 💡: Die Beleuchtung wurde etwas hochgeregelt, auf einen DLI von ca. 20 (ca. 45cm Abstand). 🤔: So langsam machen mir die hellen Stellen immer mehr Sorgen. Die extra Dosis Bio Grow scheint daran nichts verändert zu haben und auch die kleine Dosis AlgAMic scheint nichts zu bewirken. Nach etwas weiterer Nachforschung denke ich, es könnte vielleicht auch ein Magnesiummangel sein. Laut Versorger hat das Leitungswasser: Calcium=89,6mg/l | Magnesium=6,2mg/l. Vermutlich fahre ich morgen mal in den Baumarkt und kaufe Bittersalz... Tag 19: 🌱: LST der 2 oberen Haupttriebe etwas angepasst. 💧: Erde ist noch nass. Trotzdem gab es für die kleine ein wenig Wasser aus der Spühflasche (ph-Wert 6,4) mit etwas Bittersalz (ca. 0,25g/l) 💡: Die Beleuchtung ist unverändert. Tag 20: 🌱: LST der 2 oberen Haupttriebe etwas angepasst und mit dem LST der unteren Triebe begonnen. 💧: Erde ist noch nass. Zusätzlich gab es jedoch ein paar Sprühstöße mit dem Bittersalzwasser. 💡: Die Beleuchtung ist unverändert. Tag 21: 🌱: Heute wurde mal wieder die Schere angesetzt. Zum Opfer fielen ihr die untersten, ersten Blattpaare am Stamm (1- bzw. 3-fingrig), 1-2 nach innen wachsende Blätter die die Triebe verschatteten, sowie die ersten Nebentriebe der unteren 2 Nebenarme. Zusätzlich wurde das LST nachjustiert. Ansonsten sehen die neueren Blätter aus, als würde sie gut auf das Bittersalz im Wasser reagieren. 💧: Erde ist noch feucht. 💡: Die Beleuchtung ist unverändert.
Seit dieser Woche bekommen die Pflanzen nur noch Wasser zu trinken. In der Box herscht ein unglaublicher Geruch, kann die kaum noch auf machen. Es geht dem ende zu und ich finde die Mädels könne sich doch für den ersten Indoor run wirklich sehen lassen oder? *eigener Schulter klopfer*
Da die Orange Bud an zwei stellen angefangen hat hab ich beschlossen sie etwas früher zu ernten. Hätte bestimmt noch eine Woche stehen können aber von den Trichomen fand ich es schon in Ordnung.
Hallo zusammen 🤙. Sie wächst sehr schön und macht keine Probleme.
9/24 Busy as fuck and personal emergencies always hit during harvest season. I took a few tops from my favorite gmo just so I have some if the weather fucks me. I'll take more today probably. WATERED YESTERDAY. I'll post pictures of dry flowers and do the reports. Three are still standing. That huge gmo is going to extracts though. 9/25 9/26 We are getting a week of rain. After looking at my trichs I decided to pull the GMO's I had left. I was sick of cutting branches due to grey mold and I was starting to lose buds to botrytis. Trichs got to about 10% amber on most. Maybe more. I worked like a mule. I was going to leave my favorite gmo and the sherb pie. However, my wife had multiple medical emergencies that required hospitalization. I couldn't risk letting my girls turn to mush if she had to stay. I'm glad with my decision. Everyone now I see is asking about bud rot and pm cures. This happened at the same time last year. She was hospitalized during late late flower. I couldn't keep this updated and I took the plants ad quickly as I could and rough wet trimmed some of them. Some plants got hung whole. I have been in trim jail. I have finished two plants and that is working my balls off. The one in the fifty and the event horizon. I'll do the harvest reports and add pictures but with my wife how she is and the work load I'm going to have to wait. I also left buds to ripen right before the rain and got lots of nice amber flowers that I froze to make a temple ball. I have lots of content. I just need time and a place to do it. I have one lone survivor. The seedling in the ten that seems to be a sativa hybrid. She's a beast and I think can handle the rain due to the fluffy buds. If I see problems I could easily carry it inside. I'll be back with some pics and videos but for now breaks. 9/28 Busy as FUCK. SICK. Been in and out of the hospital with the wife. Looking back on diaries she's in the hospital when I'm harvesting the past few years. I got two strains curing right now. I got a shit ton drying and I'm in trim jail. I haven't taken picturesor been on here but ill be more active i just havent hadcthe time. I'll wait until shits dry and I can do my harvest reports. I'll look to see if I have any pictures I can upload My sativa hybrid survived the rain. All this rain has made its leaves turn yellow and start to drop. It needs food I think. I'll check the trichs but I know it's not ready. The buds are like soda bottles but they are loose. Like a string of calyxes. I don't flgrow sativas so I'll have to ask for some help. I'm trying to decide if I should feed it. It looks hungry. I'm going to have to scope it and then I'll feed if necessary. I'll take pictures and a video when I have the chance. 9/29 Rain stopped and the sun came out. I need to take some pictures and put them up here and do a harvest report. My little BIG Sativa hybrid in the ten got scoped today. It's weird it's starting to foxtail some. . I've had tons of emergencies but I've bern kicking asses and taking names. I've got one GMO (one pheno was much faster flowering than the others), one event horizon and the sherb pie all curing. I'm just waiting on the others to dry. I've got a couple gmos that are just going to extract. One is really nice though and I'm keeping it for smoke. That's trimmed too. I have been working on the other event horizon which will be done today because it's time for it to be cured. I am sick and sore as fuck but I know how important this is and it's mine and my wife's medicine for the year. Sherb pie was a let down quantity wise but I let it get eaten by ear wigs for too long. I've got to get back to it but when I get it done I'll take the pictures and do the reports reports but this breaks over. I've got a BUNCH of fresh frozen too that I'm planning on running bubble hash with and aging a temple ball.
9/24 Busy as fuck and personal emergencies always hit during harvest season. I took a few tops from my favorite gmo just so I have some if the weather fucks me. I'll take more today probably. WATERED YESTERDAY. I'll post pictures of dry flowers and do the reports. Three are still standing. That huge gmo is going to extracts though. 9/25 9/26 We are getting a week of rain. After looking at my trichs I decided to pull the GMO's I had left. I was sick of cutting branches due to grey mold and I was starting to lose buds to botrytis. Trichs got to about 10% amber on most. Maybe more. I worked like a mule. I was going to leave my favorite gmo and the sherb pie. However, my wife had multiple medical emergencies that required hospitalization. I couldn't risk letting my girls turn to mush if she had to stay. I'm glad with my decision. Everyone now I see is asking about bud rot and pm cures. This happened at the same time last year. She was hospitalized during late late flower. I couldn't keep this updated and I took the plants ad quickly as I could and rough wet trimmed some of them. Some plants got hung whole. I have been in trim jail. I have finished two plants and that is working my balls off. The one in the fifty and the event horizon. I'll do the harvest reports and add pictures but with my wife how she is and the work load I'm going to have to wait. I also left buds to ripen right before the rain and got lots of nice amber flowers that I froze to make a temple ball. I have lots of content. I just need time and a place to do it. I have one lone survivor. The seedling in the ten that seems to be a sativa hybrid. She's a beast and I think can handle the rain due to the fluffy buds. If I see problems I could easily carry it inside. I'll be back with some pics and videos but for now breaks. 9/28 Busy as FUCK. SICK. Been in and out of the hospital with the wife. Looking back on diaries she's in the hospital when I'm harvesting the past few years. I got two strains curing right now. I got a shit ton drying and I'm in trim jail. I haven't taken picturesor been on here but ill be more active i just havent hadcthe time. I'll wait until shits dry and I can do my harvest reports. I'll look to see if I have any pictures I can upload My sativa hybrid survived the rain. All this rain has made its leaves turn yellow and start to drop. It needs food I think. I'll check the trichs but I know it's not ready. The buds are like soda bottles but they are loose. Like a string of calyxes. I don't flgrow sativas so I'll have to ask for some help. I'm trying to decide if I should feed it. It looks hungry. I'm going to have to scope it and then I'll feed if necessary. I'll take pictures and a video when I have the chance. 9/29 Rain stopped and the sun came out. I need to take some pictures and put them up here and do a harvest report. My little BIG Sativa hybrid in the ten got scoped today. It's weird it's starting to foxtail some. . I've had tons of emergencies but I've bern kicking asses and taking names. I've got one GMO (one pheno was much faster flowering than the others), one event horizon and the sherb pie all curing. I'm just waiting on the others to dry. I've got a couple gmos that are just going to extract. One is really nice though and I'm keeping it for smoke. That's trimmed too. I have been working on the other event horizon which will be done today because it's time for it to be cured. I am sick and sore as fuck but I know how important this is and it's mine and my wife's medicine for the year. Sherb pie was a let down quantity wise but I let it get eaten by ear wigs for too long. I've got to get back to it but when I get it done I'll take the pictures and do the reports reports but this breaks over. I've got a BUNCH of fresh frozen too that I'm planning on running bubble hash with and aging a temple ball.
Flowering day 64 Hey guys 😀 Today is the last day came 😍 The lady will be harvested tomorrow and hung upside down. In the last week, the fertilizer was significantly reduced to 350 ppm and less. Today it is no longer watered over the day until the harvest tomorrow morning. She looks so beautiful has a very strong smell and has grown perfectly from start to finish 💚 Have fun with the last growth update. See you at the harvest update 😀 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ‘Powered by GreenHouse Feeding’ Copy the link for 10% off all Nutrients 👇🏼 http://shop.greenhousefeeding.com/ affiliate/madelngermany_passiongrower/ 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 Water 💧 💧💧 Osmosis water mixed with Cal/Mag (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 220ppm and Ph with Ph- to 5.8 - 6.4 MadeInGermany
Flowering day 57 Hey guys 😀 The lady is coming to an end more and more and slowly begins to mature. Therefore, the fertilizer was reduced to 800 ppm. In der letzten Woche wird auf 350 ppm runter gefahren damit sie noch ein bisschen was hat was besser ist alles es komplett zu reduzieren auf 0. It will still need 7-10 days until it is finished. Until then, have fun with the update 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ‘Powered by GreenHouse Feeding’ Copy the link for 10% off all Nutrients 👇🏼 http://shop.greenhousefeeding.com/ affiliate/madelngermany_passiongrower/ 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 Water 💧 💧💧 Osmosis water mixed with Cal/Mag (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 290 ppm and Ph with Ph- to 5.8 - 6.4 MadeInGermany
Flowering day 50 Hey guys 😀 Today there is also a nice video for the week. It was the last time the fertilizer was increased to 1250 ppm. After that, it is slowly driven down again to mature. Enjoy the update 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ‘Powered by GreenHouse Feeding’ Copy the link for 10% off all Nutrients 👇🏼 http://shop.greenhousefeeding.com/ affiliate/madelngermany_passiongrower/ 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 Water 💧 💧💧 Osmosis water mixed with Cal/Mag (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 290 ppm and Ph with Ph- to 5.8 - 6.4 MadeInGermany
What an awesome finish to my first grow. I went full perpetual harvest and then I remember I have a job. I made mistakes, learned a ton, and got the cure right the first time. The indoor from a few weeks back is comparable to dank GSC/PPD from dispo
Welcome to my Ðivine ØĠ Ķush diary. In this diary: Seeds: sponsored by Ðivine Șeeds Media: Promix HP Nutrients: Advanced Nutrients, Diablo Nutrients, Gaia Green Power Bloom. Light and Weather: Şun☀️and Mother Earth.🌎 ___________________________ Feeding: Tue 17Sep: 9L water not pH'd Thu 19Sep: 4L Flawless Finish not pH'd Fri 20Sep: 4L Flawless Finish not pH'd Sat 21Sep:4L water not pH'd ___________________________ *please note that watering are from the top.....since i smashed the saucers with the weed wacker*🤦🏻‍♂️ ______________________________ Amazing weather throughout the week! Again☀️Sunny 26°C 😎"Except for today Monday 23-Sep-24 as per cloudy☁️photoshoot🙃😄 ______________________________ Did my flushing thing, it's happening😉 ______________________________ Thanks for stopping by, likes and comments are appreciated!👊🏻😎 Keep on growin! Keep on tokin!!! 😙💨💨💨💨💨
Welcome to my Ðivine ØĠ Ķush diary. In this diary: Seeds: sponsored by Ðivine Șeeds Media: Promix HP Nutrients: Advanced Nutrients, Diablo Nutrients, Gaia Green Power Bloom. Light and Weather: Şun☀️and Mother Earth.🌎 ___________________________ Feeding: Tue 17Sep: 9L water not pH'd Thu 19Sep: 4L Flawless Finish not pH'd Fri 20Sep: 4L Flawless Finish not pH'd Sat 21Sep:4L water not pH'd ___________________________ *please note that watering are from the top.....since i smashed the saucers with the weed wacker*🤦🏻‍♂️ ______________________________ Amazing weather throughout the week! Again☀️Sunny 26°C 😎"Except for today Monday 23-Sep-24 as per cloudy☁️photoshoot🙃😄 ______________________________ Did my flushing thing, it's happening😉 ______________________________ Thanks for stopping by, likes and comments are appreciated!👊🏻😎 Keep on growin! Keep on tokin!!! 😙💨💨💨💨💨
Welcome to my Øpium diary. In this diary: Seeds: sponsored by Ðivine Șeeds Media: Promix HP Nutrients: Advanced Nutrients, Diablo Nutrients, Gaia Green Power Bloom. Light and Weather: Şun☀️and Mother Earth.🌎 ___________________________ Feeding: Tue 17Sep: 8L water not pH'd Thu 19Sep: 4L Flawless Finish not pH'd Fri 20Sep: 4L Flawless Finish not pH'd Sat 21Sep:4L water not pH'd ___________________________ *please note that watering are from the top.....since i smashed the saucers with the weed wacker*🤦🏻‍♂️ ______________________________ Amazing weather throughout the week! Again☀️Sunny 26°C 😎"Except for today Monday 23-Sep-24 as per cloudy☁️photoshoot🙃😄 ______________________________ Did my flushing thing, it's happening😉 ______________________________ Thanks for stopping by, likes and comments are appreciated!👊🏻😎 Keep on growin! Keep on tokin!!! 😙💨💨💨💨💨
Welcome to my Øpium diary. In this diary: Seeds: sponsored by Ðivine Șeeds Media: Promix HP Nutrients: Advanced Nutrients, Diablo Nutrients, Gaia Green Power Bloom. Light and Weather: Şun☀️and Mother Earth.🌎 ___________________________ Feeding: Tue 17Sep: 8L water not pH'd Thu 19Sep: 4L Flawless Finish not pH'd Fri 20Sep: 4L Flawless Finish not pH'd Sat 21Sep:4L water not pH'd ___________________________ *please note that watering are from the top.....since i smashed the saucers with the weed wacker*🤦🏻‍♂️ ______________________________ Amazing weather throughout the week! Again☀️Sunny 26°C 😎"Except for today Monday 23-Sep-24 as per cloudy☁️photoshoot🙃😄 ______________________________ Did my flushing thing, it's happening😉 ______________________________ Thanks for stopping by, likes and comments are appreciated!👊🏻😎 Keep on growin! Keep on tokin!!! 😙💨💨💨💨💨